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prometheus bound-第8节

小说: prometheus bound 字数: 每页4000字

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    Rail not at fortune; but look back

    And these my words recall;

    Neither blame Zeus that he hath sent

    Sorrow no warning word forewent!

    Ye labour for your fall

    With your own hands I Not by surprise

    Nor yet by stealth; but with clear eyes;

    Knowing the thing ye do;

    Ye walk into the yawning net

    That for the feet of is set

    And Ruin spreads for you。



    The time is past for words; earth quakes

    Sensibly: hark! pent thunder rakes

    The depths; with bellowing din

    Of echoes rolling ever nigher:

    Lightnings shake out their locks of fire;

    The dust cones dance and spin;

    The skipping winds; as if possessed

    By faction…north; south; east and west;

    Puff at each other; sea

    And sky are shook together: Lo

    The swing and fury of the blow

    Wherewith Zeus smiteth me

    Sweepeth apace; and; visibly;

    To strike my heart with fear。 See; see;

    Earth; awful Mother! Air;

    That shedd'st from the revolving sky

    On all the light they see thee by;

    What bitter wrongs I bear!

             The scene closes with earthquake and thunder;

      in the midst of which PROMETHEUS and the DAUGHTERS OF OCEANUS

                           sink into the abyss。

                                    THE END

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