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children of the whirlwind-及10准

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 a package of macaroni察and to be counting Hunt's penniesremembering those days when he had been a personage to head waiters察and had had his table reserved察and with a careless Midas's gesture had left a dollar察or five察or twenty察for the waiter's tip。

When he climbed back into the studio he watched Hunt slashing about with his paint。 Hunt growled and roared at him察and kidded him察and Larry came back at him with the same kind of verbal horseplay察after the fashion of men。 Presently a relaxation察if not actual friendship察began to develop in their attitude toward each other。

;Tell you what察─Larry remarked察standing with legs wide apart gazing at the picture of the Italian mother throned on the curb nursing her child察 if I were dolled up all proper察I bet I could take some of this stuff out and sell it for real dough。;

;Huh察nobody wants that stuff ─snorted Hunt。 ;It's too good。 Sell it You're off your bean察young fellow 

;I can sell anything察my bucko察─Larry returned evenly。 ;All I need is a man who has plenty of money and a moderate willingness to listen。 I've sold pictures of an oil derrick on a stock certificate察exact value nothing at all察for a masterpiece's priceso I guess I could sell a real picture。;

;Aw察you shut up 

;The real trouble with you察─commented Larry察 is that察though you can paint察as a business man察as a promoter of your own stock察the suckling infant in that picture is a J。 Pierpont Morgan of multiplied capacity compared to;

;Stop making that noise like a damned fool 

This amiable pastime of throwing stones at each other was just then interrupted by the entrance of Maggie for an appointed sitting察before going to her business of carrying a tray of cigarettes about the Ritzmore。 She gave Hunt a pleasant ;good´morning察─the pleasantness purposely stressed in order to make more emphatic her curt nod to Larry and the cold hostility of her eye。 During the hour she posed察Larry察moving leisurely about his kitchen duties察addressed her several times察but no remark got a word from her in response。 He took his rebuffs smilingly察which irritated her all the more。

;Maggie察I'll get my real clothes late this afternoon察how about my dropping in at the Ritzmore for a cup of tea察and letting me buy some cigarettes and talk to you when you're not busy拭─he inquired when Hunt had finished with her。

;You may buy cigarettes察but you'll get no talk ─she snapped察and head high and dark eyes flashing contempt察she swept past him。

Hunt watched her out。 As the door slammed behind her察he remarked dryly察his eyes searching Larry keenly

;Our young queen doesn't seem wildly enthusiastic about you or your programme。;

;She certainly is not。;

;Don't let that worry you察young fellow。 That's a common trait of her whole tribe察women simply cannot believe in a man 

There was an emphasis and a cynicism in this last remark which caused Larry to regard the painter searchingly。 ;You seem to know what it is。 Don't mean to butt in察Hunt察if there are any trespassing signs up but there's a woman in your case拭

;Of course there isthere's always a woman察that's another reason I'm here察─Hunt answered。 ;She didn't believe in medidn't believe I could paintdidn't believe in the things I wanted to doso I just picked up my playthings and walked out of her existence。;

;Wife拭─queried Larry。

;Thank God察no ─exclaimed Hunt emphatically。 ;No'I thank whatever gods there be察I am the captain of my soul' Oh察she's all right altogether too good for me察─he added。 ;Here察try this tobacco。;

Larry picked up the pouch flung him and accepted without remark this being abruptly shunted off the track。 But he surmised that this woman in the background of Hunt's life meant a great deal more to the painter than Hunt tried to indicate by his attempt to dismiss her casuallyand Larry wondered what kind of woman she was察and what the story had been。

The following day察clean´shaven and in his freshened clothesthey were smart and well´tailored察though sober indeed compared with Barney's察and two years behind the style of which Barney's were the extreme expressionLarry passed Maggie on the stairway with a smile察who gave him no smile in return察and started forth upon his quest。 He was well´dressed察he had money in his pockets察he had a plan察and the air of freedom of a new life was sweet in his nostrils。 He was going to succeed

