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idylls of the king-第25节

小说: idylls of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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And speaking not; but leaning over him
I took his brush and blotted out the bird;
And made a Gardener putting in a graff;
With this for motto; 〃Rather use than fame。〃
You should have seen him blush; but afterwards
He made a stalwart knight。  O Vivien;
For you; methinks you think you love me well;
For me; I love you somewhat; rest:  and Love
Should have some rest and pleasure in himself;
Not ever be too curious for a boon;
Too prurient for a proof against the grain
Of him ye say ye love:  but Fame with men;
Being but ampler means to serve mankind;
Should have small rest or pleasure in herself;
But work as vassal to the larger love;
That dwarfs the petty love of one to one。
Use gave me Fame at first; and Fame again
Increasing gave me use。  Lo; there my boon!
What other? for men sought to prove me vile;
Because I fain had given them greater wits:
And then did Envy call me Devil's son:
The sick weak beast seeking to help herself
By striking at her better; missed; and brought
Her own claw back; and wounded her own heart。
Sweet were the days when I was all unknown;
But when my name was lifted up; the storm
Brake on the mountain and I cared not for it。
Right well know I that Fame is half…disfame;
Yet needs must work my work。  That other fame;
To one at least; who hath not children; vague;
The cackle of the unborn about the grave;
I cared not for it:  a single misty star;
Which is the second in a line of stars
That seem a sword beneath a belt of three;
I never gazed upon it but I dreamt
Of some vast charm concluded in that star
To make fame nothing。  Wherefore; if I fear;
Giving you power upon me through this charm;
That you might play me falsely; having power;
However well ye think ye love me now
(As sons of kings loving in pupilage
Have turned to tyrants when they came to power)
I rather dread the loss of use than fame;
If youand not so much from wickedness;
As some wild turn of anger; or a mood
Of overstrained affection; it may be;
To keep me all to your own self;or else
A sudden spurt of woman's jealousy;
Should try this charm on whom ye say ye love。'

   And Vivien answered smiling as in wrath:
'Have I not sworn?  I am not trusted。  Good!
Well; hide it; hide it; I shall find it out;
And being found take heed of Vivien。
A woman and not trusted; doubtless I
Might feel some sudden turn of anger born
Of your misfaith; and your fine epithet
Is accurate too; for this full love of mine
Without the full heart back may merit well
Your term of overstrained。  So used as I;
My daily wonder is; I love at all。
And as to woman's jealousy; O why not?
O to what end; except a jealous one;
And one to make me jealous if I love;
Was this fair charm invented by yourself?
I well believe that all about this world
Ye cage a buxom captive here and there;
Closed in the four walls of a hollow tower
From which is no escape for evermore。'

   Then the great Master merrily answered her:
'Full many a love in loving youth was mine;
I needed then no charm to keep them mine
But youth and love; and that full heart of yours
Whereof ye prattle; may now assure you mine;
So live uncharmed。  For those who wrought it first;
The wrist is parted from the hand that waved;
The feet unmortised from their ankle…bones
Who paced it; ages back:  but will ye hear
The legend as in guerdon for your rhyme?

   'There lived a king in the most Eastern East;
Less old than I; yet older; for my blood
Hath earnest in it of far springs to be。
A tawny pirate anchored in his port;
Whose bark had plundered twenty nameless isles;
And passing one; at the high peep of dawn;
He saw two cities in a thousand boats
All fighting for a woman on the sea。
And pushing his black craft among them all;
He lightly scattered theirs and brought her off;
With loss of half his people arrow…slain;
A maid so smooth; so white; so wonderful;
They said a light came from her when she moved:
And since the pirate would not yield her up;
The King impaled him for his piracy;
Then made her Queen:  but those isle…nurtured eyes
Waged such unwilling though successful war
On all the youth; they sickened; councils thinned;
And armies waned; for magnet…like she drew
The rustiest iron of old fighters' hearts;
And beasts themselves would worship; camels knelt
Unbidden; and the brutes of mountain back
That carry kings in castles; bowed black knees
Of homage; ringing with their serpent hands;
To make her smile; her golden ankle…bells。
What wonder; being jealous; that he sent
His horns of proclamation out through all
The hundred under…kingdoms that he swayed
To find a wizard who might teach the King
Some charm; which being wrought upon the Queen
Might keep her all his own:  to such a one
He promised more than ever king has given;
A league of mountain full of golden mines;
A province with a hundred miles of coast;
A palace and a princess; all for him:
But on all those who tried and failed; the King
Pronounced a dismal sentence; meaning by it
To keep the list low and pretenders back;
Or like a king; not to be trifled with
Their heads should moulder on the city gates。
And many tried and failed; because the charm
Of nature in her overbore their own:
And many a wizard brow bleached on the walls:
And many weeks a troop of carrion crows
Hung like a cloud above the gateway towers。'

