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children of the whirlwind-及11准

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Yes察despite him and all he could do察she was going to go the brilliant察exciting way she had planned

In fairness to Maggie it must be remembered that despite her assumed maturity and self´confident wisdom察she really was only eighteen察and perhaps did not yet fully know herself察and had all the world yet to learn。 And it must be remembered that she believed herself entirely in the right。 This was a world where strength and cunning were the qualities that counted察and every one was trying to outwit his neighbor察and all who acted otherwise were either weak´witted fools or else pretenders who saw in their hypocrisy the keenest game of all。 Living under the influence of Old Jimmie察and later of Barney察and of the environment in which she had been bred察these beliefs had come to be her religion。 She was thoroughly orthodox察and had the defensive and aggressive fervor which is the temper of militant orthodoxy。

And so more keenly than ever察because she was more determined than ever察Maggie studied the groups of well´dressed men and women who ate and danced at the Ritzmore察among whom she circulated in her short察smart skirt with her cigarette tray swung from her neck by a broad purple ribbon。 Particularly she liked the after´theater crowd察for then only evening wear was permitted in the supper´room and the people were at their liveliest。 She liked to watch the famous professional couple do their specialties on the glistening central space with the agile spot´lights always bathing them察and then watch the smartly dressed guests take the floor with the less practiced and more humble steps。 Sometime soon she was going to have clothes as smart as any of these。 Soon she would be one of these brilliant people察and have a life more exciting than any。 Very soonfor her apprenticeship was almost over

Barney Palmer had these last few months察since he had discovered in Maggie a star who only needed coaching and then an opportunity察made it a practice to come for Maggie occasionally when one o'clock察New York's curfew hour察dispersed the pleasure´seekers and ended Maggie's day of work察or rather her day of intensive schooling for her greater life。 On the night of his return from Chicago察which was a week after his break with Larry察Barney reported to take Maggie home。 He was in swagger evening clothes and he asked the starter for a taxi察with an almost lordly air and for the service of a white´gloved gesture to a chauffeur察he carelessly handed the starter who察by the way察was a richer man than Barney a crisp dollar bill。 Barney was trying to make his best impression。

;Seen much of that stiff察Larry Brainard拭─he asked when the cab was headed southward。

His tone察which he tried to make merely contemptuous察conveyed the deep wrath which he still felt whenever his mind reverted to Larry。 Maggie reserved to herself the privilege of thinking of Larry just as she pleased察but being the kind of girl she was察she could not help being also a bit of a coquette。

;I didn't think he was such a stiff察Barney察─she said in an irritatingly pleasant voice。 ;His prison clothes were bad察but now that he's dressed right I think he looks awfully nice。 You and father have always said he looked the perfect swell。;

;See herehas he been talking to you拭─Barney demanded savagely。

;A little。 Yes察several times。 In fact he said quite a lot that night after you'd gone。;

;What did he say拭

;He said he was not only going to go straight察but;in her provocative察teasing voice;he was going to make me go straight。;

;What's that拭Tell me just what he said ─demanded Barney察his wrath suddenly flaring into furious jealousy。

Maggie told him in detail察in fact told him the scene in greater detail and with a greater length than had been the actuality。 Also she censored the scene by omitting her own opposition to Larry's determination。 She enjoyed playing with Barney察the exercise of the power she had over Barney's passions。

;And you stood for all that ─cried Barney。 By this time they were far down town。 ;You listen to me察Maggie此What I said to Larry's face that night at the Duchess's still stands。 I think he's yellow and has turned against his old pals。 I tell you what察I'm going to watch that guy 

;You won't find it hard to watch him察Barney。 Larry never hides himself。;

;Oh察I'll watch him all right And you察Maggiewhy察you talk as though you liked that line of talk he gave you 

;Larry talks welland I did like it察rather。;

;See here You're not falling for him拭You're not going to let him make you go straight拭

Maggie certainly had no intention of letting any such thing come to pass察but she could not check her innocent´toned baiting。

