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04-in a far country-第6节

小说: 04-in a far country 字数: 每页4000字

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babe at the breast。 Those who had not yet seen the wonder were keen

with curiosity; those who had became silent and retrospective。 They

could face the pinch of famine; the grip of scurvy; or the quick death

by field or flood; but the pictured semblance of a stranger woman

and child made women and children of them all。

  'Never have seen the youngster yet… he's a boy; she says; and two

years old;' said the stranger as he received the treasure back。 A

lingering moment he gazed upon it; then snapped the case and turned

away; but not quick enough to hide the restrained rush of tears。

  Malemute Kid led him to a bunk and bade him turn in。

  'Call me at four sharp。 Don't fail me;' were his last words; and a

moment later he was breathing in the heaviness of exhausted sleep。

  'By Jove! He's a plucky chap;' commented Prince。 'Three hours' sleep

after seventy…five miles with the dogs; and then the trail again。

Who is he; Kid?'

  'Jack Westondale。 Been in going on three years; with nothing but the

name of working like a horse; and any amount of bad luck to his

credit。 I never knew him; but Sitka Charley told me about him。'

  'It seems hard that a man with a sweet young wife like his should be

putting in his years in this Godforsaken hole; where every year counts

two on the outside。'

  'The trouble with him is clean grit and stubbornness。 He's cleaned

up twice with a stake; but lost it both times。'

  Here the conversation was broken off by an uproar from Bettles;

for the effect had begun to wear away。 And soon the bleak years of

monotonous grub and deadening toil were being forgotten in rough

merriment。 Malemute Kid alone seemed unable to lose himself; and

cast many an anxious look at his watch。 Once he put on his mittens and

beaver…skin cap; and; leaving the cabin; fell to rummaging about in

the cache。

  Nor could he wait the hour designated; for he was fifteen minutes

ahead of time in rousing his guest。 The young giant had stiffened

badly; and brisk rubbing was necessary to bring him to his feet。 He

tottered painfully out of the cabin; to find his dogs harnessed and

everything ready for the start。 The company wished him good luck and a

short chase; while Father Roubeau; hurriedly blessing him; led the

stampede for the cabin; and small wonder; for it is not good to face

seventy…four degrees below zero with naked ears and hands。

  Malemute Kid saw him to the main trail; and there; gripping his hand

heartily; gave him advice。

  'You'll find a hundred pounds of salmon eggs on the sled;' he

said。 'The dogs will go as far on that as with one hundred and fifty

of fish; and you can't get dog food at Pelly; as you probably

expected。' The stranger started; and his eyes flashed; but he did

not interrupt。 'You can't get an ounce of food for dog or man till you

reach Five Fingers; and that's a stiff two hundred miles。 Watch out

for open water on the Thirty Mile River; and be sure you take the

big cutoff above Le Barge。'

  'How did you know it? Surely the news can't be ahead of me already?'

  'I don't know it; and what's more; I don't want to know it。 But

you never owned that team you're chasing。 Sitka Charley sold it to

them last spring。 But he sized you up to me as square once; and I

believe him。 I've seen your face; I like it。 And I've seen… why;

damn you; hit the high places for salt water and that wife of yours;

and…' Here the Kid unmittened and jerked out his sack。

  'No; I don't need it;' and the tears froze on his cheeks as he

convulsively gripped Malemute Kid's hand。

  'Then don't spare the dogs; cut them out of the traces as fast as

they drop; buy them; and think they're cheap at ten dollars a pound。

You can get them at Five Fingers; Little Salmon; and Hootalinqua。

And watch out for wet feet;' was his parting advice。 'Keep a…traveling

up to twenty…five; but if it gets below that; build a fire and

change your socks。'

  Fifteen minutes had barely elapsed when the jingle of bells

announced new arrivals。 The door opened; and a mounted policeman of

the Northwest Territory entered; followed by two half…breed dog

drivers。 Like Westondale; they were heavily armed and showed signs

of fatigue。 The half…breeds had been borne to the trail and bore it

easily; but the young policeman was badly exhausted。 Still; the dogged

obstinacy of his race held him to the pace he had set; and would

hold him till he dropped in his tracks。

  'When did Westondale pull out?' he asked。 'He stopped here; didn't

he?' This was supererogatory; for the tracks told their own tale too


  Malemute Kid had caught Belden's eye; and he; scenting the wind;

replied evasively; 'A right peart while back。'

  'Come; my man; speak up;' the policeman admonished。

  'Yeh seem to want him right smart。 Hez he ben gittin' cantankerous

down Dawson way?'

