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children of the whirlwind-及19准

弌傍 children of the whirlwind 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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 a safer way察than any dozen men And I tell you察Maggie察I'll make you a star 

;Barney   。 。 But you haven't told me just what I'm to do。;

;The first thing will be just a try´out察it'll help finish your education。 I've got it doped out察but I'll not tell you till later。 The main idea is not to use you in just one game察Maggie察but to finish you off so you'll fit into dozens of gamesbe good year after year。 A big actress who can step right into any big part that comes her way。 That's what pays I tell you察Maggie察there's no other such good察steady proposition on earth as the right kind of woman。 And that's what you're going to be 

Maggie had heard much this same talk often before。 Then it had been vague察and had dealt with an indefinite future。 Now she was too dazzled by this picture of near events which the eager Barney was drawing to be able to make any comment。

;I'll be right behind you in everything察and so will Jimmie察─Barney continued in his exciting manner;but you'll be the party out in front who really puts the proposition over。 And we'll keep to things where the police can't touch us。 Get a man with coin and position tangled up right in a deal with a woman察and he'll never let out a peep and he'll come across with oodles of money。 Hundreds of ways of working that。 A strong point about you察Maggie察is you have no police record。 Neither have I察though the police suspect mebut察as I said察I'll keep off the stage as much as I can。 I tell you察Maggie察we're going to put over some great stuff Great察I tell you 

Maggie felt no repugnance to what had been said and implied by Barney。 How could she察when since her memory began she had lived among people who talked just these same things拭To Maggie they seemed the natural order。 At that moment she was more concerned by a fascinating necessity which Barney's flamboyant enterprise entailed。

;But to do anything like that察won't I need clothes拭

;You'll need 'em察and you'll have 'em You're going to have one of the swellest outfits that ever happened。 You'll make Paris ashamed of itself 

;No use blowing the whole roll on Maggie's clothes察─put in Old Jimmie察speaking for the first time。

Barney turned on him caustically察almost savagely。 ;You're a hell of a father察you arecounting the pennies on his own daughter I told you this was no piker's game察and you agreed to itso cut out the idea you're in any nickel´in´the´slot business 

Old Jimmie felt physical pain at the thought of parting from money on such a scale。 His earlier plans concerning Maggie had never contemplated any such extravagance。 But he was silenced by the dominant force behind Barney's sarcasm。

;Miss Griersonshe's your companionknows what's what about clothes察─continued Barney to Maggie。 ;Here's the dope as I've handed it to her。 You're an orphan from the West察with some dough察who's come to New York as my ward and Jimmie's and we want you to learn a few things。 To her and to any new people we meet I'm your cousin and Jimmie is your uncle。 You've got that all straight拭

;Yes察─said Maggie。

;You're to use another name。 I've picked out Margaret Cameron for you。 We can call you Maggie and it won't be a slip´upsee拭If any of the coppers who know you should tumble on to you察just tell 'em you dropped your own name so's to get clear of your old life。 They can't do anything to you。 And tell 'em you inherited a little coin察that's why you're living so swell。 They can't do anything about that either。 。 。 。 Here's where we get out。 Got a sitting´room察two bedrooms and a bath hired for you here。 But we'll soon move you into a classier hotel。;

The taxi had stopped in front of one of the unpretentious察respectable hotels in the Thirties察just off Fifth Avenue察and Maggie followed the two men in。 This hotel did察indeed察in its people察its furnishings察its atmosphere察seem sober and commonplace after the Ritzmore察but at the Ritzmore she had been merely a cigarette´girl察a paid onlooker at the gayety of others。 Here she was a real guesthere her great life was beginning Maggie's heart beat wildly。

Up in her sitting´room Barney introduced her to Miss Grierson察then departed with a significant look at Old Jimmie察saying he would return presently and leaving Old Jimmie behind。 Old Jimmie withdrew into a corner察turned to the racing part of the Evening Telegram察which察with the corresponding section of the Morning Telegraph察was his sole reading察and left Maggie to the society of Miss Grierson。

