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the price she paid-第44节

小说: the price she paid 字数: 每页4000字

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‘‘Yes; I know;'' said Mildred。  She was seeing those uncanny; brilliant; penetrating eyes; in such startling contrast to the calm; lifeless coloring and classic chiseling of features。

‘‘And after a while he said; ‘So; THAT'S Miss Stevens!'  And I asked him what he meant; and he took one of your later photos and put the two side by side。 To my notion the later was a lot the more attractive; for the face was rounder and softer and didn't have a certain kind ofwell; hardness; as if you had a will and could ride rough shod。  Not that you look so frightfully unattractive。''

‘‘I remember the picture;'' interrupted Mildred。  ‘‘It was taken when I was twentyjust after an illness。''

‘‘The face WAS thin;'' said Stanley。  ‘‘Keith called it a ‘give away。' ''

‘‘I'd like to see it;'' said Mildred。

‘‘I'll try to find it。  But I'm afraid I can't。  I haven't seen it since I showed it to Keith; and when I hunted for it the other day; it didn't turn up。  I've changed valets several times in the last six months''

But Mildred had ceased listening。  Keith had seen the picture; had called it a ‘‘give away;'' had been interested in itand the picture had disappeared。  She laughed at her own folly; yet she was glad Stanley had given her this chance to make up a silly day…dream。 She waited until he had exhausted himself on the subject of valets; their drunkenness; their thievish habits; their incompetence; then she said:

‘‘I took my last lesson from Jennings to…day。''

‘‘What's the matter?  Do you want to change? You didn't say anything about it?  Isn't he good?''

‘‘Good enough。  But I've discovered that my voice isn't reliable; and unless one has a reliable voice there's no chance for a grand…opera careeror for comic opera; either。''

Stanley was straightway all agitation and protest。 ‘‘Who put that notion in your head?  There's nothing in it; Mildred。  Jennings is crazy about your voice; and he knows。''

‘‘Jennings is after the money;'' replied Mildred。 ‘‘What I'm saying is the truth。  Stanley; our beautiful dream of a career has winked out。''

His expression was most revealing。

‘‘And;'' she went on; ‘‘I'm not going to take any more of your moneyand; of course; I'll pay back what I've borrowed when I can''she smiled‘‘which may not be very soon。''

‘‘What's all this about; anyhow?'' demanded he。  ‘‘I don't see any sign of it in your face。  You wouldn't take it so coolly if it were so。''

‘‘I don't understand why I'm not wringing my hands and weeping;'' replied she。  ‘‘Every few minutes I tell myself that I ought to be。  But I stay quite calm。  I suppose I'msort of stupefied。''

‘‘Do you really mean that you've given up?'' cried he。

‘‘It's no use to waste the money; Stanley。  I've got the voice; and that's what deceived us all。  But there's nothing BEHIND the voice。  With a great singer the greatness is in what's behind the voice; not in the voice itself。''

‘‘I don't believe a word of it;'' cried he violently。 ‘‘You've been discouraged by a little cold。  Everybody has colds。  Why; in this climate the colds are always getting the Metropolitan singers down。''

‘‘But they've got strong throats; and my throat's delicate。''

‘‘You must go to a better climate。  You ought to be abroad; anyhow。  That was part of my planfor us to go abroad''  He stopped in confusion; reddened; went bravely on‘‘and you to study there and make your debut。''

Mildred shook her head。  ‘‘That's all over;'' said she。 ‘‘I've got to change my plans entirely。''

‘‘You're a little depressed; that's all。  For a minute you almost convinced me。  What a turn you did give me!  I forgot how your voice sounded the last time I heard it。  No; you'd not be so calm; if you didn't know everything was all right。''

Her eyes lit up with sly humor。  ‘‘Perhaps I'm calm because I feel that my future's secure as your wife。 What more could a woman ask?''

He forced an uncomfortable laugh。  ‘‘Of course of course;'' he said with a painful effort to be easy and jocose。

‘‘I knew you'd marry me; even if I couldn't sing a note。  I knew your belief in my career had nothing to do with it。''

He hesitated; blurted out the truth。  ‘‘Speaking seriously; that isn't quite so;'' said he。  ‘‘I've got my heart set on your making a great tearand I know you'll do it。''

‘‘And if you knew I wouldn't; you'd not want to marry me?''

‘‘I don't say that;'' protested he。  ‘‘How can I say how I'd feel if you were different?''

