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idylls of the king-第35节

小说: idylls of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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And then the music faded; and the Grail
Past; and the beam decayed; and from the walls
The rosy quiverings died into the night。
So now the Holy Thing is here again
Among us; brother; fast thou too and pray;
And tell thy brother knights to fast and pray;
That so perchance the vision may be seen
By thee and those; and all the world be healed。〃

   'Then leaving the pale nun; I spake of this
To all men; and myself fasted and prayed
Always; and many among us many a week
Fasted and prayed even to the uttermost;
Expectant of the wonder that would be。

   'And one there was among us; ever moved
Among us in white armour; Galahad。
〃God make thee good as thou art beautiful;〃
Said Arthur; when he dubbed him knight; and none;
In so young youth; was ever made a knight
Till Galahad; and this Galahad; when he heard
My sister's vision; filled me with amaze;
His eyes became so like her own; they seemed
Hers; and himself her brother more than I。

   'Sister or brother none had he; but some
Called him a son of Lancelot; and some said
Begotten by enchantmentchatterers they;
Like birds of passage piping up and down;
That gape for flieswe know not whence they come;
For when was Lancelot wanderingly lewd?

   'But she; the wan sweet maiden; shore away
Clean from her forehead all that wealth of hair
Which made a silken mat…work for her feet;
And out of this she plaited broad and long
A strong sword…belt; and wove with silver thread
And crimson in the belt a strange device;
A crimson grail within a silver beam;
And saw the bright boy…knight; and bound it on him;
Saying; 〃My knight; my love; my knight of heaven;
O thou; my love; whose love is one with mine;
I; maiden; round thee; maiden; bind my belt。
Go forth; for thou shalt see what I have seen;
And break through all; till one will crown thee king
Far in the spiritual city:〃 and as she spake
She sent the deathless passion in her eyes
Through him; and made him hers; and laid her mind
On him; and he believed in her belief。

   'Then came a year of miracle:  O brother;
In our great hall there stood a vacant chair;
Fashioned by Merlin ere he past away;
And carven with strange figures; and in and out
The figures; like a serpent; ran a scroll
Of letters in a tongue no man could read。
And Merlin called it 〃The Siege perilous;〃
Perilous for good and ill; 〃for there;〃 he said;
〃No man could sit but he should lose himself:〃
And once by misadvertence Merlin sat
In his own chair; and so was lost; but he;
Galahad; when he heard of Merlin's doom;
Cried; 〃If I lose myself; I save myself!〃

   'Then on a summer night it came to pass;
While the great banquet lay along the hall;
That Galahad would sit down in Merlin's chair。

   'And all at once; as there we sat; we heard
A cracking and a riving of the roofs;
And rending; and a blast; and overhead
Thunder; and in the thunder was a cry。
And in the blast there smote along the hall
A beam of light seven times more clear than day:
And down the long beam stole the Holy Grail
All over covered with a luminous cloud。
And none might see who bare it; and it past。
But every knight beheld his fellow's face
As in a glory; and all the knights arose;
And staring each at other like dumb men
Stood; till I found a voice and sware a vow。

   'I sware a vow before them all; that I;
Because I had not seen the Grail; would ride
A twelvemonth and a day in quest of it;
Until I found and saw it; as the nun
My sister saw it; and Galahad sware the vow;
And good Sir Bors; our Lancelot's cousin; sware;
And Lancelot sware; and many among the knights;
And Gawain sware; and louder than the rest。'

   Then spake the monk Ambrosius; asking him;
'What said the King?  Did Arthur take the vow?' 

   'Nay; for my lord;' said Percivale; 'the King;
Was not in hall:  for early that same day;
Scaped through a cavern from a bandit hold;
An outraged maiden sprang into the hall
Crying on help:  for all her shining hair
Was smeared with earth; and either milky arm
Red…rent with hooks of bramble; and all she wore
Torn as a sail that leaves the rope is torn
In tempest:  so the King arose and went
To smoke the scandalous hive of those wild bees
That made such honey in his realm。  Howbeit
Some little of this marvel he too saw;
Returning o'er the plain that then began
To darken under Camelot; whence the King
Looked up; calling aloud; 〃Lo; there! the roofs
Of our great hall are rolled in thunder…smoke!
Pray Heaven; they be not smitten by the bolt。〃
For dear to Arthur was that hall of ours;
As having there so oft with all his knights
Feasted; and as the stateliest under heaven。

