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the call of the canyon-第20节

小说: the call of the canyon 字数: 每页4000字

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quer the wilderness; to live in it; and reproduce his kind。 Like flashes Glenn's words came back to Carley〃Work and children!〃

Some interpretation of his meaning and how it related to this hour held aloof from Carley。 If she would ever be big enough to understand it and broad enough to accept it the time was far distant。 Just now she was sore and sick physically; and therefore certainly not in a receptive state of mind。 Yet how could she have keener impressions than these she was receiving? It was all a problem。 She grew tired of thinking。 But even then her mind pondered on; a stream of consciousness over which she had no control。 This dreary woods was deserted。 No birds; no squirrels; no creatures such as fancy anticipated! In another direction; across the canyon; she saw cattle; gaunt; ragged; lumbering; and stolid。 And on the moment the scent of sheep came on the breeze。 Time seemed to stand still here; and what Carley wanted most was for the hours and days to fly; so that she would be home again。

At last Flo returned with the men。 One quick glance at Glenn convinced Carley that Flo had not yet told him about the sheep dipper; Haze Ruff。

〃Carley; you're a real sport;〃 declared Glenn; with the rare smile she loved。 〃It's a dreadful mess。 And to think you stood it! 。 。 。 Why; old Fifth Avenue; if you needed to make another hit with me you've done it!〃

His warmth amazed and pleased Carley。 She could not quite understand why it would have made any difference to him whether she had stood the ordeal or not。 But then every day she seemed to drift a little farther from a real understanding of her lover。 His praise gladdened her; and fortified her to face the rest of this ride back to Oak Creek。

Four hours later; in a twilight so shadowy that no one saw her distress; Carley half slipped and half fell from her horse and managed somehow to mount the steps and enter the bright living room。 A cheerful red fire blazed on the hearth; Glenn's hound; Moze; trembled eagerly at sight of her and looked up with humble dark eyes; the white…clothed dinner table steamed with savory dishes。 Flo stood before the blaze; warming her hands。 Lee Stanton leaned against the mantel; with eyes on her; and every line of his lean; hard face expressed his devotion to her。 Hutter was taking his seat at the head of the table。 〃Come an' get it…you…all;〃 he called; heartily。 Mrs。 Hutter's face beamed with the spirit of that home。 And lastly; Carley saw Glenn waiting for her; watching her come; true in this very moment to his stern hope for her and pride in her; as she dragged her weary; spent body toward him and the bright fire。

By these signs; or the effect of them; Carley vaguely realized that she was incalculably changing; that this Carley Burch had become a vastly bigger person in the sight of her friends; and strangely in her own a lesser creature。


If spring came at all to Oak Creek Canyon it warmed into summer before Carley had time to languish with the fever characteristic of early June in the East。

As if by magic it seemed the green grass sprang up; the green buds opened into leaves; the bluebells and primroses bloomed; the apple and peach blossoms burst exquisitely white and pink against the blue sky。 Oak Creek fell to a transparent; beautiful brook; leisurely eddying in the stone walled nooks; hurrying with murmur and babble over the little falls。 The mornings broke clear and fragrantly cool; the noon hours seemed to lag under a hot sun; the nights fell like dark mantles from the melancholy star…sown sky。

Carley had stubbornly kept on riding and climbing until she killed her secret doubt that she was really a thoroughbred; until she satisfied her own insistent vanity that she could train to a point where this outdoor life was not too much for her strength。 She lost flesh despite increase of appetite; she lost her pallor for a complexion of gold…brown she knew her Eastern friends would admire; she wore out the blisters and aches and pains; she found herself growing firmer of muscle; lither of line; deeper of chest。 And in addition to these physical manifestations there were subtle intimations of a delight in a freedom of body she had never before known; of an exhilaration in action that made her hot and made her breathe; of a sloughing off of numberless petty and fussy and luxurious little superficialities which she had supposed were necessary to her happiness。 What she had undertaken in vain conquest of Glenn's pride and Flo Hutter's Western tolerance she had found to be a boomerang。 She had won Glenn's admiration; she had won the Western girl's recognition。 But her passionate; stubborn desire had been ignoble; and was proved so by the rebound of her achievement; coming home to her with a sweetness she had not the courage to accept。 She forced it from her。 This West with its rawness; its ruggedness; she hated。

