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money answers all things-第9节

小说: money answers all things 字数: 每页4000字

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 Nation。 For we can have no Occasion to send Money; or Bullion; or foreign Coin to any Nation; unless we receive more Goods in value from them than they have from us; in which Case they must have our Money or Bullion; or foreign coin; sent them; or we must cease to trade with them; which I think is impossible。 Now if I must buy Bullion or foreign coin; because the Exportation of our Coin is prohibited; it's certain that the Seller of Bullion or foreign Coin must and will have a Profit; that is; I must give more in Coin for less in Bullion or foreign Coin; which when my Correspondent receives; he will value it just as if it were our own Coin of like Weight and Fineness: Wherefore if the Demand continues here for Bullion or foreign Coin; to pay the Balance of Trade to any Nation; he will send it back to this Market; where it must and will in this Case fetch more; by all Charges of Freight; and Risque of the Sea; and Postage of Letters; and Commission; and some Profit to himself; unless our Coin be melted to save this Loss。 Now suppose all this should make but 2 per cent it's evident that in 50 Returns of the Bullion of foreign Coin; we must have paid a whole Capital more than if we were admitted freely to send our own current Money; where the Balance of Trade requires it。 And this must cause our current Money to be melted both at home and abroad; since it will thus be worth more the Ballance of Trade lies against us with any particular Nation; so much the quicker will these disadvantageous Returns be made; and our Specie undoubtedly be so much the faster melted。 But if we let our current Coin come and go freely; Bullion or foreign Coin will not be worth so much as our Coin; because its Fineness and Value cannot be so easily and universally known; and therefore if the Balance of Trade be in our Favour; that is; brings us Gold and Silver; it must and will go to the Mint to be coined; to ascertain its Fineness and Value; provided the government not only coin it at their own Charge; but immediately deliver as many Ounces of Coin as they receive of foreign Gold and Silver; for it's no less absurd for the Government to fix the Price they will give for Gold and Silver brought to be coined; than it would be to make a Law to fix and ascertain the Prices of every other Commodity。     And it's further certain; that as the Balance of Trade is a fluctuating Thing; if our Money be suffered to go and come freely as the Balance of Trade may require; (and otherwise it neither can go nor come) as Bullion will then certainly be of somewhat less Value than Coin; the People in foreign Nations will buy up what Money of ours they can easily find; because it will hardly be of so much Value amongst them as their own; and they can pay more with it in the Nation it properly belongs to than with Bullion of their own coin; and this will certainly in a great Measure prevent the melting our Money at home; and in foreign Nations; and consequently will save the Trouble and Charge of coining a great deal of Money; and bring a great deal of our Money back from those Nations where the Balance of Trade had before carried it; provided our Trade stands on such a Foot with those Nations; that the Balance be in our Favour: And I have shewn how it may certainly be made so; viz。 by making our Produce and manufactures so plentiful; and thereby (which is inseparable) so cheap and good; as to cause foreign Nations to take abundance more of them; which Plenty and Cheapness of our Produce and manufactures will prevent the Importation of abundance of foreign Commodities; and thus the Balance will be in our Favour; and that Balance must be paid us in Money: By this Means only it is we have any Gold and Silver; i。e。 Money amongst us; nor is there any other in Nature; for any Nation that hath not Mines: Wherefore this deserves the utmost Regard of every Trading Nation; not only for the Sake of the Money they will thus get; but to make their Trade flourish; and their People happy; and their Government powerful; for without this; Trade must languish; the People become poor; which will make the Taxes an insupportable Burthen; and consequently make the Government weak。     I think this the more concerns us; because Foreigners are interested in our publick Securities and Funds for vast Sums; for; low as we think the Interest of Money to be now; we give better Interest than they can make at home; and our Parliamentary Securities having been always maintained inviolably; give every body the utmost Confidence in them。 As therefore all Commodities (and Money is no other) ever did; and ever will find the highest market; so this is the Cause why Foreigners deposit their Money in our Funds; and as they thereby draw home the Interest; they contribute so much to the decreasing the Cash of the Nation。     Another thing; which still enforceth the Argument to permit our current Coin to go and come freely; as the Balance of Trade may require; is; that if we have the Balance of Trade in our Favour; on any Nation who hath the Balance in their Favour on another which hath the Ballance on us; such Nations will probably transmit our Money to the Nation that has the Balance on them; because if they send their own current Coin; it will be as much foreign Coin to the Nation it's sent to; as our Coin can be; and

therefore; as I said; if we have the Balance on any nation which receives our Money; it will come back again to us; because it will pay more and be readier; than if they sent us Bullion or heir own current Specie; and thus will it save our Money from being melted abroad as well as at home; which I think a strengthening Argument for permitting our Specie to go and come freely where the Balance of Trade shall carry it。     In the Beginning of this Essay; it was laid down as a Maxim; That Gold and Silver (i。e。 Money) will be plentiest where the Mines are: Now since I am treating of prohibiting our current Coin to be exported; let it be supposed; that the People possess'd of the Mines could furnish themselves with the Necessaries and Pleasures of Life by the Produce of their own Country; and therefore should think fit to prohibit the Exportation of Gold and Silver; and should thereby be effectually able to prevent the Exportation thereof; which is undoubtedly impossible: I say; if we suppose such Nations to prohibit the Exportation of Gold and Silver; and at the same time continue to work those Mines; so that they are continually giving more and more Gold and Silver; how great must the Increase of those Commodities soon become! And since Gold and Silver are of little Use; besides procuring the Necessaries and Conveniencies of Life; which alone are real Riches; and for which Gold and Silver are now universally exchanged; would not the great Plenty of these Commodities; thus continually increasing; cause proportionably so much more Gold and Silver (with which they would at length be incumbered) to be given for the more necessary Produce and Fruits of the Earth? And would not this so depress the Value of Gold and Silver; by their Plenty amongst them; as to give amble Opportunity and Encouragement to all the World to go to this Market with their Produce and Manufactures; which they can and will sell for a vast deal less Gold and Silver; than what such Goods of their own raising would in this Case be sold for? Nay; they would find it a Convenience to be eased of the Burthen of Gold and Silver; which the Mines; if continually worked; would be giving; as certainly as it's a Relief to any Country to part with any Commodity they too much abound in: For if they do not cease to work the Mines; when they have raised Gold and Silver enough to be burthensome; they must and will certainly drop their Cultivation and Manufactures; since Men will not easily be induced to labour and toil; for what they can get with much less Trouble; by exchanging some of the Excess of their Gold and Silver for what they want。 And if they should be supposed; as is natural enough in this case; to drop their Cultivation and Manufactures; which are much the slowest and most laborious Way of supplying themselves with what they could so easily and readily procure by exchanging Gold and Silver; which they too much abound in; they would certainly; in a great Measure; by so doing lose the Arts of Cultivation; and especially of Manufactures; as it's thought Spain hath done; merely by the Accession of the Wealth which the West Indies have produced them; whence they are become a poor Nation; and the Conduit…Pipes to disperse the Gold and Silver over the World; which other Nations; by making Goods cheaper than they can do; are fetching from them; to such a Degree; as that the Mines are scarcely sufficient to answer their Occasions; and though they are sensible of this; yet they find by Experience they can't prevent it。     The case is the very same; in some Degree; in every Nation; whose Quantity of real or artificial Cash is large enough to support the Prices of their goods; considerably above the Rates such Goods bear in other Nations around them。 Whence it's obvious; all Prohibitions must in the Issue be injurious to Trade; because beside all other Mischiefs they occasion; they are always designed to restrain the Money from going out of the Nation。     Ye

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