   'O brother; had you known our mighty hall;
Which Merlin built for Arthur long ago!
For all the sacred mount of Camelot;
And all the dim rich city; roof by roof;
Tower after tower; spire beyond spire;
By grove; and garden…lawn; and rushing brook;
Climbs to the mighty hall that Merlin built。
And four great zones of sculpture; set betwixt
With many a mystic symbol; gird the hall:
And in the lowest beasts are slaying men;
And in the second men are slaying beasts;
And on the third are warriors; perfect men;
And on the fourth are men with growing wings;
And over all one statue in the mould
Of Arthur; made by Merlin; with a crown;
And peaked wings pointed to the Northern Star。
And eastward fronts the statue; and the crown
And both the wings are made of gold; and flame
At sunrise till the people in far fields;
Wasted so often by the heathen hordes;
Behold it; crying; 〃We have still a King。〃

   'And; brother; had you known our hall within;
Broader and higher than any in all the lands!
Where twelve great windows blazon Arthur's wars;
And all the light that falls upon the board
Streams through the twelve great battles of our King。
Nay; one there is; and at the eastern end;
Wealthy with wandering lines of mount and mere;
Where Arthur finds the brand Excalibur。
And also one to the west; and counter to it;
And blank:  and who shall blazon it? when and how?
O there; perchance; when all our wars are done;
The brand Excalibur will be cast away。

   'So to this hall full quickly rode the King;
In horror lest the work by Merlin wrought;
Dreamlike; should on the sudden vanish; wrapt
In unremorseful folds of rolling fire。
And in he rode; and up I glanced; and saw
The golden dragon sparkling over all:
And many of those who burnt the hold; their arms
Hacked; and their foreheads grimed with smoke; and seared;
Followed; and in among bright faces; ours;
Full of the vision; prest:  and then the King
Spake to me; being nearest; 〃Percivale;〃
(Because the hall was all in tumultsome
Vowing; and some protesting); 〃what is this?〃

   'O brother; when I told him what had chanced;
My sister's vision; and the rest; his face
Darkened; as I have seen it more than once;
When some brave deed seemed to be done in vain;
Darken; and 〃Woe is me; my knights;〃 he cried;
〃Had I been here; ye had not sworn the vow。〃
Bold was mine answer; 〃Had thyself been here;
My King; thou wouldst have sworn。〃  〃Yea; yea;〃 said he;
〃Art thou so bold and hast not seen the Grail?〃

   '〃Nay; lord; I heard the sound; I saw the light;
But since I did not see the Holy Thing;
I sware a vow to follow it till I saw。〃

   'Then when he asked us; knight by knight; if any
Had seen it; all their answers were as one:
〃Nay; lord; and therefore have we sworn our vows。〃

   '〃Lo now;〃 said Arthur; 〃have ye seen a cloud?
What go ye into the wilderness to see?〃

   'Then Galahad on the sudden; and in a voice
Shrilling along the hall to Arthur; called;
〃But I; Sir Arthur; saw the Holy Grail;
I saw the Holy Grail and heard a cry
'O Galahad; and O Galahad; follow me。'〃

   '〃Ah; Galahad; Galahad;〃 said the King; 〃for such
As thou art is the vision; not for these。
Thy holy nun and thou have seen a sign
Holier is none; my Percivale; than she
A sign to maim this Order which I made。
But ye; that follow but the leader's bell〃
(Brother; the King was hard upon his knights)
〃Taliessin is our fullest throat of song;
And one hath sung and all the dumb will sing。
Lancelot is Lancelot; and hath overborne
Five knights at once; and every younger knight;
Unproven; holds himself as Lancelot;
Till overborne by one; he learnsand ye;
What are ye? Galahads?no; nor Percivales〃
(For thus it pleased the King to range me close
After Sir Galahad); 〃nay;〃 said he; 〃but men
With strength and will to right the wronged; of power
To lay the sudden heads of violence flat;
Knights that in twelve great battles splashed and dyed
The strong White Horse in his own heathen blood
But one hath seen; and all the blind will see。
Go; since your vows are sacred; being made:
Yetfor ye know the cries of all my realm
Pass through this hallhow often; O my knights;
Your places being vacant at my side;
This chance of noble deeds will come and go
Unchallenged; while ye follow wandering fires
Lost in the quagmire!  Many of you; yea most;
Return no more:  ye think I show myself
Too dark a prophet:  come now; let us meet
The morrow morn once more in one full field
Of gracious pastime; that once more the King;
Before ye leave him for this Quest; may count
The yet…unbro

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