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idylls of the king-第47节

小说: idylls of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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Who called him the false son of Gorlois:
For there was no man knew from whence he came;
But after tempest; when the long wave broke
All down the thundering shores of Bude and Bos;
There came a day as still as heaven; and then
They found a naked child upon the sands
Of dark Tintagil by the Cornish sea;
And that was Arthur; and they fostered him
Till he by miracle was approven King:
And that his grave should be a mystery
From all men; like his birth; and could he find
A woman in her womanhood as great
As he was in his manhood; then; he sang;
The twain together well might change the world。
But even in the middle of his song
He faltered; and his hand fell from the harp;
And pale he turned; and reeled; and would have fallen;
But that they stayed him up; nor would he tell
His vision; but what doubt that he foresaw
This evil work of Lancelot and the Queen?'

   Then thought the Queen; 'Lo! they have set her on;
Our simple…seeming Abbess and her nuns;
To play upon me;' and bowed her head nor spake。
Whereat the novice crying; with clasped hands;
Shame on her own garrulity garrulously;
Said the good nuns would check her gadding tongue
Full often; 'and; sweet lady; if I seem
To vex an ear too sad to listen to me;
Unmannerly; with prattling and the tales
Which my good father told me; check me too
Nor let me shame my father's memory; one
Of noblest manners; though himself would say
Sir Lancelot had the noblest; and he died;
Killed in a tilt; come next; five summers back;
And left me; but of others who remain;
And of the two first…famed for courtesy
And pray you check me if I ask amiss…
But pray you; which had noblest; while you moved
Among them; Lancelot or our lord the King?'

   Then the pale Queen looked up and answered her;
'Sir Lancelot; as became a noble knight;
Was gracious to all ladies; and the same
In open battle or the tilting…field
Forbore his own advantage; and the King
In open battle or the tilting…field
Forbore his own advantage; and these two
Were the most nobly…mannered men of all;
For manners are not idle; but the fruit
Of loyal nature; and of noble mind。'

   'Yea;' said the maid; 'be manners such fair fruit?'
Then Lancelot's needs must be a thousand…fold
Less noble; being; as all rumour runs;
The most disloyal friend in all the world。'

   To which a mournful answer made the Queen:
'O closed about by narrowing nunnery…walls;
What knowest thou of the world; and all its lights
And shadows; all the wealth and all the woe?
If ever Lancelot; that most noble knight;
Were for one hour less noble than himself;
Pray for him that he scape the doom of fire;
And weep for her that drew him to his doom。'

   'Yea;' said the little novice; 'I pray for both;
But I should all as soon believe that his;
Sir Lancelot's; were as noble as the King's;
As I could think; sweet lady; yours would be
Such as they are; were you the sinful Queen。'

   So she; like many another babbler; hurt
Whom she would soothe; and harmed where she would heal;
For here a sudden flush of wrathful heat
Fired all the pale face of the Queen; who cried;
'Such as thou art be never maiden more
For ever! thou their tool; set on to plague
And play upon; and harry me; petty spy
And traitress。'  When that storm of anger brake
From Guinevere; aghast the maiden rose;
White as her veil; and stood before the Queen
As tremulously as foam upon the beach
Stands in a wind; ready to break and fly;
And when the Queen had added 'Get thee hence;'
Fled frighted。  Then that other left alone
Sighed; and began to gather heart again;
Saying in herself; 'The simple; fearful child
Meant nothing; but my own too…fearful guilt;
Simpler than any child; betrays itself。
But help me; heaven; for surely I repent。
For what is true repentance but in thought
Not even in inmost thought to think again
The sins that made the past so pleasant to us:
And I have sworn never to see him more;
To see him more。'

                 And even in saying this;
Her memory from old habit of the mind
Went slipping back upon the golden days
In which she saw him first; when Lancelot came;
Reputed the best knight and goodliest man;
Ambassador; to lead her to his lord
Arthur; and led her forth; and far ahead
Of his and her retinue moving; they;
Rapt in sweet talk or lively; all on love
And sport and tilts and pleasure; (for the time
Was maytime; and as yet no sin was dreamed;)
Rode under groves that looked a paradise
Of blossom; over sheets of hyacinth
That seemed the heavens upbreaking through the earth;
And on from hill to hill; and every day
Beheld at noon in some delicious dale
The silk pavilions of King Arthur raised
For brief repast or afternoon repose
By couriers gone before; and on again;
Till yet once more ere set of sun they saw
The Dragon of the great Pendragonship;
That crowned the state pavilion of the King;
Blaze by the rushing brook or silent well。

