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the major-第73节

小说: the major 字数: 每页4000字

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〃And then; Larry; what should I do?  Where would I go?  You are going off。〃

〃And you will come with me。〃

But Jane's wise head was thinking swiftly。  〃I might come across with Papa;〃 she said。  〃We were thinking〃

〃No;〃 cried Larry。  〃You come with me。  He will follow and pick you up in London。  Hurry; come along and tell him。〃

〃But; Larry; this is awful。〃

〃Splendid; glorious; come along。  We'll settle all that later。〃

He dragged her; laughing; blushing; almost weeping; to the study。 〃She says she will do it to…morrow; sir;〃 he announced as he pushed open the door。

〃What do you say?〃 said the Doctor; gazing open…mouthed at him。

〃She says she will marry me to…morrow;〃 he proclaimed as if announcing a stupendous victory。

〃She does!〃 said the Doctor; still aghast。

〃Good heavens!〃 exclaimed the Colonel。  〃To…morrow?  We are off to…morrow!〃

Larry swung upon him eagerly。  〃Before we go; sir。  There is lots of time。  You see we do not pull out until after three。  We have all the morning; if you could spare me an hour or so。  We could get married; and she would just come along with us; sir。〃

Jane gasped。  〃With all those men?〃

〃Good Lord!〃 exclaimed the Colonel。  〃The boy is mad。〃

〃We might perhaps take the later train;〃 suggested Jane demurely。 〃But; of course; Papa; I have never agreed at all;〃 she added quickly; turning to her father。

〃That settles it; I believe;〃 said Dr。 Brown。  〃Colonel; what do you say?  Can it be done?〃

〃Done?〃 shouted the Colonel。  〃Of course; it can be done。  Military wedding; guard of honour; band; and all that sort of thing。  Proper style; first in the regiment; eh; what?〃

〃But nothing is ready;〃 said Jane; appalled at the rush of events。 〃Not a dress; not a bridesmaid; nothing。〃

〃You have got a 'phone;〃 cried Larry; gloriously oblivious of difficulties。  〃Tell everybody。  Oh; sir;〃 he said; turning to Dr。 Brown with hand outstretched; 〃I hope you will let her come。  I promise you I will be good to her。〃

Dr。 Brown looked at the young man gravely; almost sadly; then at his daughter。  With a quick pang he noted the new look in her eyes。 He put out his hand to her and drew her toward him。

〃Dear child;〃 he said; and his voice sounded hoarse and strained; 〃how like you are to your mother to…night。〃  Her arms went quickly about his neck。  He held her close to him for a few moments; then loosing her arms; he pushed her gently toward Larry; saying; 〃Boy; I give her to you。  As you deal with her; so may God deal with you。〃

〃Amen;〃 said Larry solemnly; taking her hand in his。

Never was such a wedding in Winnipeg!  Nothing was lacking to make it perfectly; gloriously; triumphantly complete。  There was a wedding dress; and a bridal veil with orange blossoms。  There were wedding gifts; for somehow; no one ever knew how; the morning Times had got the news。  There was a church crowded with friends to wish them well; and the regimental band with a guard of honour; under whose arched swords the bride and groom went forth。  Never had the Reverend Andrew McPherson been so happy in his marriage service。 Never was such a wedding breakfast with toasts and telegrams from absent friends; from Chicago; and from the Lakeside Farm in response to Larry's announcements by wire。  Two of these excited wild enthusiasm。  One read; 〃Happy days。  Nora and I following your good example。  See you later in France。  Signed; Dean。〃  The other; from the Minister of Militia at Ottawa to Lieutenant…Colonel Waring…Gaunt。  〃Your suggestion approved。  Captain Gwynne gazetted to…morrow as Major。  Signed; Sam Hughes。〃

〃Ladies and Gentlemen;〃 cried the Colonel; beaming upon the company; 〃allow me to propose long life and many happy days for the Major and the Major's wife。〃  And as they drank with tumultuous acclaim; Larry turned and; looking upon the radiant face at his side; whispered:

〃Jane; did you hear what he said?〃

〃Yes;〃 whispered Jane。  〃He said 'the Major。'〃

〃That's nothing;〃 said Larry; 〃but he said 'the Major's wife!'〃

And so together they went to the war。


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