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he manufacture of hemp and flax; not only because those articles are less valuable than wool; and the loss arising from their being spoiled by the awkwardness of beginners is of less consequence; but also for another reason; which appears to me to be of so much more importance as to require a particular explanation。

It was hinted above that it was found necessary; in order to encourage beginners in these industrious pursuits; to pay them at a very high rate for the little work they were able to perform; but every body knows that no manufacture can possibly subsist long; where exorbitant prices are paid for labour; and it is easy to conceive what discontent and disgust would be occasioned among the workmen upon lowering the prices which had for a length of time been given for labour; By employing the poor people in question at first in the manufactures of hemp and flax; manufactures which were not intended to be carried on to any extent; it was easy afterwards; when they had acquired a certain degree of address in their work; to take them from these manufactures; and put them to spinning of wool; worsted; or cotton; care having been taken to fix the price of labour in these last…mentioned manufactures at a reasonable rate。

The dropping the manufacture of any particular article altogether; or pursuing it less extensively; could produce no bad effect upon the general establishment; but the lowering of the price of labour; in any instance; could not fail to produce many。

It is necessary; in an undertaking like this; cautiously to avoid every thing that could produce discouragement and discontent among those upon whose industry alone success must depend。

It is easy to conceive that so great a number of unfortunate beings; of all ages and sexes; taken as it were out of their very element; and placed in a situation so perfectly new to them; could not fail to be productive of very interesting situations。 Would to God I were able to do justice to this subject! but no language can describe the affecting scenes to which I was a witness upon this occasion。

The exquisite delight which a sensible mind must feel; upon seeing many hundreds of wretched being awaking from a state of misery and inactivity; as from a dream; and applying themselves with cheerfulness to the employments of useful industry;upon seeing the first dawn of placid content break upon a countenance covered with habitual gloom; and furrowed and distorted by misery; this is easier to be conceived than described。

During the first three or four days that these poor people were assembled; it was not possible entirely to prevent confusion: there was nothing like mutinous resistance among them; but their situation was so new to them; and they were so very awkward in it; that it was difficult to bring them into any tolerable order。 At length; however; by distributing them in the different halls; and assigning to each his particular place; (the places being all distinguished by numbers;) they were brought into such order as to enable the inspectors; and instructors; to begin their operations。

Those who understood any kind of work; were placed in the apartments where the work they understood was carried on; and the others; being classed according to their sexes; and as much as possible according to their ages; were placed under the immediate care of the different instructors。 By much the larger number were put to spinning of hemp;others; and particularly the young children from four to seven years of age; were taught to knit; and to sew; and the most awkward among the men; and particularly the old; the lame; and the infirm; were put to the carding of wool。 Old women; whose sight was too weak to spin; or whose hands trembled with palsy; were made to spool yarn for the weavers; and young children; who were too weak to labour; were placed upon seats erected for that purpose round the rooms where other children worked。

As it was winter; fires were kept in every part of the building; from morning till night; and all the rooms were lighted up till nine o'clock in the evening。  Every room and every stair…case was neatly swept and cleaned twice a day; one early in the morning; before the people were assembled; and once while they were at dinner。Care was taken; by placing ventilators; and occasionally opening the windows; to keep the air of the rooms perfectly sweet; and free from all disagreeable smells; and the rooms themselves were not only neatly white…washed and fitted up; and arranged in every respect with elegance; but care was taken to clean the windows very often;to clean the courtyard every day; and even to clear away the rubbish from the street in front of the building; to a considerable distance on every side。

Those who frequented this establishment were expected to arrive at the fixed hour in the morning; which hour varied according to the season of the year; if they came too late; they were gently reprimanded; and if they persisted in being tardy; without being able to give a sufficient excuse for not coming sooner; they were punished by being deprived of their dinner; which otherwise they received every day gratis。

At the hour of dinner; a large bell was rung in the court; when those at work in the different parts of the building repaired to the dining…hall; where they found a wholesome and nourishing repast; consisting of about A POUND AND A QUARTER; Avoirdupois weight; of a very rich soup of peas and barley; mixed with cuttings of fine white bread; and a piece of excellent rye bread; weighing SEVERN OUNCES; which last they commonly put in their pockets; and carried home for their supper。  Children were allowed the same portion as grown persons; and a mother; who had one or more young children; was allowed a portion for each of them。

Those who; from sickness; or other bodily infirmities; were not able to come to the work…house;as also those who; on account of young children they had to nurse; or sick persons to take care of; found it more convenient to work at their own lodgings; (and of these there were many;) were not on that account deprived of their dinners。  Upon representing their cases to the committee; tickets were granted them; upon which they were authorized to receive from the public kitchen; daily; the number of portions specified in the ticket; and these they might send for by a child; or by any other person they thought proper to employ; it was necessary; however that the ticket should always be produced; otherwise the portions were not delivered。  This precaution was necessary; to prevent abuses on the part of the poor。

Many other precautions were taken to prevent frauds on the part of those employed in the kitchen; and in the various other offices and departments concerned in feeding the poor。

The bread…corn; peas; barley; etc。  were purchased in the public market in large quantities; and at times when those articles were to be had at reasonable prices; and were laid up in store…rooms provided for that purpose; under the care of the store…keeper of the Military Work…house。

The baker received his flour by weight from the store…keeper; and in return delivered a certain fixed quantity of bread。 Each loaf; when well baked; and afterwards dried; during four days; in a bread…room through which the air had a free passage; weighed two pounds ten ounces Avoirdupois。 Such a loaf was divided into six portions; and large baskets filled with these pieces being placed in the passage leading to the dining…hall; the portions were delivered out to the poor as they passed to go into the hall; each person who passed giving a medal of tin to the person who gave him the bread; in return for each portion received。 These medals; which were given out to the poor each day in the halls where they worked; by the steward; or by the inspectors of the hall; served to prevent frauds in the distribution of the bread; the person who distributed it being obliged to produce them as vouchers of the quantity given out each day。

Those who had received these portions of bread; held them up in their hands upon their coming into the dining…hall; as a sign that they had a right to seat themselves at the tables; and as many portions of bread as they produced; so many portions of soup they were entitled to receive; and those portions which they did not eat they were allowed to carry away; so that the delivery of bread was a check upon the delivery of soup; and VICE VERSA。

The kitchen was fitted up with all possible attention; as well to conveniences; as to the economy of fuel。  This will readily be believed by those who are informed; that the whole work of the kitchen is performed; with great ease; by three cook…maids; and that the daily expence for fire…wood amounts to no more than twelve creutzers; or FOUR…PENCE HALFPENNY sterling; when dinner is provided for 1000 people。  The number of persons who are fed DAILY from this kitchen is; at a medium; in summer; about ONE THOUSAND; (rather more than less;) and in winter; about 1200。 Frequently; however; there have been more than 1500 at table。 As a particular account of this kitchen; with drawings; together with an account of a number of new and very interesting experiments relative to the economy of fuel; will be annexed

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