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the call of the canyon-第45节

小说: the call of the canyon 字数: 每页4000字

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 him。 She rode on。 If she could pass West Fork she believed her courage would rise to the completion of this ordeal。 Places were what she feared。 Places that she had loved while blindly believing she hated! There the narrow gap of green and blue split the looming red wall。 She was looking into West Fork。 Up there stood the cabin。 How fierce a pang rent her breast! She faltered at the crossing of the branch stream; and almost surrendered。 The water murmured; the leaves rustled; the bees hummed; the birds sangall with some sad sweetness that seemed of the past。

Then the trail leading up West Fork was like a barrier。 She saw horse tracks in it。 Next she descried boot tracks the shape of which was so well…remembered that it shook her heart。 There were fresh tracks in the sand; pointing in the direction of the Lodge。 Ah! that was where Glenn lived now。 Carley strained at her will to keep it fighting her memory。 The glory and the dream were gone!

A touch of spur urged her mustang into a gallop。 The splashing ford of the creekthe still; eddying pool beyondthe green orchardsthe white lacy waterfalland Lolomi Lodge!

Nothing had altered。 But Carley seemed returning after many years。 Slowly she dismountedslowly she climbed the porch steps。 Was there no one at home? Yet the vacant doorway; the silencesomething attested to the knowledge of Carley's presence。 Then suddenly Mrs。 Hutter fluttered out with Flo behind her。

〃You dear girlI'm so glad!〃 cried Mrs。 Hutter; her voice trembling。

〃I'm glad to see you; too;〃 said Carley; bending to receive Mrs。 Hutter's embrace。 Carley saw dim eyesthe stress of agitation; but no surprise。

〃Oh; Carley!〃 burst out the Western girl; with voice rich and full; yet tremulous。

〃Flo; I've come to wish you happiness;〃 replied Carley; very low。

Was it the same Flo? This seemed more of a womanstrange nowwhite and strainedbeautiful; eager; questioning。 A cry of gladness burst from her。 Carley felt herself enveloped in strong close clasp…and then a warm; quick kiss of joy; It shocked her; yet somehow thrilled。 Sure was the welcome here。 Sure was the strained situation; also; but the voice rang too glad a note for Carley。 It touched her deeply; yet she could not understand。 She had not measured the depth of Western friendship。

〃Have youseen Glenn?〃 queried Flo; breathlessly。

〃Oh no; indeed not;〃 replied Carley; slowly gaining composure。 The nervous agitation of these women had stilled her own。 〃I just rode up the trail。 Where is he?〃

〃He was herea moment ago;〃 panted Flo。 〃Oh; Carley; we sure are locoed。 。 。 。 Why; we only heard an hour agothat you were at Deep Lake。 。 。 。 Charley rode in。 He told us。 。 。 。 I thought my heart would break。 Poor Glenn! When he heard it。 。 。 。 But never mind me。 Jump your horse and run to West Fork!〃

The spirit of her was like the strength of her arms as she hurried Carley across the porch and shoved her down the steps。

〃Climb on and run; Carley;〃 cried Flo。 〃If you only knew how glad he'll be that you came!〃

Carley leaped into the saddle and wheeled the mustang。 But she had no answer for the girl's singular; almost wild exultance。 Then like a shot the spirited mustang was off down the lane。 Carley wondered with swelling heart。 Was her coming such a wondrous surpriseso unexpected and big in generositysomething that would make Kilbourne as glad as it had seemed to make Flo? Carley thrilled to this assurance。

Down the lane she flew。 The red walls blurred and the sweet wind whipped her face。 At the trail she swerved the mustang; but did not check his gait。 Under the great pines he sped and round the bulging wall。 At the rocky incline leading to the creek she pulled the fiery animal to a trot。 How low and clear the water! As Carley forded it fresh cool drops splashed into her face。 Again she spurred her mount and again trees and walls rushed by。 Up and down the yellow bits of trailon over the brown mats of pine needles until there in the sunlight shone the little gray log cabin with a tall form standing in the door。 One instant the canyon tilted on end for Carley and she was riding into the blue sky。 Then some magic of soul sustained her; so that she saw clearly。 Reaching the cabin she reined in her mustang。

〃Hello; Glenn! Look who's here!〃 she cried; not wholly failing of gayety。

He threw up his sombrero。

〃Whoopee!〃 he yelled; in stentorian voice that rolled across the canyon and bellowed in hollow echo and then clapped from wall to wall。 The unexpected Western yell; so strange from Glenn; disconcerted Carley。 Had he only answered her spirit of greeting? Had hers rung false?

But he was coming to her。 She had seen the bronze of his face turn to white。 How gaunt and worn he looked。 Older he appeared; with deeper lines and whiter hair。 His jaw quivered。

〃Carley Burch; so it was you?〃 he queried; hoarsely。

〃Glenn; I reckon it was;〃 she replied。 〃I bought your Deep Lake ranch site。 I came back too late 。 。 。 。 But it is never too late for some things。 。 。 。 I've come to wish you and Flo all the happiness in the worldand to say we must be friends。〃

The way he looked at her made her tremble。 He strode up beside the mustang; and he was so tall that his shoulder came abreast of her。 He placed a big warm hand on hers; as it rested; ungloved; on the pommel of the saddle。

〃Have you seen Flo?〃 he asked。

〃I just left her。 It was funnythe way she rushed me off after you。 As if there weren't two〃

Was it Glenn's eyes or the movement of his hand that checked her utterance? His gaze pierced her soul。 His hand slid along her arm to her waistaround it。 Her heart seemed to burst。

〃Kick your feet out of the stirrups;〃 he ordered。

Instinctively she obeyed。 Then with a strong pull he hauled her half out of the saddle; pellmell into his arms。 Carley had no resistance。 She sank limp; in an agony of amaze。 Was this a dream? Swift and hard his lips met hersand againand again。 。 。 。

〃Oh; my God!Glenn; areyoumad?〃 she whispered; almost swooning。

〃SureI reckon I am;〃 he replied; huskily; and pulled her all the way out of the saddle。

Carley would have fallen but for his support。 She could not think。 She was all instinct。 Only the amazethe sudden horrordriftedfaded as before fires of her heart!

〃Kiss me!〃 he commanded。

She would have kissed him if death were the penalty。 How his face blurred in her dimmed sight! Was that a strange smile? Then he held her back from him。

〃Carleyyou came to wish Flo and me happiness?〃 he asked。

〃Oh; yesyes。 。 。 。 Pity me; Glennlet me go。 I meant well。 。 。 。 I shouldnever have come。〃

〃Do you love me?〃 he went on; with passionate; shaking clasp。

〃God help meI doI do! 。 。 。 And now it will kill me!〃

〃What did that damned fool Charley tell you?〃

The strange content of his query; the trenchant force of it; brought her upright; with sight suddenly cleared。 Was this giant the tragic Glenn who had strode to her from the cabin door?

〃Charley told meyou and Flowere married;〃 she whispered。

〃You didn't believe him!〃 returned Glenn。

She could no longer speak。 She could only see her lover; as if transfigured; limned dark against the looming red wall。

〃That was one of Charley's queer jokes。 I told you to beware of him。 Flo is married; yesand very happy。 。 。 。 I'm unutterably happy; toobut I'm not married。 Lee Stanton was the lucky bridegroom。 。 。 。 Carley; the moment I saw you I knew you had come back to me。〃


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