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children of the whirlwind-及3准

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t so much to gain knowledge of Larry as to draw her out。

;This Larrywhat sort of chap is he察Maggie拭─As with most artists察talking did not interfere with Hunt's painting。

Warm color slowly tinted Maggie's cheeks。 ;He's clever察─she said positively。 ;You already know that。 But I was only a girl when he was sent away。;

Hunt smiled at her idea of her present maturity察implied by her last sentence。 ;But you lived with the Duchess for a year before he was sent away。 You must have seen a lot of him察and got to know him well。;

;Oh察he used to come down now and then to see his grandmotherI was only fifteen or sixteen thenjust a girl察and he didn't pay much attention to me。 Father can tell you better just how smart he is。;

Old Jimmie spoke up promptly。 He knew Hunt was not a police stool察and he liked the painter as much as it was in him to like any man察so he felt none of the reserve or caution that might have controlled him in other company。

;You bet Larry's smart Got the quickest brain of any con man in the businessand him only about twenty´seven now。 Some think I'm a smooth proposition myself察but Larry puts it all over me。 That's why I'm willing to let him be my boss。 He's a wonder at thinking up new stunts察and then at working out safe new ways of putting them across。;

;But the police landed him at last察─commented Hunt。

;Yes察but that was only because another man muffed his end of the job。;

The handsome Barney Palmer had been restless during Old Jimmie's eulogy。 ;Oh察Larry's all to the goodbut he's not the only party that's got real ideas。;

;Huh ─grunted Old Jimmie。 ;But you'll remember that we haven't put over any big ones since Larry's been in stir。;

;That's been because you wouldn't listen to any of my ideas ─retorted Barney。 ;And I handed out some peaches。;

Even during the period of Larry's active reign it had irked Barney to accept another man as leader察and it had irked him even more during the interregnum while Larry was guest of the State。 For Barney believed in his own Napoleonic strain。

;Don't let yourself get sore察Barney察─Old Jimmie said appeasingly。 ;You'll have plenty of chances to try out your ideas as the main guy before you cash in。 You know the outfit wanted to lay low for a while察anyhow。 But we'll be putting over a lot of the big stuff when Larry gets out。;

Hunt had noted a quick light come into Maggie's dark eyes while her father praised the absent leader。 He himself suddenly perceived a new possibility。

;Maggie察ever think about teaming up with Larry拭─he demanded察with his audacious keenness。

She flushed察and hesitated。 He did not wait for her slow´coming reply察but turned to her father。

;Jimmie察did Larry ever use women in his stunts拭

;Never。 Whenever we suggested using a skirt察Larry absolutely said there was nothing doing。 That's one point where he was all wrong。 Nothing helps so much察when the sucker is at all sentimental察as a clever察good´looking woman。 And Larry'll come around to it all right。 He'll see the sense of it察now that he's older and has had two years to think things over。;

Old Jimmie nodded察showing his yellow teeth in a sly grin。 ;You said something a second ago此Maggie and Larry They'll make a wonder of a team I mean that she'll work under him with the rest of us。 I've been thinking about it a long while。 Mebbe you haven't guessed it察but we've been coaching her for the part察and she's just about ripe。 She's got the looks察and we can dress her right for whatever job's on hand。 Oh察Larry'll put over some great things with Maggie 

If Hunt felt that there was anything cynically unpaternal in this father planning for his daughter a career of crime察he gave no sign of it。 His attention was just then all on Maggie。 He saw her eyes grow yet more bright at these last sentences of her father此bright with the vision of approaching adventure。

;The idea suits you察Maggie拭─he asked。

;Sure。 It'll be greatfor Larry is a wonder 

Barney Palmer suddenly rose察his face twisted with anger。 ;I'm all fed up on this Larry察Larry察Larry Come on察Jimmie。 Let's get uptown。;

Wise Old Jimmie saw that Barney was near an outburst。 ;All right察Barney察all right察─he said promptly。 ;Not much use waiting any longer察anyhow。 If Larry comes察we'll fix it with the Duchess to meet him tomorrow。;

;Then so´long察Maggie察─Barney flung at her察and that swagger ex´jockey察gambler察and clever manipulator of the confidence of people with money察slashed aside the shabby burlap curtains with his wisp of a bamboo walking´stick察and strode out of the room。

