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money answers all things-第17节

小说: money answers all things 字数: 每页4000字

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 them be dispossessed of that Property; which their Rank in Life; and the Good of the Community; naturally intitle them too; for that Community will always be most powerful; and most happy; that abounds most with middling People; and as there is no Means; by which Property can be diffused amongst the People in general; except that I am pointing out; so I think it self…evident; that this Means cannot fail of diffusing Property; amongst all Ranks of People; to such a Degree; as that all; that will be industrious; and careful; may be comfortably supported according to the several Ranks and Stations; in which Providence may think fit to cast them; and whenever Property is thus diffused; it is not only sufficiently diffused; but involves all the Happiness the Nature of Things is capable of producing to mankind; so that whatever Difference there shall then be in the Circumstances; Conditions; and Ranks of Men; they will only be such as the Author of Nature designed; and such as are inseparably connected with civil Government; in which there must necessarily be high and low; as long as Government subsists。     9thly; The full and sufficient Execution of this Proposal; is the only natural or possible Means; by which Luxury; so far as it is injurious to Society; can be removed。     I don't call that State; Equipage; or Way of Living; which is suitable to the Rank or Condition of a man; Luxury hurtful to Society; how pompous soever; if it be contained within the Limits of his Estate; to such a Degree; a will admit of his making such Provision for his Family; as his Rank and Dignity requires; for I think such State and Way of Living necessary and useful to Society; whilst it's confined within the Bounds aforesaid。     Therefore as that Man only can be called luxurious; in a Sense hurtful to Society; who exceeds these Bounds; so a Nation only can be said to be luxurious; when the People too generally exceed in this Respect。 That this may possibly be the Case of a Nation; I shall take for granted; and admit; that one must be reduced to Distress; as sure as the other。     Now the Cause of such general or national Luxury; is solely owing to too great an Inequality of Property; by which too many are enabled to live excessively splendid; whilst the rest; having much less than they want; are too much depress'd and sunk; so that whilst one Side are almost adored for their Wealth; the other are almost abhorred for their Poverty; and as this makes the Gap much too wide between these Extreams; it can't be expected; but that the adored Part of Mankind will necessarily be imitated; beyond proper Limits; by most of those between these Extreams; and this compleats the Notion of Luxury hurtful to Society。     But were Property to be so diffused; as I have shewn it may and ought; the Labour; etc。 of the People would not come on Terms so unreasonably low; as to support such Excess on the one Hand; or to depress and sink the rest too much on the other: Nay; diffusing Property as aforesaid; will not only remove Luxury so far as it is hurtful to Society; but will in general extinguish all Kinds of Vice together with it。 For this too great Inequality of Property; I have now represented; is the sole Source; whence they all spring; and Solomon; the wisest of Men; hath determined this of the Poor; who are the Bulk of Mankind; when he says; as in the Motto I have chosen to this Essay; The Destruction of the Poor is their Poverty。 But sure; Destruction was never justly attributed to any other Cause than Vice; wherefore Poverty and Vice must according to Solomon be necessarily connected; and; I think; Excess of Affluence must be so too; since it is but changing Solomon's Determination to the other Extream。     But that I may fully prove; that the Execution of this Proposal will certainly remove Luxury; so far as it's hurtful to Society; which is all the Concern we need in the present Case have about it; I assert; that a middling Family in London; will in a very moderate Way of Living; in the middling Station of Life; require about 400 l。 per Annum to maintain and make Provision for them; as by a subsequent Estimate shall be made appear: Now this Sum is undoubtedly as much more than the People in the middling Rank of Life can generally get; as the Wages of the labouring People are less than the Estimate for such a Family shews to be needful; therefore I insist; as I have before shewn; that if the Produce of the Ground were augmented about half; the Wants of the People are great enough to consume it all; and that without living in the least luxuriously; since by both Estimates it appears; only necessary Things are allowed for the two Stations of Life; in which almost all Mankind are included。 For the Number of those above the lower and middling Stations; are undoubtedly few in Comparison  to the Numbers; which must be included within the bounds of these Estimates: If therefore the Produce of the Earth would be wanted and consumed; though it were augmented to so great a Degree as half; and if; as I have before shewn; it is perhaps not possible to increase it so much; and if; however; what we can do to augment it makes Plenty; and the Nature of Plenty be such as necessarily to bring those Things into the Power of the middling and lower People; who are those only that stand in need of them; if these Things are so; how is it possible there should be any general or national Luxury amongst the People; since we can't make the Earth produce so much as will support or cause it? Nay; since the Method of increasing the Produce; naturally and necessarily diffuses the Increase amongst the lower and middling People who alone want it; it must be plain; that this must remove Luxury; so far as it's hurtful to Society; and also; that Luxury is founded in too great an Inequality of Property; as I have asserted: And hence also it must appear; that Luxury is not the Cause but the Effect of a Decay of Trade; since a Decay of Trade is nothing else but the Bulk of the Peoples wanting many Things; which they ought to have; and which; for want of sufficient Employment and Business; it is out of their Power to procure。     10thly; The full and sufficient Execution of this Proposal; will prevent too great a Reduction of the Interest of Money; because the continual inclosing and improving so much waste Land; as will be needful for the Purposes laid down in this Essay; will not only make abundance of Estates to be purchased; which are now not worth one fourth; perhaps; of what they will be when improved; but will raise such vast Quantities of Produce; and consequently Manufactures; to invest that Money in; which the Government may from Time to Time be paying off; which Money; if this Way be not provided for employing and investing it; must again come to Market to find Interest; whereby the Plenty of Money; seeking Interest; will be so great; that Interest must sink; or; which is equivalent; the Premiums on Money at Interest advance; in such Proportion as the Plenty of Money seeking Interest shall increase; which Premiums; with the Interest thereof; must in the End be lost; in consideration of receiving three or four per cent for a Time; instead of such Interest; as the Plenty of Money seeking Interest would naturally bear。     But the executing this Proposal is absolutely needful; as it is the only Means; whereby the Price of all Things can be lowered in such Proportion as the publick Securities shall be paid off: For these having now the Operation of Money; keep up the Price of all things in Proportion to their Quantity; which; as they shall from Time to Time be paid off and annihilated; will be found to have just the same Effect in lowering the Price of every thing; as as if the Nation had really lost so much Gold and Silver。 And though I think this self…evident; yet I shall quote E。 Phillips; Esq; to support me; who; Page 42; says; there can be no doubt; that in the Year 1750; or thereabout; when we may suppose the whole national debt paid off; and all the Paper Effects; which now have the Operation of Money; annihilated; all Goods will fall in their Price; because these Paper Effects being then sunk; their Operation must cease of Course。 For as the Value of Commodities has risen; by the Increase of Gold and Silver within these 150 Years; so would they of Necessity fall in their Price; if our Golda nd Silver were considerably diminished; the Consequence must be the same; if there is a Diminution of that which hath the Operation of Money。     'Tis true; as he further says; That as the Taxes will be abated; as the national Debts are paid off; so the Prices of Goods will fall in Proportion to the Abatement of the Impost on them; yet this will by no means suffer the Prices of things to fall in Proportion to the sinking such a prodigious Value of Paper Effects; as at present operate with the full Force of Money amongst us; for these being several Times as great as our real Specie; must; by the aforesaid Rule; when sunk; make all Things fall in such Proportion; unless our real Specie can be augmented in the Interim to prevent it; and this; I doubt not; but it certainly will; if the Way I have pointed out; be heartily and sufficiently persued。     11thly; The full and sufficient Execution of this Proposal; will 

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