Nevertheless; the June days passed; growing dreamily swift; growing more incomprehensibly full; and still she had not broached to Glenn the main object of her visitto take him back East。 Yet a little while longer! She hated his work and had not talked of that。 Yet an honest consciousness told her that as time flew by she feared more and more to tell him that he was wasting his life there and that she could not bear it。 Still was he wasting it? Once in a while a timid and unfamiliar Carley Burch voiced a pregnant query。 Perhaps what held Carley back most was the happiness she achieved in her walks and rides with Glenn。 She lingered because of them。 Every day she loved him more; and yetthere was something。 Was it in her or in him? She had a woman's assurance of his love and sometimes she caught her breathso sweet and strong was the tumultuous emotion it stirred。 She preferred to enjoy while she could; to dream instead of think。 But it was not possible to hold a blank; dreamy; lulled consciousness all the time。 Thought would return。 And not always could she drive away a feeling that Glenn would never be her slave。 She divined something in his mind that kept him gentle and kindly; restrained always; sometimes melancholy and aloof; as if he were an impassive destiny waiting for the iron consequences he knew inevitably must fall。 What was this that he knew which she did not know? The idea haunted her。 Perhaps it was that which compelled her to use all her woman's wiles and charms on Glenn。 Still; though it thrilled her to see she made him love her more as the days passed; she could not blind herself to the truth that no softness or allurement of hers changed this strange restraint in him。 How that baffled her! Was it resistance or knowledge or nobility or doubt?

Flo Hutter's twentieth birthday came along the middle of June; and all the neighbors and range hands for miles around were invited to celebrate it。

For the second time during her visit Carley put on the white gown that had made Flo gasp with delight; and had stunned Mrs。 Hutter; and had brought a reluctant compliment from Glenn。 Carley liked to create a sensation。 What were exquisite and expensive gowns for; if not that?

It was twilight on this particular June night when she was ready to go downstairs; and she tarried a while on the long porch。 The evening star; so lonely and radiant; so cold and passionless in the dusky blue; had become an object she waited for and watched; the same as she had come to love the dreaming; murmuring melody of the waterfall。 She lingered there。 What had the sights and sounds and smells of this wild canyon come to mean to her? She could not say。 But they had changed immeasurably。

Her soft slippers made no sound on the porch; and as she turned the corner of the house; where shadows hovered thick; she heard Lee Stanton's voice:

〃But; Flo; you loved me before Kilbourne came。〃

The content; the pathos; of his voice chained Carley to the spot。 Some situations; like fate; were beyond resisting。

〃Shore I did;〃 replied Flo; dreamily。 This was the voice of a girl who was being confronted by happy and sad thoughts on her birthday。

〃Don't youlove mestill?〃 he asked; huskily。

〃Why; of course; Lee! I don't change;〃 she said。

〃But then; why〃 There for the moment his utterance or courage failed。

〃Lee; do you want the honest to God's truth?〃

〃I reckonI do。〃

〃Well; I love you just as I always did;〃 replied Flo; earnestly。 〃But; Lee; I love him more than you or anybody。〃

〃My Heaven! Floyou'll ruin us all!〃 he exclaimed; hoarsely。

〃No; I won't either。 You can't say I'm not level headed。 I hated to tell you this; Lee; but you made me。〃

〃Flo; you love me an' himtwo men?〃 queried Stanton; incredulously。

〃I shore do;〃 she drawled; with a soft laugh。 〃And it's no fun。〃

〃Reckon I don't cut much of a figure alongside Kilbourne;〃 said Stanton; disconsolately。

〃Lee; you could stand alongside any man;〃 replied Flo; eloquently。 〃You're Western; and you're steady and loyal; and you'llwell; some day you'll be like dad。 Could I say more? 。 。 。 But; Lee; this man is different。 He is wonderful。 I can't explain it; but I feel it。 He has been through hell's fire。 Oh! will I ever forget his ravings when he lay so ill? He means more to me than just one man。 He's American。 You're American; too; Lee; and you trained to

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