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idylls of the king-第46节

小说: idylls of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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Far cities burnt; and with a cry she woke。
And all this trouble did not pass but grew;
Till even the clear face of the guileless King;
And trustful courtesies of household life;
Became her bane; and at the last she said;
'O Lancelot; get thee hence to thine own land;
For if thou tarry we shall meet again;
And if we meet again; some evil chance
Will make the smouldering scandal break and blaze
Before the people; and our lord the King。'
And Lancelot ever promised; but remained;
And still they met and met。  Again she said;
'O Lancelot; if thou love me get thee hence。'
And then they were agreed upon a night
(When the good King should not be there) to meet
And part for ever。  Vivien; lurking; heard。
She told Sir Modred。  Passion…pale they met
And greeted。  Hands in hands; and eye to eye;
Low on the border of her couch they sat
Stammering and staring。  It was their last hour;
A madness of farewells。  And Modred brought
His creatures to the basement of the tower
For testimony; and crying with full voice
'Traitor; come out; ye are trapt at last;' aroused
Lancelot; who rushing outward lionlike
Leapt on him; and hurled him headlong; and he fell
Stunned; and his creatures took and bare him off;
And all was still:  then she; 'The end is come;
And I am shamed for ever;' and he said;
'Mine be the shame; mine was the sin:  but rise;
And fly to my strong castle overseas:
There will I hide thee; till my life shall end;
There hold thee with my life against the world。'
She answered; 'Lancelot; wilt thou hold me so?
Nay; friend; for we have taken our farewells。
Would God that thou couldst hide me from myself!
Mine is the shame; for I was wife; and thou
Unwedded:  yet rise now; and let us fly;
For I will draw me into sanctuary;
And bide my doom。'  So Lancelot got her horse;
Set her thereon; and mounted on his own;
And then they rode to the divided way;
There kissed; and parted weeping:  for he past;
Love…loyal to the least wish of the Queen;
Back to his land; but she to Almesbury
Fled all night long by glimmering waste and weald;
And heard the Spirits of the waste and weald
Moan as she fled; or thought she heard them moan:
And in herself she moaned 'Too late; too late!'
Till in the cold wind that foreruns the morn;
A blot in heaven; the Raven; flying high;
Croaked; and she thought; 'He spies a field of death;
For now the Heathen of the Northern Sea;
Lured by the crimes and frailties of the court;
Begin to slay the folk; and spoil the land。'

   And when she came to Almesbury she spake
There to the nuns; and said; 'Mine enemies
Pursue me; but; O peaceful Sisterhood;
Receive; and yield me sanctuary; nor ask
Her name to whom ye yield it; till her time
To tell you:' and her beauty; grace and power;
Wrought as a charm upon them; and they spared
To ask it。

          So the stately Queen abode
For many a week; unknown; among the nuns;
Nor with them mixed; nor told her name; nor sought;
Wrapt in her grief; for housel or for shrift;
But communed only with the little maid;
Who pleased her with a babbling heedlessness
Which often lured her from herself; but now;
This night; a rumour wildly blown about
Came; that Sir Modred had usurped the realm;
And leagued him with the heathen; while the King
Was waging war on Lancelot:  then she thought;
'With what a hate the people and the King
Must hate me;' and bowed down upon her hands
Silent; until the little maid; who brooked
No silence; brake it; uttering; 'Late! so late!
What hour; I wonder; now?' and when she drew
No answer; by and by began to hum
An air the nuns had taught her; 'Late; so late!'
Which when she heard; the Queen looked up; and said;
'O maiden; if indeed ye list to sing;
Sing; and unbind my heart that I may weep。'
Whereat full willingly sang the little maid。

   'Late; late; so late! and dark the night and chill!
Late; late; so late! but we can enter still。
Too late; too late! ye cannot enter now。

   'No light had we:  for that we do repent;
And learning this; the bridegroom will relent。
Too late; too late! ye cannot enter now。

   'No light:  so late! and dark and chill the night!
O let us in; that we may find the light!
Too late; too late:  ye cannot enter now。

   'Have we not heard the bridegroom is so sweet?
O let us in; though late; to kiss his feet!
No; no; too late! ye cannot enter now。'