;How do I know what he'll make me do拭He's clever and handsome察you know。;

Barney gripped her shoulder fiercely。 ;Maggieare you falling in love with him拭

;How do I know察when;

;Maggie ─He gripped her more tightly察and his phrases tumbled out fiercely察rapidly。 ;You're not going to do anything of the sort If he goes straightif you go straighthow can he ever help you拭He can't And it will be your finishthe finish of all the big things we've talked about。 Listen此since Larry threw us down察I've taken hold of things and will soon be ready to spring something big。 Just a few days now and you'll be out of that dirty street察and you'll be in swell clothes doing swell workand it will mean the best restaurants察theaters察swell times 

The car had turned into the narrow察cobbled street and had paused before the Duchess's。 Suddenly Barney caught her into his arms。

;And察Maggie察you're going to be mine We'll have a nifty little place察all right You know I'm dippy about you。。。。And察Maggie察I don't even want you to go back in there where Larry Brainard is。 Let's drive back uptown and start in together now To´night 

It was not the fact that he had not suggested marriage which stirred Maggie此men and women in Barney's class lived together察and sometimes they were married and sometimes they were not。 It was something else察something of which she was not definitely conscious此but she felt no such momentary thrill察no momentary察dazing surrender察as she had felt the night when Larry had similarly held her。

;Stop that察Barney ─she gasped。 ;Let me go ─She struggled fiercely察and then tore herself free。

;What's wrong with you拭─panted Barney。 ;You're mine察ain't you拭

;You leave me alone I'm going to get out 

She had the door open察and was stepping out when he caught her sleeve。 But she pulled so determinedly that to have held her would have meant nothing better than ripping the sleeve out of her coat。 So he freed her and followed her across the sidewalk to the Duchess's door。

;What's the idea拭─he demanded察choking with fierce jealousy。 ;It's not Larry察after all拭You're not going to let him make you go straight拭

She had recovered her poise察and she replied banteringly

;As I said察how can I tell what he's going to make me do拭

She heard him draw a deep察quivering breath between clenched teeth察but she could not see how his figure tensed and how his face twisted into a glower。

;Get this察Maggie此Larry Brainard is never going to be able to make you do anything。 You get that拭

;Yes察I get it察Barney察good´night察─she said lightly。

And Maggie slipped through the door and left Barney trembling in the little street。


Maggie察as she mounted to her room察was hardly conscious of the ring of menace in Barney's voice察but once she was in bed察his tone and his words came back to her and stirred a strange uneasiness in her mind。 Barney was angry察Barney was cunning察Barney would stop at nothing to gain his ends。 What might be behind his threatening words

The next morning as she was coming in with milk for her breakfast coffee察she met Larry in the Duchess's room behind the pawnshop。 He smilingly planted himself squarely in her way。

;See here察Maggiearen't you ever going to speak to a fellow拭

Something within her surged up impelling her to tell him of Barney's savage yet unformulated threat。 The warning got as far as her tongue察and there halted察struggling。

Her strange察fixed look startled Larry。 ;Why察what's the matter察Maggie拭─he exclaimed。

But her pride察her settled determination to unbend to him in no way and to have no dealings with him察were stronger than her impulse察and the struggling warning remained unuttered。

;Nothing's the matter察─she said察and brushed past him and hurried up the stairway。

At times during the day察while tutoring with Mr。 Bronson察Larry thought of Maggie's strange look。 And his mind was upon it late in the afternoon when he entered the little street。 But as he neared his grandmother's house all such thought was banished by Detective Gavegan of the Central Office stepping from the pawnshop and blocking the door with his big figure。 There was grim察triumphant purpose on the hard features of Gavegan察conceited by nature and trained to harsh dominance by long rule as a petty autocrat。

;Hello察Gavegan察─Larry greeted him pleasantly。 ;Gee察but you look tickled Did the Duchess give you a bigger loan than you expected on the Carnegie medal you just hocked拭

;You'll soon be cuttin' out your li

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