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idylls of the king-第37节

小说: idylls of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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Dwelt; and I knew it was the Holy Grail;
Which never eyes on earth again shall see。
Then fell the floods of heaven drowning the deep。
And how my feet recrost the deathful ridge
No memory in me lives; but that I touched
The chapel…doors at dawn I know; and thence
Taking my war…horse from the holy man;
Glad that no phantom vext me more; returned
To whence I came; the gate of Arthur's wars。'

   'O brother;' asked Ambrosius;'for in sooth
These ancient booksand they would win theeteem;
Only I find not there this Holy Grail;
With miracles and marvels like to these;
Not all unlike; which oftentime I read;
Who read but on my breviary with ease;
Till my head swims; and then go forth and pass
Down to the little thorpe that lies so close;
And almost plastered like a martin's nest
To these old wallsand mingle with our folk;
And knowing every honest face of theirs
As well as ever shepherd knew his sheep;
And every homely secret in their hearts;
Delight myself with gossip and old wives;
And ills and aches; and teethings; lyings…in;
And mirthful sayings; children of the place;
That have no meaning half a league away:
Or lulling random squabbles when they rise;
Chafferings and chatterings at the market…cross;
Rejoice; small man; in this small world of mine;
Yea; even in their hens and in their eggs
O brother; saving this Sir Galahad;
Came ye on none but phantoms in your quest;
No man; no woman?'

                  Then Sir Percivale:
'All men; to one so bound by such a vow;
And women were as phantoms。  O; my brother;
Why wilt thou shame me to confess to thee
How far I faltered from my quest and vow?
For after I had lain so many nights
A bedmate of the snail and eft and snake;
In grass and burdock; I was changed to wan
And meagre; and the vision had not come;
And then I chanced upon a goodly town
With one great dwelling in the middle of it;
Thither I made; and there was I disarmed
By maidens each as fair as any flower:
But when they led me into hall; behold;
The Princess of that castle was the one;
Brother; and that one only; who had ever
Made my heart leap; for when I moved of old
A slender page about her father's hall;
And she a slender maiden; all my heart
Went after her with longing:  yet we twain
Had never kissed a kiss; or vowed a vow。
And now I came upon her once again;
And one had wedded her; and he was dead;
And all his land and wealth and state were hers。
And while I tarried; every day she set
A banquet richer than the day before
By me; for all her longing and her will
Was toward me as of old; till one fair morn;
I walking to and fro beside a stream
That flashed across her orchard underneath
Her castle…walls; she stole upon my walk;
And calling me the greatest of all knights;
Embraced me; and so kissed me the first time;
And gave herself and all her wealth to me。
Then I remembered Arthur's warning word;
That most of us would follow wandering fires;
And the Quest faded in my heart。  Anon;
The heads of all her people drew to me;
With supplication both of knees and tongue:
〃We have heard of thee:  thou art our greatest knight;
Our Lady says it; and we well believe:
Wed thou our Lady; and rule over us;
And thou shalt be as Arthur in our land。〃
O me; my brother! but one night my vow
Burnt me within; so that I rose and fled;
But wailed and wept; and hated mine own self;
And even the Holy Quest; and all but her;
Then after I was joined with Galahad
Cared not for her; nor anything upon earth。'

   Then said the monk; 'Poor men; when yule is cold;
Must be content to sit by little fires。
And this am I; so that ye care for me
Ever so little; yea; and blest be Heaven
That brought thee here to this poor house of ours
Where all the brethren are so hard; to warm
My cold heart with a friend:  but O the pity
To find thine own first love once moreto hold;
Hold her a wealthy bride within thine arms;
Or all but hold; and thencast her aside;
Foregoing all her sweetness; like a weed。
For we that want the warmth of double life;
We that are plagued with dreams of something sweet
Beyond all sweetness in a life so rich;
Ah; blessed Lord; I speak too earthlywise;
Seeing I never strayed beyond the cell;
But live like an old badger in his earth;
With earth about him everywhere; despite
All fast and penance。  Saw ye none beside;
None of your knights?'

