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idylls of the king-第44节

小说: idylls of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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Till each would clash the shield; and blow the horn。
But Arthur waved them back。  Alone he rode。
Then at the dry harsh roar of the great horn;
That sent the face of all the marsh aloft
An ever upward…rushing storm and cloud
Of shriek and plume; the Red Knight heard; and all;
Even to tipmost lance and topmost helm;
In blood…red armour sallying; howled to the King;

   'The teeth of Hell flay bare and gnash thee flat!
Lo! art thou not that eunuch…hearted King
Who fain had clipt free manhood from the world
The woman…worshipper?  Yea; God's curse; and I!
Slain was the brother of my paramour
By a knight of thine; and I that heard her whine
And snivel; being eunuch…hearted too;
Sware by the scorpion…worm that twists in hell;
And stings itself to everlasting death;
To hang whatever knight of thine I fought
And tumbled。  Art thou King? Look to thy life!'

   He ended:  Arthur knew the voice; the face
Wellnigh was helmet…hidden; and the name
Went wandering somewhere darkling in his mind。
And Arthur deigned not use of word or sword;
But let the drunkard; as he stretched from horse
To strike him; overbalancing his bulk;
Down from the causeway heavily to the swamp
Fall; as the crest of some slow…arching wave;
Heard in dead night along that table…shore;
Drops flat; and after the great waters break
Whitening for half a league; and thin themselves;
Far over sands marbled with moon and cloud;
From less and less to nothing; thus he fell
Head…heavy; then the knights; who watched him; roared
And shouted and leapt down upon the fallen;
There trampled out his face from being known;
And sank his head in mire; and slimed themselves:
Nor heard the King for their own cries; but sprang
Through open doors; and swording right and left
Men; women; on their sodden faces; hurled
The tables over and the wines; and slew
Till all the rafters rang with woman…yells;
And all the pavement streamed with massacre:
Then; echoing yell with yell; they fired the tower;
Which half that autumn night; like the live North;
Red…pulsing up through Alioth and Alcor;
Made all above it; and a hundred meres
About it; as the water Moab saw
Came round by the East; and out beyond them flushed
The long low dune; and lazy…plunging sea。

   So all the ways were safe from shore to shore;
But in the heart of Arthur pain was lord。

   Then; out of Tristram waking; the red dream
Fled with a shout; and that low lodge returned;
Mid…forest; and the wind among the boughs。
He whistled his good warhorse left to graze
Among the forest greens; vaulted upon him;
And rode beneath an ever…showering leaf;
Till one lone woman; weeping near a cross;
Stayed him。  'Why weep ye?'  'Lord;' she said; 'my man
Hath left me or is dead;' whereon he thought
'What; if she hate me now? I would not this。
What; if she love me still? I would not that。
I know not what I would'but said to her;
'Yet weep not thou; lest; if thy mate return;
He find thy favour changed and love thee not'
Then pressing day by day through Lyonnesse
Last in a roky hollow; belling; heard
The hounds of Mark; and felt the goodly hounds
Yelp at his heart; but turning; past and gained
Tintagil; half in sea; and high on land;
A crown of towers。

                  Down in a casement sat;
A low sea…sunset glorying round her hair
And glossy…throated grace; Isolt the Queen。
And when she heard the feet of Tristram grind
The spiring stone that scaled about her tower;
Flushed; started; met him at the doors; and there
Belted his body with her white embrace;
Crying aloud; 'Not Marknot Mark; my soul!
The footstep fluttered me at first:  not he:
Catlike through his own castle steals my Mark;
But warrior…wise thou stridest through his halls
Who hates thee; as I himeven to the death。
My soul; I felt my hatred for my Mark
Quicken within me; and knew that thou wert nigh。'
To whom Sir Tristram smiling; 'I am here。
Let be thy Mark; seeing he is not thine。'

   And drawing somewhat backward she replied;
'Can he be wronged who is not even his own;
But save for dread of thee had beaten me;
Scratched; bitten; blinded; marred me somehowMark?
What rights are his that dare not strike for them?
Not lift a handnot; though he found me thus!
But harken! have ye met him? hence he went
Today for three days' huntingas he said
And so returns belike within an hour。
Mark's way; my soul!but eat not thou with Mark;
Because he hates thee even more than fears;
Nor drink:  and when thou passest any wood
Close vizor; lest an arrow from the bush
Should leave me all alone with Mark and hell。
My God; the measure of my hate for Mark
Is as the measure of my love for thee。'

   So; plucked one way by hate and one by love;
Drained of her force; again she sat; and spake
To Tristram; as he knelt before her; saying;
'O hunter; and O blower of the horn;
Harper; and thou hast been a rover too;
For; ere I mated with my shambling king;
Ye twain had fallen out about the bride
Of onehis name is out of methe prize;
If prize she were(what marvelshe could see)
Thine; friend; and ever since my craven seeks
To wreck thee villainously:  but; O Sir Knight;
What dame or damsel have ye kneeled to last?'