;Good´night察daughter察─and Old Jimmie crossed and kissed her。 She kissed him backa perfunctory kiss。 Maggie had never paused to think the matter out察but for some reason she felt little real affection for her father察though of course she admired his astuteness。 Perhaps her unconscious lack of love was due in part to the fact that she had never lived with him。 Ever since she remembered he had boarded her out察here and there察as he was now boarding her at the Duchess'sand had only come to visit her at intervals察sometimes intervals that stretched into months。

;Barney is rather sweet on you察─remarked Hunt after the two were gone。

;I know he is察─conceded Maggie in a matter´of´fact way。

;And he seems jealous of Larryboth regarding you察and regarding the bunch。;

;He thinks he can run the bunch just as well as Larry。 Barney's clever all right察and has plenty of nervebut he's not in Larry's class。 Not by a million miles 

Hunt perceived that this daring察world´defying察embryonically beautiful model of his had idealized the homecoming nephew of the Duchess into her especial hero。 Hunt said no more察but painted rapidly。 Night had fallen outside察and long since he had switched on the electric lights。 He seemed not at all finicky in this matter of light察he had no supposedly indispensable north light察and midday or midnight were almost equally apt to find him slashing with brush or scratching with crayon。

Presently the Duchess entered。 No word was spoken。 The Duchess察noteworthy for her mastery of silence察sank into a chair察a bent and shrunken image察nothing seemingly alive about her but her faintly gleaming察deep´set eyes。 Several minutes passed察then Hunt lifted the canvas from the easel and stood it against the wall。

;That's all for to´day察Maggie察─he announced察pushing the easel to one side。 ;Duchess察you and this wild young thing spread the banquet´ table while I wash up。;

He disappeared into a corner shut off by burlap curtains。 From within there issued the sound of splashing water and the sputtering roar of snatches of the Toreador's song in a very big and very bad baritone。

Maggie put out a hand察and kept the Duchess from rising。 ;Sit still I'll fix the table。;

Silently the Duchess acquiesced。 Maggie had never felt any tenderness toward this strange察silent woman with whom she had lived for three years察but it was perhaps an indication of qualities within Maggie察whose existence she herself never even guessed察that she instinctively pushed the old woman aside from tasks which involved any physical effort。 Maggie now swung the back of a laundry bench up to form a table´top察and upon it proceeded to spread a cloth and arrange a medley of chipped dishes。 As she moved swiftly and deftly about察the Duchess watching her with immobile features察these two made a strangely contrasting pair此one seemingly spent and at life's grayest end察the other electric with vitality and giving off the essence of life's unknown adventures。

Hunt stepped out between the curtains察pulling on his coat。 ;You'll find that chow in my fireless cooker will beat the Ritz察─he boasted。 ;The tenderest察fattest kind of a fatted calf for the returned prodigal。;

Maggie started。 ;The prodigal You meanLarry is coming拭

;Sure察─grinned Hunt。 ;That's why we celebrate。;

Maggie wheeled upon the Duchess。 ;Is Larry really coming拭

;Yes察─said the old woman。

;Butbut why the uncertainty about when he was coming back拭Father and Barney thought he was due to get out yesterday。;

;Just a mistake we all made about his release。 His time was up this afternoon。;

;But you told Barney and my father you hadn't heard from him。;

;I had heard察─said the Duchess in her flat tone。 ;If they want to see him they can see him to´morrow。;

;Whenwhen will he be here拭

;Any minute察─said the Duchess。

Without a word Maggie whirled about and the next moment she was in her room on the floor below。 She did not know what prompted her察but she had a frantic desire to get out of this plain shirt´waist and skirt and into something that would be striking。 She considered her scanty wardrobe察her father had recently spoken of handsome gowns and furnishings察but as yet these existed only in his words察and the pseudo´evening gowns which she had worn to restaurant dances with Barney she knew to be cheap and uneffective。

Suddenly she remembered the things Hunt had given her察or had loaned her察the evening four months earlier when he had taken her to an artists' masquerade ballthough to her it had been a bitter disappointment when Hunt had carried her away before the unmasking at twelve o'clock。 She tore off the offending 

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