She nodded。  ‘‘That's sensible; and it's candid;'' she said。  She laid her hand impulsively on his arm。  ‘‘I DO like you; Stanley。  You have got such a lot of good qualities。  Don't worry。  I'm not going to insist on your marrying me。''

‘‘You don't have to do that; Mildred;'' said he。 ‘‘I'm staring; raving crazy about you; though I'm a damn fool to let you know it。''

‘‘Yes; it is foolish;'' said she。  ‘‘If you'd kept me worrying  Still; I guess not。  But it doesn't matter。 You can protest and urge all you please; quite safely。 I'm not going to marry you。  Now let's talk business。''

‘‘Let's talk marriage;'' said he。  ‘‘I want this thing settled。  You know you intend to marry me; Mildred。 Why not say so?  Why keep me gasping on the hook?''

They heard the front door open; and the rustling of skirts down the hall。  Mildred called:

‘‘Mrs。 Brindley!  Cyrilla!''

An instant and Cyrilla appeared in the doorway。 When she and Baird had shaken hands; Mildred said:

‘‘Cyrilla; I want you to tell the exact; honest truth。 Is there any hope for a woman with a delicate throat to make a grand…opera career?''

Cyrilla paled; looked pleadingly at Mildred。

‘‘Tell him;'' commanded Mildred。

‘‘Very little;'' said Mrs。 Brindley。  ‘‘But''

‘‘Don't try to soften it;'' interrupted Mildred。 ‘‘The truth; the plain truth。''

‘‘You've no right to draw me into this;'' cried Cyrilla indignantly; and she started to leave the room。

‘‘I want him to know;'' said Mildred。  ‘‘And he wants to know。''

‘‘I refuse to be drawn into it;'' Cyrilla said; and disappeared。

But Mildred saw that Stanley had been shaken。  She proceeded to explain to him at length what a singer's career meantthe hardships; the drafts on health and strength; the absolute necessity of being reliable; of singing true; of not disappointing audienceswhat a delicate throat meanthow delicate her throat was how deficient she was in the kind of physical strength neededmuscular power with endurance back of it。 When she finished he understood。

‘‘I'd always thought of it as an art;'' he said ruefully。  ‘‘Why; it's mostly health and muscles and things that have nothing to do with music。''  He was dazed and offended by this uncovering of the mechanism of the artby the discovery of the coarse and painful toil; the grossly physical basis; of what had seemed to him all idealism。  He had been full of the delusions of spontaneity and inspiration; like all laymen; and all artists; too; except those of the higher ranksthose who have fought their way up to the heights and; so; have learned that one does not achieve them by being caught up to them gloriously in a fiery cloud; but by doggedly and dirtily and sweatily toiling over every inch of the cruel climb。

He sat silent when she had finished。  She waited; then said:

‘‘Now; you see。  I release you; and I'll take no more money to waste。''

He looked at her with dumb misery that smote her heart。  Then his expression changedto the shining; hungry eyes; the swollen veins; the reddened countenance; the watering lips of desire。  He seized her in his arms; and in a voice trembling with passion; he cried: ‘‘You must marry me; anyhow!  I've GOT to have you; Mildred。''

If she had loved him; his expression; his impassioned voice would have thrilled her。  But she did not love him。 It took all her liking for him; and the memory of all she owed himthat unpaid debt!to enable her to push him away gently and to say without any show of the repulsion she felt:

‘‘Stanley; you mustn't do that。  And it's useless to talk of marriage。  You're generous; so you are taking pity on me。  But believe me; I'll get along somehow。''

‘‘Pity?  I tell you I love you;'' he cried; catching desperately at her hands and holding them in a grip she could not break。  ‘‘You've no right to treat me like this。''

It was one of those veiled and stealthy reminders of obligation habitually indulged in by delicate people seeking repayment of the debt; but shunning the coarseness of direct demand。  Mildred saw her opportunity。 Said she quietly:

‘‘You mean you want me to give myself to you in payment; or part payment; for the money you've loaned me?''

He released her hands and sprang up。  He had meant just that; but he had not had the courage; or the meanness; or both; to admit boldly his own secret wish。 She had calculated on thishad calculated well。 ‘‘Mildred!'' he cried in a shocked voice。  ‘‘YOU so lacking in delicacy as to say such a thing!''

‘‘If you didn't mean that; Stanley; what DID you mean?''

‘‘I was appealing to our friendshipourour love for each other。''

‘‘Then you should have waited until I was free。''

‘‘Good God!'' he cried; ‘‘don't you see that's hopeless?  Mildred; be sensiblebe merciful。''

‘‘I shall never marry a man when he could justly sus

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