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idylls of the king-第39节

小说: idylls of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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To that dim day; then binding his good horse
To a tree; cast himself down; and as he lay
At random looking over the brown earth
Through that green…glooming twilight of the grove;
It seemed to Pelleas that the fern without
Burnt as a living fire of emeralds;
So that his eyes were dazzled looking at it。
Then o'er it crost the dimness of a cloud
Floating; and once the shadow of a bird
Flying; and then a fawn; and his eyes closed。
And since he loved all maidens; but no maid
In special; half…awake he whispered; 'Where?
O where? I love thee; though I know thee not。
For fair thou art and pure as Guinevere;
And I will make thee with my spear and sword
As famousO my Queen; my Guinevere;
For I will be thine Arthur when we meet。'

   Suddenly wakened with a sound of talk
And laughter at the limit of the wood;
And glancing through the hoary boles; he saw;
Strange as to some old prophet might have seemed
A vision hovering on a sea of fire;
Damsels in divers colours like the cloud
Of sunset and sunrise; and all of them
On horses; and the horses richly trapt
Breast…high in that bright line of bracken stood:
And all the damsels talked confusedly;
And one was pointing this way; and one that;
Because the way was lost。

                         And Pelleas rose;
And loosed his horse; and led him to the light。
There she that seemed the chief among them said;
'In happy time behold our pilot…star!
Youth; we are damsels…errant; and we ride;
Armed as ye see; to tilt against the knights
There at Caerleon; but have lost our way:
To right? to left? straight forward? back again?
Which? tell us quickly。'

                        Pelleas gazing thought;
'Is Guinevere herself so beautiful?'
For large her violet eyes looked; and her bloom
A rosy dawn kindled in stainless heavens;
And round her limbs; mature in womanhood;
And slender was her hand and small her shape;
And but for those large eyes; the haunts of scorn;
She might have seemed a toy to trifle with;
And pass and care no more。  But while he gazed
The beauty of her flesh abashed the boy;
As though it were the beauty of her soul:
For as the base man; judging of the good;
Puts his own baseness in him by default
Of will and nature; so did Pelleas lend
All the young beauty of his own soul to hers;
Believing her; and when she spake to him;
Stammered; and could not make her a reply。
For out of the waste islands had he come;
Where saving his own sisters he had known
Scarce any but the women of his isles;
Rough wives; that laughed and screamed against the gulls;
Makers of nets; and living from the sea。

   Then with a slow smile turned the lady round
And looked upon her people; and as when
A stone is flung into some sleeping tarn;
The circle widens till it lip the marge;
Spread the slow smile through all her company。
Three knights were thereamong; and they too smiled;
Scorning him; for the lady was Ettarre;
And she was a great lady in her land。

   Again she said; 'O wild and of the woods;
Knowest thou not the fashion of our speech?
Or have the Heavens but given thee a fair face;
Lacking a tongue?'

                  'O damsel;' answered he;
'I woke from dreams; and coming out of gloom
Was dazzled by the sudden light; and crave
Pardon:  but will ye to Caerleon?  I
Go likewise:  shall I lead you to the King?'

   'Lead then;' she said; and through the woods they went。
And while they rode; the meaning in his eyes;
His tenderness of manner; and chaste awe;
His broken utterances and bashfulness;
Were all a burthen to her; and in her heart
She muttered; 'I have lighted on a fool;
Raw; yet so stale!'  But since her mind was bent
On hearing; after trumpet blown; her name
And title; 'Queen of Beauty;' in the lists
Criedand beholding him so strong; she thought
That peradventure he will fight for me;
And win the circlet:  therefore flattered him;
Being so gracious; that he wellnigh deemed
His wish by hers was echoed; and her knights
And all her damsels too were gracious to him;
For she was a great lady。

                         And when they reached
Caerleon; ere they past to lodging; she;
Taking his hand; 'O the strong hand;' she said;
'See! look at mine! but wilt thou fight for me;
And win me this fine circlet; Pelleas;
That I may love thee?'

