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speaking of operations-第7节

小说: speaking of operations 字数: 每页4000字

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memory! Dropping in one morning to replace the wrappings Doctor Z
said I might smoke in moderation。  So the nurse brought me a cigar;
and I lit it and took one deep puff; but only one。  I laid it aside。
I said to the nurse:

〃A mistake has been made here。  I do not want a cooking cigar; you
understand。  I desire a cigar for personal use。  This one is full
of herbs and simples; I think。  It suggests a New England boiled
dinner; and not a very good New England boiled dinner at that。
Let us try again。〃

She brought another cigar。  It was not satisfactory either。  Then
she showed me the boxan orthodox box containing cigars of a
recognized and previously dependable brand。  I could only conclude
that a root…and…herb doctor had bought an interest in the business
and was introducing his own pet notions into the formula。

But came a dayas the fancy writers say when they wish to convey
the impression that a day has come; but hate to do it in a
commonplace mannercame a day when my cigar tasted as a cigar
should taste and food had the proper relish to it; and my appetite
came back again and found the old home place not so greatly changed
after all。

And then shortly thereafter came another day; when I; all replete
with expensive stitches; might drape the customary habiliments of
civilization about my attenuated frame and go forth to mingle with
my fellow beings。  I have been mingling pretty steadily ever since;
for now I have something to talk abouta topic good for any
company; congenial; an absorbing topic。

I can spot a brother member a block away。  I hasten up to him and
give him the grand hailing sign of the order。  He opens his mouth
to speak; but I beat him to it。

〃Speaking of operations 〃 I say。  And then I'm off。  Believe me;
it's the life!


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