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children of the whirlwind-及26准

弌傍 children of the whirlwind 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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;You can't start a sensation with one painting察─Mr。 Graham remarked dryly。

This had been the very remark Larry had adroitly been trying to draw from the dealer。

;Why察that's so ─he exclaimed。 And then as if the thought had only that moment come to him此 Why not have an exhibition of paintings done in his new manner拭He's got a studio full of things just as characteristic as this one。;

Larry caught the gleam which came into the dealer's eyes。 It was instantly masked。

;Too late in the spring for a picture show。 Couldn't put on an exhibition before next season。;

;But why not have a private pre´exhibition showing拭─Larry argued ;with special invitations sent to a small察carefully chosen list察putting it over strong to them that you were offering them the chance of a first and exclusive view of something very remarkable。 Most of them will feel flattered and will come。 And that will start talk and stir up interest in your public exhibition in the fall。 That's the idea 

Again there was the gleam察quickly masked察in the dealer's eyes。 But Larry got it。

;How do I know this picture here isn't just an accidentthe only one of the sort Mr。 Hunt has ever painted察or ever will paint拭─cautiously inquired Mr。 Graham。 ;You said you had a second picture。 May I see it拭

Larry hesitated。 But he believed he had the dealer almost ;sold;察a little more and Mr。 Graham would be convinced。 So he brought in Maggie's portrait。 The dealer looked it over with a face which he tried to keep expressionless。

;How much is this one拭─he asked at length。

;It is not for sale。;

;It will bring more money than the other。 It's a more interesting subject。;

;That's why I'm keeping it察─said Larry。 ;I think you'll admit察Mr。 Graham察that this proves that Mr。 Hunt is not now painting accidents。;

;You're right。; The mask suddenly dropped from Mr。 Graham's face察he was no longer merely an art merchant察he was also an art enthusiast。 ;Hunt has struck something bold and fresh察and I think I can put him over。 I'll try that scheme you mentioned。 Tell me where I can find him and I'll see him at once。;

;That picture has got to be sold before I give you his address。 No use seeing him until then察he'd laugh at you察and not listen to anything。 He's sore at the world察thinks it doesn't understand him。 An actual sale would be the only argument that would have weight with him。;

;All rightI'll buy the picture myself。 Hunt and I have had a falling out察and I'd like him to have proof that I believe in him。; Again Mr。 Graham was the art merchant。 ;Though察of course察I can't pay the five thousand you ask。 Hunt's new manner may catch on察and it may not。 It's a big gamble。;

;What will you pay拭

;What you paid for itthree thousand。;

;That's an awful drop from what I expected。 When can you pay it拭

;I'll send you my check by an assistant as soon as I get back to my place。;

;I told you I was squeezed financiallyso the picture is yours。 I'll send you Mr。 Hunt's present address when I receive your check。 Make it payable to 'cash。';

When Mr。 Graham had gone with the Italian motherit was then the very end of the afternoonLarry wondered if his plan to draw Hunt out of his hermitage was going to succeed察and wondered what would be the result察if any察upon the relationship between Hunt and Miss Sherwood if Hunt should come openly back into his world an acclaimed success察and come with the changed attitude toward every one and every thing that recognition bestows。

But something was to make Larry wonder even more a few minutes later。 Dick察that habitual late riser察had had to hurry away that morning without speaking to him。 Now察when he came home toward six o'clock察Dick shouted cheerily from the hallway

;Ahoy Where you anchored察Captain Nemo拭

Larry did not answer。 He sat over his papers as one frozen。 He knew now whose had been the elusively familiar voice he had heard outside Maggie's door。 It was Dick Sherwood's。

Dick paused without to take some messages from Judkins察and Larry's mind raced feverishly。 Dick Sherwood was the victim Maggie and Barney and Old Jimmie were so cautiously and elaborately trying to trim It seemed an impossible coincidence。 But no察not impossible察after all。 Their net had been spread for just such game此a young man察impressionable察pleasure´loving察with plenty of money察and with no strings tied to his spending of it。 That Barney should have made his acquaintance was easily explained察to establish acquaintance with such persons as Dick was Barney's specialty。 What more natural than that the high´spirited察irresponsible Dick should fall into this trapor indeed that he should have been picked out in advance as the ideal victim and have been drawn into it