                      Then his helpless heart
Leapt; and he cried; 'Ay! wilt thou if I win?'
'Ay; that will I;' she answered; and she laughed;
And straitly nipt the hand; and flung it from her;
Then glanced askew at those three knights of hers;
Till all her ladies laughed along with her。

   'O happy world;' thought Pelleas; 'all; meseems;
Are happy; I the happiest of them all。'
Nor slept that night for pleasure in his blood;
And green wood…ways; and eyes among the leaves;
Then being on the morrow knighted; sware
To love one only。  And as he came away;
The men who met him rounded on their heels
And wondered after him; because his face
Shone like the countenance of a priest of old
Against the flame about a sacrifice
Kindled by fire from heaven:  so glad was he。

   Then Arthur made vast banquets; and strange knights
From the four winds came in:  and each one sat;
Though served with choice from air; land; stream; and sea;
Oft in mid…banquet measuring with his eyes
His neighbour's make and might:  and Pelleas looked
Noble among the noble; for he dreamed
His lady loved him; and he knew himself
Loved of the King:  and him his new…made knight
Worshipt; whose lightest whisper moved him more
Than all the ranged reasons of the world。

   Then blushed and brake the morning of the jousts;
And this was called 'The Tournament of Youth:'
For Arthur; loving his young knight; withheld
His older and his mightier from the lists;
That Pelleas might obtain his lady's love;
According to her promise; and remain
Lord of the tourney。  And Arthur had the jousts
Down in the flat field by the shore of Usk
Holden:  the gilded parapets were crowned
With faces; and the great tower filled with eyes
Up to the summit; and the trumpets blew。
There all day long Sir Pelleas kept the field
With honour:  so by that strong hand of his
The sword and golden circlet were achieved。

   Then rang the shout his lady loved:  the heat
Of pride and glory fired her face; her eye
Sparkled; she caught the circlet from his lance;
And there before the people crowned herself:
So for the last time she was gracious to him。

   Then at Caerleon for a spaceher look
Bright for all others; cloudier on her knight
Lingered Ettarre:  and seeing Pelleas droop;
Said Guinevere; 'We marvel at thee much;
O damsel; wearing this unsunny face
To him who won thee glory!'  And she said;
'Had ye not held your Lancelot in your bower;
My Queen; he had not won。'  Whereat the Queen;
As one whose foot is bitten by an ant;
Glanced down upon her; turned and went her way。

   But after; when her damsels; and herself;
And those three knights all set their faces home;
Sir Pelleas followed。  She that saw him cried;
'Damselsand yet I should be shamed to say it
I cannot bide Sir Baby。  Keep him back
Among yourselves。  Would rather that we had
Some rough old knight who knew the worldly way;
Albeit grizzlier than a bear; to ride
And jest with:  take him to you; keep him off;
And pamper him with papmeat; if ye will;
Old milky fables of the wolf and sheep;
Such as the wholesome mothers tell their boys。
Nay; should ye try him with a merry one
To find his mettle; good:  and if he fly us;
Small matter! let him。'  This her damsels heard;
And mindful of her small and cruel hand;
They; closing round him through the journey home;
Acted her hest; and always from her side
Restrained him with all manner of device;
So that he could not come to speech with her。
And when she gained her castle; upsprang the bridge;
Down rang the grate of iron through the groove;
And he was left alone in open field。

   'These be the ways of ladies;' Pelleas thought;
'To those who love them; trials of our faith。
Yea; let her prove me to the uttermost;
For loyal to the uttermost am I。'
So made his moan; and darkness falling; sought
A priory not far off; there lodged; but rose
With morning every day; and; moist or dry;
Full…armed upon his charger all day long
Sat by the walls; and no one opened to him。

   And this persistence turned her scorn to wrath。
Then calling her three knights; she charged them; 'Out!
And drive him from the walls。'  And out they came
But Pelleas overthrew them as they dashed
Against him one by one; and these returned;
But still he kept his watch beneath the wall。

   Thereon her wrath became a hate; and once;
A week beyond; while walking on the walls
With her three knights; she pointed downward; 'Look;
He haunts meI cannot breathebesieges me;
Down! strike him! put my hate into your strokes;
And drive him from my walls。'  And down they went;
And Pelleas overthrew them one by one;
And from the tower above him cried Ettarre;
'Bind him; and bring him in。'

                             He heard her voice;
Then let the strong hand; which had overthrown
Her minion…knights; by those he overthrew
Be bounden straight; and so they brought him in。

   Then when he came before 

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