   And Tristram; 'Last to my Queen Paramount;
Here now to my Queen Paramount of love
And lovelinessay; lovelier than when first
Her light feet fell on our rough Lyonnesse;
Sailing from Ireland。'

                      Softly laughed Isolt;
'Flatter me not; for hath not our great Queen
My dole of beauty trebled?' and he said;
'Her beauty is her beauty; and thine thine;
And thine is more to mesoft; gracious; kind
Save when thy Mark is kindled on thy lips
Most gracious; but she; haughty; even to him;
Lancelot; for I have seen him wan enow
To make one doubt if ever the great Queen
Have yielded him her love。'

                           To whom Isolt;
'Ah then; false hunter and false harper; thou
Who brakest through the scruple of my bond;
Calling me thy white hind; and saying to me
That Guinevere had sinned against the highest;
And Imisyoked with such a want of man
That I could hardly sin against the lowest。'

   He answered; 'O my soul; be comforted!
If this be sweet; to sin in leading…strings;
If here be comfort; and if ours be sin;
Crowned warrant had we for the crowning sin
That made us happy:  but how ye greet mefear
And fault and doubtno word of that fond tale
Thy deep heart…yearnings; thy sweet memories
Of Tristram in that year he was away。'

   And; saddening on the sudden; spake Isolt;
'I had forgotten all in my strong joy
To see theeyearnings?ay! for; hour by hour;
Here in the never…ended afternoon;
O sweeter than all memories of thee;
Deeper than any yearnings after thee
Seemed those far…rolling; westward…smiling seas;
Watched from this tower。  Isolt of Britain dashed
Before Isolt of Brittany on the strand;
Would that have chilled her bride…kiss?  Wedded her?
Fought in her father's battles? wounded there?
The King was all fulfilled with gratefulness;
And she; my namesake of the hands; that healed
Thy hurt and heart with unguent and caress
Wellcan I wish her any huger wrong
Than having known thee? her too hast thou left
To pine and waste in those sweet memories。
O were I not my Mark's; by whom all men
Are noble; I should hate thee more than love。'

   And Tristram; fondling her light hands; replied;
'Grace; Queen; for being loved:  she loved me well。
Did I love her? the name at least I loved。
Isolt?I fought his battles; for Isolt!
The night was dark; the true star set。  Isolt!
The name was ruler of the darkIsolt?
Care not for her! patient; and prayerful; meek;
Pale…blooded; she will yield herself to God。'

   And Isolt answered; 'Yea; and why not I?
Mine is the larger need; who am not meek;
Pale…blooded; prayerful。  Let me tell thee now。
Here one black; mute midsummer night I sat;
Lonely; but musing on thee; wondering where;
Murmuring a light song I had heard thee sing;
And once or twice I spake thy name aloud。
Then flashed a levin…brand; and near me stood;
In fuming sulphur blue and green; a fiend
Mark's way to steal behind one in the dark
For there was Mark:  〃He has wedded her;〃 he said;
Not said; but hissed it:  then this crown of towers
So shook to such a roar of all the sky;
That here in utter dark I swooned away;
And woke again in utter dark; and cried;
〃I will flee hence and give myself to God〃
And thou wert lying in thy new leman's arms。'

   Then Tristram; ever dallying with her hand;
'May God be with thee; sweet; when old and gray;
And past desire!' a saying that angered her。
'〃May God be with thee; sweet; when thou art old;
And sweet no more to me!〃  I need Him now。
For when had Lancelot uttered aught so gross
Even to the swineherd's malkin in the mast?
The greater man; the greater courtesy。
Far other was the Tristram; Arthur's knight!
But thou; through ever harrying thy wild beasts
Save that to touch a harp; tilt with a lance
Becomes thee wellart grown wild beast thyself。
How darest thou; if lover; push me even
In fancy from thy side; and set me far
In the gray distance; half a life away;
Her to be loved no more?  Unsay it; unswear!
Flatter me rather; seeing me so weak;
Broken with Mark an

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