   So sang the novice; while full passionately;
Her head upon her hands; remembering
Her thought when first she came; wept the sad Queen。
Then said the little novice prattling to her;
   'O pray you; noble lady; weep no more;
But let my words; the words of one so small;
Who knowing nothing knows but to obey;
And if I do not there is penance given
Comfort your sorrows; for they do not flow
From evil done; right sure am I of that;
Who see your tender grace and stateliness。
But weigh your sorrows with our lord the King's;
And weighing find them less; for gone is he
To wage grim war against Sir Lancelot there;
Round that strong castle where he holds the Queen;
And Modred whom he left in charge of all;
The traitorAh sweet lady; the King's grief
For his own self; and his own Queen; and realm;
Must needs be thrice as great as any of ours。
For me; I thank the saints; I am not great。
For if there ever come a grief to me
I cry my cry in silence; and have done。
None knows it; and my tears have brought me good:
But even were the griefs of little ones
As great as those of great ones; yet this grief
Is added to the griefs the great must bear;
That howsoever much they may desire
Silence; they cannot weep behind a cloud:
As even here they talk at Almesbury
About the good King and his wicked Queen;
And were I such a King with such a Queen;
Well might I wish to veil her wickedness;
But were I such a King; it could not be。'

   Then to her own sad heart muttered the Queen;
'Will the child kill me with her innocent talk?'
But openly she answered; 'Must not I;
If this false traitor have displaced his lord;
Grieve with the common grief of all the realm?'

   'Yea;' said the maid; 'this is all woman's grief;
That she is woman; whose disloyal life
Hath wrought confusion in the Table Round
Which good King Arthur founded; years ago;
With signs and miracles and wonders; there
At Camelot; ere the coming of the Queen。'

   Then thought the Queen within herself again;
'Will the child kill me with her foolish prate?'
But openly she spake and said to her;
'O little maid; shut in by nunnery walls;
What canst thou know of Kings and Tables Round;
Or what of signs and wonders; but the signs
And simple miracles of thy nunnery?'

   To whom the little novice garrulously;
'Yea; but I know:  the land was full of signs
And wonders ere the coming of the Queen。
So said my father; and himself was knight
Of the great Tableat the founding of it;
And rode thereto from Lyonnesse; and he said
That as he rode; an hour or maybe twain
After the sunset; down the coast; he heard
Strange music; and he paused; and turningthere;
All down the lonely coast of Lyonnesse;
Each with a beacon…star upon his head;
And with a wild sea…light about his feet;
He saw themheadland after headland flame
Far on into the rich heart of the west:
And in the light the white mermaiden swam;
And strong man…breasted things stood from the sea;
And sent a deep sea…voice through all the land;
To which the little elves of chasm and cleft
Made answer; sounding like a distant horn。
So said my fatheryea; and furthermore;
Next morning; while he past the dim…lit woods;
Himself beheld three spirits mad with joy
Come dashing down on a tall wayside flower;
That shook beneath them; as the thistle shakes
When three gray linnets wrangle for the seed:
And still at evenings on before his horse
The flickering fairy…circle wheeled and broke
Flying; and linked again; and wheeled and broke
Flying; for all the land was full of life。
And when at last he came to Camelot;
A wreath of airy dancers hand…in…hand
Swung round the lighted lantern of the hall;
And in the hall itself was such a feast
As never man had dreamed; for every knight
Had whatsoever meat he longed for served
By hands unseen; and even as he said
Down in the cellars merry bloated things
Shouldered the spigot; straddling on the butts
While the wine ran:  so glad were spirits and men
Before the coming of the sinful Queen。'

   Then spake the Queen and somewhat bitterly;
'Were they so glad? ill prophets were they all;
Spirits and men:  could none of them foresee;
Not even thy wise father with his signs
And wonders; what has fallen upon the realm?'

   To whom the novice garrulously again;
'Yea; one; a bard; of whom my father said;
Full many a noble war…song had he sung;
Even in the presence of an enemy's fleet;
Between the steep cliff and the coming wave;
And many a mystic lay of life and death
Had chanted on the smoky mountain…tops;
When round him bent the spirits of the hills
With all their dewy hair blown back like flame:
So said my fatherand that night the bard
Sang Arthur's glorious wars; and sang the King
As wellnigh more than man; and railed at those
Who called him the false son of Gorlois:
For there was no man knew from whence he came;

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