   But when the Queen immersed in such a trance;
And moving through the past unconsciously;
Came to that point where first she saw the King
Ride toward her from the city; sighed to find
Her journey done; glanced at him; thought him cold;
High; self…contained; and passionless; not like him;
'Not like my Lancelot'while she brooded thus
And grew half…guilty in her thoughts again;
There rode an armed warrior to the doors。
A murmuring whisper through the nunnery ran;
Then on a sudden a cry; 'The King。'  She sat
Stiff…stricken; listening; but when armed feet
Through the long gallery from the outer doors
Rang coming; prone from off her seat she fell;
And grovelled with her face against the floor:
There with her milkwhite arms and shadowy hair
She made her face a darkness from the King:
And in the darkness heard his armed feet
Pause by her; then came silence; then a voice;
Monotonous and hollow like a Ghost's
Denouncing judgment; but though changed; the King's:

   'Liest thou here so low; the child of one
I honoured; happy; dead before thy shame?
Well is it that no child is born of thee。
The children born of thee are sword and fire;
Red ruin; and the breaking up of laws;
The craft of kindred and the Godless hosts
Of heathen swarming o'er the Northern Sea;
Whom I; while yet Sir Lancelot; my right arm;
The mightiest of my knights; abode with me;
Have everywhere about this land of Christ
In twelve great battles ruining overthrown。
And knowest thou now from whence I comefrom him
From waging bitter war with him:  and he;
That did not shun to smite me in worse way;
Had yet that grace of courtesy in him left;
He spared to lift his hand against the King
Who made him knight:  but many a knight was slain;
And many more; and all his kith and kin
Clave to him; and abode in his own land。
And many more when Modred raised revolt;
Forgetful of their troth and fealty; clave
To Modred; and a remnant stays with me。
And of this remnant will I leave a part;
True men who love me still; for whom I live;
To guard thee in the wild hour coming on;
Lest but a hair of this low head be harmed。
Fear not:  thou shalt be guarded till my death。
Howbeit I know; if ancient prophecies
Have erred not; that I march to meet my doom。
Thou hast not made my life so sweet to me;
That I the King should greatly care to live;
For thou hast spoilt the purpose of my life。
Bear with me for the last time while I show;
Even for thy sake; the sin which thou hast sinned。
For when the Roman left us; and their law
Relaxed its hold upon us; and the ways
Were filled with rapine; here and there a deed
Of prowess done redressed a random wrong。
But I was first of all the kings who drew
The knighthood…errant of this realm and all
The realms together under me; their Head;
In that fair Order of my Table Round;
A glorious company; the flower of men;
To serve as model for the mighty world;
And be the fair beginning of a time。
I made them lay their hands in mine and swear
To reverence the King; as if he were
Their conscience; and their conscience as their King;
To break the heathen and uphold the Christ;
To ride abroad redressing human wrongs;
To speak no slander; no; nor listen to it;
To honour his own word as if his God's;
To lead sweet lives in purest chastity;
To love one maiden only; cleave to her;
And worship her by years of noble deeds;
Until they won her; for indeed I knew
Of no more subtle master under heaven
Than is the maiden passion for a maid;
Not only to keep down the base in man;
But teach high thought; and amiable words
And courtliness; and the desire of fame;
And love of truth; and all that makes a man。
And all this throve before I wedded thee;
Believing; 〃lo mine helpmate; one to feel
My purpose and rejoicing in my joy。〃
Then came thy shameful sin with Lancelot;
Then came the sin of Tristram and Isolt;
Then others; following these my mightiest knights;
And drawing foul ensample from fair names;
Sinned also; till the loathsome opposite
Of all my heart had destined did obtain;
And all through thee! so that this life of mine
I guard as God's high gift from scathe and wrong;
Not greatly care to lose; but rather think
How sad it were for Arthur; should he live;
To sit once more within his lonely hall;
And miss the wonted n

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