   And Vivien breaking in upon him; said:
'I sit and gather honey; yet; methinks;
Thy tongue has tript a little:  ask thyself。
The lady never made unwilling war
With those fine eyes:  she had her pleasure in it;
And made her good man jealous with good cause。
And lived there neither dame nor damsel then
Wroth at a lover's loss? were all as tame;
I mean; as noble; as the Queen was fair?
Not one to flirt a venom at her eyes;
Or pinch a murderous dust into her drink;
Or make her paler with a poisoned rose?
Well; those were not our days:  but did they find
A wizard?  Tell me; was he like to thee?

   She ceased; and made her lithe arm round his neck
Tighten; and then drew back; and let her eyes
Speak for her; glowing on him; like a bride's
On her new lord; her own; the first of men。

   He answered laughing; 'Nay; not like to me。
At last they foundhis foragers for charms
A little glassy…headed hairless man;
Who lived alone in a great wild on grass;
Read but one book; and ever reading grew
So grated down and filed away with thought;
So lean his eyes were monstrous; while the skin
Clung but to crate and basket; ribs and spine。
And since he kept his mind on one sole aim;
Nor ever touched fierce wine; nor tasted flesh;
Nor owned a sensual wish; to him the wall
That sunders ghosts and shadow…casting men
Became a crystal; and he saw them through it;
And heard their voices talk behind the wall;
And learnt their elemental secrets; powers
And forces; often o'er the sun's bright eye
Drew the vast eyelid of an inky cloud;
And lashed it at the base with slanting storm;
Or in the noon of mist and driving rain;
When the lake whitened and the pinewood roared;
And the cairned mountain was a shadow; sunned
The world to peace again:  here was the man。
And so by force they dragged him to the King。
And then he taught the King to charm the Queen
In such…wise; that no man could see her more;
Nor saw she save the King; who wrought the charm;
Coming and going; and she lay as dead;
And lost all use of life:  but when the King
Made proffer of the league of golden mines;
The province with a hundred miles of coast;
The palace and the princess; that old man
Went back to his old wild; and lived on grass;
And vanished; and his book came down to me。'

   And Vivien answered smiling saucily:
'Ye have the book:  the charm is written in it:
Good:  take my counsel:  let me know it at once:
For keep it like a puzzle chest in chest;
With each chest locked and padlocked thirty…fold;
And whelm all this beneath as vast a mound
As after furious battle turfs the slain
On some wild down above the windy deep;
I yet should strike upon a sudden means
To dig; pick; open; find and read the charm:
Then; if I tried it; who should blame me then?'

   And smiling as a master smiles at one
That is not of his school; nor any school
But that where blind and naked Ignorance
Delivers brawling judgments; unashamed;
On all things all day long; he answered her:

   'Thou read the book; my pretty Vivien!
O ay; it is but twenty pages long;
But every page having an ample marge;
And every marge enclosing in the midst
A square of text that looks a little blot;
The text no larger than the limbs of fleas;
And every square of text an awful charm;
Writ in a language that has long gone by。
So long; that mountains have arisen since
With cities on their flanksthou read the book!
And ever margin scribbled; crost; and crammed
With comment; densest condensation; hard
To mind and eye; but the long sleepless nights
Of my long life have made it easy to me。
And none can read the text; not even I;
And none can read the comment but myself;
And in the comment did I find the charm。
O; the results are simple; a mere child
Might use it to the harm of anyone;
And never could undo it:  ask no more:
For though you should not prove it upon me;
But keep 

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