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the call of the canyon-第37节

小说: the call of the canyon 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Carley; you are getting a little beyond me;〃 declared Eleanor; dubiously。

〃What are you going to do? It all comes home to each individual woman。 Her attitude toward life。〃

〃I'll drift along with the current; Carley; and be a good sport;〃 replied Eleanor; smiling。

〃You don't care about the women and children of the future? You'll not deny yourself now; and think and work; and suffer a little; in the interest of future humanity?〃

〃How you put things; Carley!〃 exclaimed Eleanor; wearily。 〃Of course I carewhen you make me think of such things。 But what have I to do with the lives of people in the years to come?〃

〃Everything。 America for Americans! While you dawdle; the life blood is being sucked out of our great nation。 It is a man's job to fight; it is a woman's to save。 。 。 。 I think you've made your choice; though you don't realize it。 I'm praying to God that I'll rise to mine。〃

Carley had a visitor one morning earlier than the usual or conventional time for calls。

〃He wouldn't give no name;〃 said the maid。 〃He wears soldier clothes; ma'am; and he's pale; and walks with a cane。〃

〃Tell him I'll be right down;〃 replied Carley。

Her hands trembled while she hurriedly dressed。 Could this caller be Virgil Rust? She hoped so; but she doubted。

As she entered the parlor a tall young man in worn khaki rose to meet her。 At first glance she could not name him; though she recognized the pale face and light…blue eyes; direct and steady。

〃Good morning; Miss Burch;〃 he said。 〃I hope you'll excuse so early a call。 You remember me; don't you? I'm George Burton; who had the bunk next to Rust's。〃

〃Surely I remember you; Mr。 Burton; and I'm glad to see you;〃 replied Carley; shaking hands with him。 〃Please sit down。 Your being here must mean you're discharged from the hospital。〃

〃Yes; I was discharged; all right;〃 he said。

〃Which means you're well again。 That is fine。 I'm very glad。〃

〃I was put out to make room for a fellow in bad shape。 I'm still shaky and weak;〃 he replied。 〃But I'm glad to go。 I've pulled through pretty good; and it'll not be long until I'm strong again。 It was the 'flu' that kept me down。〃

〃You must be careful。 May I ask where you're going and what you expect to do?〃

〃Yes; that's what I came to tell you;〃 he replied; frankly。 〃I want you to help me a little。 I'm from Illinois and my people aren't so badly off。 But I don't want to go back to my home town down and out; you know。 Besides; the winters are cold there。 The doctor advises me to go to a little milder climate。 You see; I was gassed; and got the 'flu' afterward。 But I know I'll be all right if I'm careful。 。 。 。 Well; I've always had a leaning toward agriculture; and I want to go to Kansas。 Southern Kansas。 I want to travel around till I find a place I like; and there I'll get a job。 Not too hard a job at firstthat's why I'll need a little money。 I know what to do。 I want to lose myself in the wheat country and forget thethe war。 I'll not be afraid of work; presently。 。 。 。 Now; Miss Burch; you've been so kindI'm going to ask you to lend me a little money。 I'll pay it back。 I can't promise just when。 But some day。 Will you?〃

〃Assuredly I will;〃 she replied; heartily。 〃I'm happy to have the opportunity to help you。 How much will you need for immediate use? Five hundred dollars?〃

〃Oh no; not so much as that;〃 he replied。 〃Just railroad fare home; and then to Kansas; and to pay board while I get well; you know; and look around。〃

〃We'll make it five hundred; anyway;〃 she replied; and; rising; she went toward the library。 〃Excuse me a moment。〃 She wrote the check and; returning; gave it to him。

〃You're very good;〃 he said; rather low。

〃Not at all;〃 replied Carley。 〃You have no idea how much it means to me to be permitted to help you。 Before I forget; I must ask you; can you cash that check here in New York?〃

〃Not unless you identify me;〃 he said; ruefully; 〃I don't know anyone I could ask。〃

〃Well; when you leave here go at once to my bankit's on Thirty…fourth Streetand I'll telephone the cashier。 So you'll not have any difficulty。 Will you leave New York at once?〃

〃I surely will。 It's an awful place。 Two years ago when I came here with my company I thought it was grand。 But I guess I lost something over there。 。 。 。 I want to be where it's quiet。 Where I won't see many people。〃