;Hello察there ─grumbled Dick察entering。 ;Why didn't you answer a shipmate's hail拭

;I heard you察but just then I was adding a column of figures察and I knew you'd look in。;

At that moment Larry noted the portrait of Maggie察looking up from the chair beside him。 With a swiftness which he tried to disguise into a mechanical action察he seized the painting and rolled it up察face inside。

;What's that you've got拭─demanded Dick。

;Just a little daub of my own。;

;So you paint察too。 What else can you do拭Let's have a look。;

;It's too rotten。 I'd rather let you see something elsethough all my stuff is bad。;

;You wouldn't do any little thing察would you察to brighten this tiredest hour in the day of a tired business man察─complained Dick。 ;I've really been a business man to´day察Captain。 Worked like the devilor an angelwhichever works the harder。;

He lit a cigarette and settled with a sigh on the corner of Larry's desk。 Larry regarded him with a stranger and more contradicting mixture of feelings than he had ever thought to contain此solicitude for Dickjealousy of himand the instinct to protect Maggie。 This last seemed to Larry grotesquely absurd the instant it seethed up in him察but there the instinct was此was Dick treating Maggie right

;How was the show last night察Dick拭


;I thought you said you were to see 'The Jest。' I've heard it's one of the best things for years。;

;Oh察I guess the show's all right。 But the company was poor。 My company察I mean。 The person I wanted to see couldn't come。;

;Hope you had a supper party that made up for the disappointment察─pursued Larry察adroitly trying to lead him on。

;I sure had that察Captain 

Dick slid to a chair beside Larry察dropped a hand on Larry's knee察and said in a lowered tone

;Captain察I've recently met a new girland believe me察she's a knock´ out 

;Better keep clear of those show girls察Dick。;

;Never again The last one cured me for life。 Miss CameronMaggie Cameron察how's that for a nameis no Broadway girl察Captain。 She's not even a New York girl。;


;She's from some place out West。 Father owned several big ranches。 She says that explains her crudeness。 Her crude拭I should say not They don't grow better manners right here in New York。 And she's pretty察and clever察and utterly naive about everything in New York。 Though I must say察─Dick added察 that I'm not so keen about her cousin and her uncle。 I'd met the cousin a few times the last year or two around town察he belongs here。 The two are the sort of poor stock that crops out in every good family。 They've got one merit察though此they don't try to impose on her too much。;

;What is your Miss Cameron doing in New York拭

;Having her first look at the town before going to some resort for the summer察perhaps taking a cottage somewhere。 I say察Captain;leaning closer;I wish you didn't feel you had to stick around this apartment so tight。 I'd like to take you out and introduce you to her。;

Larry could imagine the resulting scene if ever this innocently proposed introduction were given。

;I guess that for the present I'll have to depend upon your reports察Dick。;

;Well察you can take it from me that she's just about all right 

It was Larry's strange instinct to protect Maggie that prompted his next remark

;You're not just out joy´riding察are you察Dick拭

Dick flushed。 ;Nothing of that sort。 She's not that kind of girl。 BesidesI think it's the real thing察Captain。;

The honest look in Dick's eyes察even more than his words察quieted Larry's fear for Maggie。 Presently Dick walked out leaving Larry yet another problem added to his life。 He could not let anything happen to Maggie。 He could not let anything happen to Dick。 He had to protect each察he had to do something。 Yet what could he do

Yes察this certainly was a problem He paced the room察another victim of the ancient predicament of divided and antagonistic duty。


The night of Larry's unexpected call upon her at the Grantham察Maggie had pulled herself together and aided by the imposing Miss Grierson had done her best as ingenue hostess to her pseudo´cousin察Barney察and her pseudo´uncle察Old Jimmie察and to their quarry察Dick Sherwood察whom they were so cautiously stalking。 But when Dick had gone察and when Miss Grierson had withdrawn to permit her charge a little visit with her relatives察Barney had been prompt with his dissatisfaction。

;What was the matter with you to´night察Maggie拭─he demanded。 ;You 

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