It was easy enough察with his mind alert for what he wanted察and with the Duchess's liberal allowance to pay for what he wanted察for Larry to find in this city of ten thousand institutes teaching business methods察the particular article which suited his especial needs。 He found this article in an institute whose black´faced headline in its advertisements was察 We Make You a 50000 Executive;察and the article which he found察by payment of a special fee察was an old man who had been the manager of a big brokerage concern until his growing addiction to drink and later to drugs had rendered him undependable。 But old Bronson certainly did know the fundamentals and intricacies of the kind of big business which is straight察and it was a delight to him to pour out his knowledge to a keen intelligence。

Larry察in his own words察simply ;mopped it up。; His experience had been so wide and varied that he now had only to be shown a bone of fact and almost instantly he visioned in their completeness unextinct ichthyosauri of business。 By day he fairly consumed old Bronson察he read dry books far into the night。 Thus he rapidly filled the holes in the walls of his knowledge察and strengthened its rather sketchy foundation。 Of course he realized that what he was learning was in a sense academic察it had to be tested and developed and made flexible by experience察but then much of it became instantly a living enlargement of the things of which he was already a master。

Old Bronson was delighted察he had never had so apt a pupil。 ;In less than no time you'll be the real head of that house you're with ─he proudly declared。 Larry had not seen it as needful to tell the truth about himself察his casual story was that he was there putting to use a month's holiday granted him by a mythical firm in Chicago。

The Duchess's statement that it would be best for him not to seek work at once was founded on wisdom。 Larry was busy and interested察but he did not yet have to face the constant suspicion and hostility which are usually the disheartening lot of the ex´convict who asks for a position。 In this period his confidence and his purpose expanded with new vitality。

As the busy days passed down in the little street察the bantering fellowship between Larry and Hunt took deeper root。 The Duchess did not again show any of the emotion which had gleamed in her briefly when Larry had announced his new plan察but bent and silent went like an oddly revivified mummy about her affairs。 And during these days he did not again see Barney or Old Jimmie察he had learned that on the day following his conference with them they had gone to Chicago on a very private matter of business。

He saw Maggie daily察but she maintained the same attitude toward him。 He was now conscious that he was in love。 He saw splendid qualities in her察most of them latent。 Maggie had determination察high spirits察cleverness察courage察and capacity for sympathy and affection察she had head察heart察and beauty察the makings of an unusual woman察if only she could be swung into a different attitude of mind。 But he realized that there was small chance indeed of his working any alteration in her察much less winning her admitted regard察until he was definitely a success察until he had definitely proven himself right。 So he took her rebuffs with a smile察and waited his time。

He understood her point of view察and sympathized with her察for her point of view had once been his own。 With a growing understanding he saw her as the natural product of such a fathership as Old Jimmie's察and of the cynical environment which Old Jimmie had given her in which crime was a matter of course。 In this connection one matter that had previously interested him began to engage his speculation more and more。 All her life察until recently察Old Jimmie had apparently shown little more concern over Maggie than one shows over a piece of baggage which is stored in this and that warehouseand so valueless a piece of baggage in Old Jimmie's case that it had always been stored in the worst warehouses。 What was behind Old Jimmie's new interest in his daughter

Old Jimmie had in late months awakened to the value to him of Maggie as a business propositionthat was Larry's answer to his own question。

As for Maggie察during these days察the mere fact that Larry smiled at her and refused to get angry angered her all the more。 Her anger at him察the manner in which he had refused her offered and long´dreamed´ of partnership察would not permit her pride and self´confidence to consider any justification for him to enter her mind and argue in his behalf。 The great dream she had nourished had been destroyed。 And察moreover察he had proclaimed himself a fool。

Yes察despite him and all he could do察she was going to go the brilliant察exciting way she had planned

In fairness to Maggie it must be remembered that de

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