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money answers all things-第30节

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ear 1715; about 13 Millions Sterling Money; of which it was reckon'd there were about 11 Millions circulating: But since the Year 1720; and from thence to 1724 or 1725; there were scarce 7 Millions supposed to circulate; which; he says; must necessarily hurt the poorer Sort of People;〃 and I say; every other sort in general with them; though not in the same Degree; perhaps; because; we know; as the Proverb says; the weakest must go to the Wall。

30。 Fog's Journal of January 20; 1738 says; the Interest due to Foreigners upon the Publick Funds; may be put at 400;000 l。 per Annum: If so; we must owe them at least 10 Millions; for that Sum at 4 per cent comes to but 400;000 l。 and if we reckon the Interest lower; the Principal must be greater in such Proportion。

31。 That the Trade of this Metropolis is so much worse than it formerly was; is ascribed to the Peace; which hath open'd the Trade of all the Ports of the Kingdom; so that they can carry on Foreign Trade in most of them; which during the War was chiefly carried on at this Port only; the Trade of the other Ports not being considerable enough to obtain Convoys; without which hardly any foreign Trade could be carried on in War time。 In answer to which; I shall only observe; that all the Ports in the Kingdom whereas open and free to carry on foreign Trade; during most part of the Period; in which it hath been shewn the People in London; Westminister; and Suburbs doubled; as those Ports have been since the Utrecht Peace。

32。 Let us see how many Gentlemen we may be supposed to have in the Kingdom; by dividing the whole Rental of 20 Millions into L。 500 per Annum; for each Gentlemen; at a Medium; which I am sure is cutting it into as Pieces as it can be reasonably imagin'd there are Gentlemen that subsist solely on their Estates。 Now 20 Millions divided by 500 gives 40;000; the Number of Gentlemen which; on this Supposition; live on their Estates in this

Kingdom; But if we consider how many large Estates there are; and how few Gentlemen can subsist on L。 500 per annum; as the Prices of Things now go; it's very likely there are near this Number of Gentlemen that subsist solely on their Estates。 And yet this Number; which; including their Families; with Servants and all; I shall put at 8 souls at a Medium; is but 1/25 Part of 8 Millions of People; which are supposed to be the least we have in the Kingdom。 the rest therefore; except such as have Places under the Government; must necessarily be subsisted by Trade or Labour; and their Number must; by this Rule; be more than 19/20 of all the People in the Kingdom; as I have asserted above。

33。 Leghorn; Nov。 7。 The Emperor hath strictly prohibited the Exportation of Corn from Naples and Sicily。  Whence we hope the Demand for British Corn in Spain and Italy; will be so great; as to save our Farmers from the inevitable Ruin which must otherwise have attended them。 London and Whitehall Evening Posts of Nov。 17; 1733。

34。 If the Wants of the People are too much abridged; they must on that Account want Employment; and lose Time; which will made the rest of the Time they work more valuable; seeing they must have a whole Subsistence; tho' they shou'd be supposed to work but half their Time: Whence the Things they make will become too dear to answer; and turn to Account; because the Want of a sufficient Demand for; and Consumption of them; which are Consequences connected with these Circumstances; will at the same Time (that it inhances the Charge of making Things cheap; the People must; if possible; lose no Time; because only such full Employment can make every Thing cheap; and put it in the Power of the People to purchase; and consume all the Things they raise; and make。 And hence only can the Demand become great enough; to make them answer; and turn to Account。

35。 Dr John Lawrence; in his new System of Agriculture; Page 5; says; I can't but admire that the People of England should be so backward to enclose; which would be worth more to us than the Mines of the Indies to the King of Spain。

36。 The Rent paid to such Parishes or Vestries; should be annually distributed to those who had a Right of Commoning on such Lands as may; from Time to Time; be enclosed and improv'd; and that in such Proportion as their several Rights may intitle them to; unless the Parliament should think it more useful and beneficial to apply such Rents to the Relief of the Poor; in those and other Parishes that may stand in need of Assistance and Relief; or direct its Application any other fitter Way; or unless those who have the Right of commoning; will enclose and improve it in such Parts; as their several Rights may intitle them to。

37。 I look with Compassion upon the Hardships of the poor Artificers and Manufacturers。 See his Majesty's most Gracious Speech of January 13; 1729。

38。 This is the sole Rule concerning Trade; to which any Government should ever attend; and which; if sufficiently attended to; will always render them as powerful; and their People as happy; as the Nature of Things is capable of; and is therefore infinitely preferrable to any Encouragements or Restraints in favour of Trade; which ultimately will always terminate in Mischief to Trade。

The End

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