                      'Yea so;' said Percivale:
'One night my pathway swerving east; I saw
The pelican on the casque of our Sir Bors
All in the middle of the rising moon:
And toward him spurred; and hailed him; and he me;
And each made joy of either; then he asked;
〃Where is he? hast thou seen himLancelot?Once;〃
Said good Sir Bors; 〃he dashed across memad;
And maddening what he rode:  and when I cried;
'Ridest thou then so hotly on a quest
So holy;' Lancelot shouted; 'Stay me not!
I have been the sluggard; and I ride apace;
For now there is a lion in the way。'
So vanished。〃

             'Then Sir Bors had ridden on
Softly; and sorrowing for our Lancelot;
Because his former madness; once the talk
And scandal of our table; had returned;
For Lancelot's kith and kin so worship him
That ill to him is ill to them; to Bors
Beyond the rest:  he well had been content
Not to have seen; so Lancelot might have seen;
The Holy Cup of healing; and; indeed;
Being so clouded with his grief and love;
Small heart was his after the Holy Quest:
If God would send the vision; well:  if not;
The Quest and he were in the hands of Heaven。

   'And then; with small adventure met; Sir Bors
Rode to the lonest tract of all the realm;
And found a people there among their crags;
Our race and blood; a remnant that were left
Paynim amid their circles; and the stones
They pitch up straight to heaven:  and their wise men
Were strong in that old magic which can trace
The wandering of the stars; and scoffed at him
And this high Quest as at a simple thing:
Told him he followedalmost Arthur's words
A mocking fire:  〃what other fire than he;
Whereby the blood beats; and the blossom blows;
And the sea rolls; and all the world is warmed?〃
And when his answer chafed them; the rough crowd;
Hearing he had a difference with their priests;
Seized him; and bound and plunged him into a cell
Of great piled stones; and lying bounden there
In darkness through innumerable hours
He heard the hollow…ringing heavens sweep
Over him till by miraclewhat else?
Heavy as it was; a great stone slipt and fell;
Such as no wind could move:  and through the gap
Glimmered the streaming scud:  then came a night
Still as the day was loud; and through the gap
The seven clear stars of Arthur's Table Round
For; brother; so one night; because they roll
Through such a round in heaven; we named the stars;
Rejoicing in ourselves and in our King
And these; like bright eyes of familiar friends;
In on him shone:  〃And then to me; to me;〃
Said good Sir Bors; 〃beyond all hopes of mine;
Who scarce had prayed or asked it for myself
Across the seven clear starsO grace to me
In colour like the fingers of a hand
Before a burning taper; the sweet Grail
Glided and past; and close upon it pealed
A sharp quick thunder。〃  Afterwards; a maid;
Who kept our holy faith among her kin
In secret; entering; loosed and let him go。'

   To whom the monk:  'And I remember now
That pelican on the casque:  Sir Bors it was
Who spake so low and sadly at our board;
And mighty reverent at our grace was he:
A square…set man and honest; and his eyes;
An out…door sign of all the warmth within;
Smiled with his lipsa smile beneath a cloud;
But heaven had meant it for a sunny one:
Ay; ay; Sir Bors; who else?  But when ye reached
The city; found ye all your knights returned;
Or was there sooth in Arthur's prophecy;
Tell me; and what said each; and what the King?'

   Then answered Percivale:  'And that can I;
Brother; and truly; since the living words
Of so great men as Lancelot and our King
Pass not from door to door and out again;
But sit within the house。  O; when we reached
The city; our horses stumbling as they trode
On heaps of ruin; hornless unicorns;
Cracked basilisks; and splintered cockatrices;
And shattered talbots; which had left the stones
Raw; that they fell from; brought us to the hall。

   'And there sat Arthur on the dais…throne;
And those that had gone out upon the Quest;
Wasted and worn; and but a tithe of them;
And those that had not; stood before the King;
Who; when he saw me; rose; and bad me hail;
Saying; 〃A welfare in thine eye reproves
Our fear of some disastrous chance for thee
On hill; or plain; at sea; or flooding ford。
So fierce a gale made havoc here of late
Among the strange devices of our kings;
Yea; shook this newer; stronger hall of ours;
And from the statue Merlin moulded for us
Half…wrenched a golden wing; but nowthe Quest;
This visionhast thou seen the Holy Cup;
That Joseph brought of old to Glastonbury?〃

   'So when I told him all thyself hast heard;
Ambrosius; and my fresh but fixt resolve
To pass away into the quiet life;
He answered not; but; sharply turning; asked 
Of Gawain; 〃Gawain; was this Quest for thee?〃

   '〃Nay; lord;〃 said Gawain; 〃not for such as I。
Therefore I commune

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