  'Held up Harry McFarland's for forty thousand; exchanged it at the

P。C。 store for a check on Seattle; and who's to stop the cashing of it

if we don't overtake him? When did he pull out?'

  Every eye suppressed its excitement; for Malemute Kid had given

the cue; and the young officer encountered wooden faces on every hand。

  Striding over to Prince; he put the question to him。 Though it

hurt him; gazing into the frank; earnest face。 of his fellow

countryman; he replied inconsequentially on the state of the trail。

  Then he espied Father Roubeau; who could not lie。 'A quarter of an

hour ago;' the priest answered; 'but he had four hours' rest for

himself and dogs。'

  'Fifteen minutes' start; and he's fresh! My God!' The poor fellow

staggered back; half fainting from exhaustion and disappointment;

murmuring something about the run from Dawson in ten hours and the

dogs being played out。

  Malemute Kid forced a mug of punch upon him; then he turned for

the door; ordering the dog drivers to follow。 But the warmth and

promise of rest were too tempting; and they objected strenuously。

The Kid was conversant with their French patois; and followed it


  They swore that the dogs were gone up; that Siwash and Babette would

have to be shot before the first mile was covered; that the rest were

almost as bad; and that it would be better for all hands to rest up。

  'Lend me five dogs?' he asked; turning to Malemute Kid。

  But the Kid shook his head。

  'I'll sign a check on Captain Constantine for five thousand…

here's my papers… I'm authorized to draw at my own discretion。'

  Again the silent refusal。

  'Then I'll requisition them in the name of the Queen。'

  Smiling incredulously; the Kid glanced at his well…stocked

arsenal; and the Englishman; realizing his impotency; turned for the

door。 But the dog drivers still objecting; he whirled upon them

fiercely; calling them women and curs。 The swart face of the older

half…breed flushed angrily as he drew himself up and promised in good;

round terms that he would travel his leader off his legs; and would

then be delighted to plant him in the snow。

  The young officer… and it required his whole will… walked steadily

to the door; exhibiting a freshness he did not possess。 But they all

knew and appreciated his proud effort; nor could he veil the twinges

of agony that shot across his face。 Covered with frost; the dogs

were curled up in the snow; and it was almost impossible to get them

to their feet。 The poor brutes whined under the stinging lash; for the

dog drivers were angry and cruel; nor till Babette; the leader; was

cut from the traces; could they break out the sled and get under way。

  'A dirty scoundrel and a liar!' 'By gar! Him no good!' 'A thief!'

'Worse than an Indian!' It was evident that they were angry… first

at the way they had been deceived; and second at the outraged ethics

of the Northland; where honesty; above all; was man's prime jewel。

'An' we gave the cuss a hand; after knowin' what he'd did。' All eyes

turned accusingly upon Malemute Kid; who rose from the corner where he

had been making Babette comfortable; and silently emptied the bowl for

a final round of punch。

  'It's a cold night; boys… a bitter cold night;' was the irrelevant

commencement of his defense。 'You've all traveled trail; and know what

that stands for。 Don't jump a dog when he's down。 You've only heard

one side。 A whiter man than Jack Westondale never ate from the same

pot nor stretched blanket with you or me。 Last fall he gave his

whole clean…up; forty thousand; to Joe Castrell; to buy in on

Dominion。 Today he'd be a millionaire。 But; while he stayed behind

at Circle City; taking care of his partner with the scurvy; what

does Castell do? Goes into McFarland's; jumps the limit; and drops the

whole sack。 Found him dead in the snow the next day。 And poor Jack

laying his plans to go out this winter to his wife and the boy he's

never seen。 You'll notice he took exactly what his partner lost… forty

thousand。 Well; he's gone out; and what are you going to do about it?'

  The Kid glanced round the circle of

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