Maggie studied this strange new being察her hired ;companion察─with furtive keenness察and after a few minutes察though she was shyly obedient in the manner of an untutored orphan from the West察she had no fear of the other。 Miss Grierson was a large察flat´backed woman who was on the descending slope of middle age。 She was really a ;gentlewoman察─in the self´pitying and self´praising sense in which those who advertise themselves as such use that word。 She was all the social forms察all the proprieties。 She was deferentially autocratic察her voice was monotonously dignified and cultured察and she was tired察which she had a right to be察for she had been in this business of being a gentlewomanly hired aunt to raw young girls for over a quarter of a Century。

To the tired but practical eye of Miss Grierson察here was certainly a young woman who needed a lot of working over to make into a lady。 And though weary and unthrillable as an old horse察Miss Grierson was conscientious察and she was going to do her best。

Maggie made a swift survey of her new home。 The rooms were just ordinary hotel rooms察furnished with the dingy察wholesale pretentiousness of hotels of the second rate。 But they were the essence of luxury compared to her one room at the Duchess's with its view of dreary back yards。 These rooms thrilled her。 They were her first material evidence that she was now actually launched upon her great adventure。

Maggie had dinner in her sitting´room with Old Jimmie and Miss Griersonand of that dinner察mediocre and sloppy察and chilled by its transit of twelve stories from the kitchen察Miss Grierson察by way of an introductory lesson察made an august function察almost diagrammatic in its educational details。 After the dinner察with Miss Grierson's slow and formal aid察which consisted mainly in passages impressively declaimed from her private book of decorum察Maggie spent two hours in unpacking her suitcase and trunk察and repacking her scanty wardrobe in drawers of the chiffonier and dressing´table察a task which Maggie察left to herself察could have completed in ten minutes。

Maggie was still at this task in her bedroom when she heard Barney enter her sitting´room。 ;He got away察─she heard him say in a low voice to Old Jimmie。

She slipped quickly out of her bedroom and closed the door behind her。 An undefined something had suddenly begun to throb within her。

;Who got away察Barney拭─she demanded in a hushed tone。

Her look made Barney think rapidly。 He was good at quick thinking察was Barney。 He decided to tell the truthor part of it。

;Larry Brainard。;

;Got away from what拭─she pursued。

;The police。 They were after him on some charge。 And some of his pals were after him察too。 They were out to get him because he had squealed on Red Hannigan and Jack Rosenfeldt。 Both parties were closing in on him at about the same time。 But Larry got a tip somehow察and made his get´away。;

;When did it happen拭

;Must have happened a little time after we all left the Duchess's。;

;Butbut察Barneyhow did you learn it so soon拭

;Just ran into Officer Gavegan over on Broadway and he told me察─lied Barney。 He preferred not to tell her that he had been upon the scene with Little Mick and Lefty Ed察for the third figure which Larry had descried through the misty shadows had indeed been Barney Palmer。 Also Barney preferred not to tell what further subtle share he had had in the causes for Larry's flight。

;Do you think hehe made a safe get´away拭

;Safe for a few hours。 Gavegan told me they'd have him rounded up by noon to´morrow。; Barney was more conscious of Maggie's interest than was Maggie herself察and again was desirous of destroying it or diverting it。 ;Generally I'm for the other fellow against the police。 But this time I'm all for the coppers。 I hope they land Larryhe's got it coming to him。 Remember that he's a stool and a squealer。;

And swiftly Barney switched the subject。 ;Let's be moving along察Jimmie。;

He drew Maggie out into the hall察to make more certain that Miss Grierson would not overhear。 ;Well察Maggie察─he exulted察 haven't I made good so far in my bargain to put you over拭


;Of course we're going slow at first。 That's how you've got to handle big dealscareful。 But you'll sure be a knock´out when that she´ undertaker in there gets you rigged out in classy clothes。 Then the curtain will go up on the real showand it's going to be a big show and you'll be the hit of the piece 

With that incitement to Maggie's imagination Barney left her察and Old Jimmie followed察furtively giving Maggie a brief察uncertain look。


A block away from the hotel Barney parted from Old Jimmie。 For a space Barney thought of his partner。 Barney had quick eyes which were quite ca

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