〃I think I understand;〃 returned Carley。 〃Then I suppose you're in a hurry to get home? Of course you have a girl you're just dying to see?〃

〃No; I'm sorry to say I haven't;〃 he replied; simply。 〃I was glad I didn't have to leave a sweetheart behind; when I went to France。 But it wouldn't be so bad to have one to go back to now。〃

〃Don't you worry!〃 exclaimed Carley。 〃You can take your choice presently。 You have the open sesame to every real American girl's heart。〃

〃And what is that?〃 he asked; with a blush。

〃Your service to your country;〃 she said; gravely。

〃Well;〃 he said; with a singular bluntness; 〃considering I didn't get any medals or bonuses; I'd like to draw a nice girl。〃

〃You will;〃 replied Carley; and made haste to change the subject。 〃By the way; did you meet Glenn Kilbourne in France?〃

〃Not that I remember;〃 rejoined Burton; as he got up; rising rather stiffly by aid of his cane。 〃I must go; Miss Burch。 Really I can't thank you enough。 And I'll never forget it。〃

〃Will you write me how you are getting along?〃 asked Carley; offering her hand。


Carley moved with him out into the hall and to the door。 There was a question she wanted to ask; but found it strangely difficult of utterance。 At the door Burton fixed a rather penetrating gaze upon her。

〃You didn't ask me about Rust;〃 he said。

〃No; II didn't think of himuntil now; in fact;〃 Carley lied。

〃Of course then you couldn't have heard about him。 I was wondering。〃

〃I have heard nothing。〃

〃It was Rust who told me to come to you;〃 said Burton。 〃We were talking one day; and hewell; he thought you were true blue。 He said he knew you'd trust me and lend me money。 I couldn't have asked you but for him。〃

〃True blue! He believed that。 I'm glad。 。 。 。 Has he spoken of me to you since I was last at the hospital?〃

〃Hardly;〃 replied Burton; with the straight; strange glance on her again。

Carley met this glance and suddenly a coldness seemed to envelop her。 It did not seem to come from within though her heart stopped beating。 Burton had not changedthe warmth; the gratitude still lingered about him。 But the light of his eyes! Carley had seen it in Glenn's; in Rust'sa strange; questioning; far…off light; infinitely aloof and unutterably sad。 Then there came a lift of her heart that released a pang。 She whispered with dread; with a tremor; with an instinct of calamity。

〃How aboutRust?〃

〃He's dead。〃

The winter came; with its bleak sea winds and cold rains and blizzards of snow。 Carley did not go South。 She read and brooded; and gradually avoided all save those true friends who tolerated her。

She went to the theater a good deal; showing preference for the drama of strife; and she did not go anywhere for amusement。 Distraction and amusement seemed to be dead issues for her。 But she could become absorbed in any argument on the good or evil of the present day。 Socialism reached into her mind; to be rejected。 She had never understood it clearly; but it seemed to her a state of mind where dissatisfied men and women wanted to share what harder working or more gifted people possessed。 There were a few who had too much of the world's goods and many who had too little。 A readjustment of such inequality and injustice must come; but Carley did not see the remedy in Socialism。

She devoured books on the war with a morbid curiosity and hope that she would find some illuminating truth as to the uselessness of sacrificing young men in the glory and prime of their lives。 To her war appeared a matter of human nature rather than politics。 Hate really was an effect of war。 In her judgment future wars could be avoided only in two waysby men becoming honest and just or by women refusing to have children to be sacrificed。 As there seemed no indication whatever of the former; she wondered how soon all women of all races would meet on a common height; with the mounting spirit that consumed her own heart。 Such time must come。 She granted every argument for war and flung against it one ringing passionate truthagony of mangled soldiers and agony of women and children。 There was no justification for offensive war。 It was monstrous and hideous。 If nature and evolution proved the absolute need of strife; war; blood; and death in the progress of animal and man toward perfection; then it would be better to abandon this Christless code and let the race of man die out。

All through these weeks she longed for a letter from Glenn。 But it did not come。 Had he finally roused to the sweetness and worth and love of the western girl; Flo Hutter? Carley knew absolutely; through both intelligence and intuition; that Glenn Kilbourne would never love Flo。 Yet such was her intensity and stress at times; especially in the darkness of waking hours; that jealousy overcame her and insidiously worked its havoc。 Peace and a strange kind of joy came to her in dreams of 

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