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  An Account of EXPERIMENTS made at the BAKE…HOUSE of the   MILITARY WORKHOUSE at MUNICH; November the 4th and 5th; 1794。

In baking RYE BREAD

The oven; which is of an oval form; is 12 feet deep; measured from the mouth to the end; 11 feet 10 inches wide; and 1 foot 11 inches high; in the middle。

November 4th; at 10 o'clock in the morning; 1736 lbs。'6' of rye meal were taken out of the store room; and sent to the bakehouse; where it was worked and baked into bread; at six different times; in the following manner:


At 45 minutes after 10 o'clock; the meal was mixed for the first time; for which purpose 16 quarts (Bavarian measure) of lukewarm water; weighing 28 lbs。 28 loths; were used。

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon; the little leaven (as it is called) was made; for which purpose 24 quarts; or 43 lbs。 10 loths of water were used; and at half an hour after 7 o'clock; the great leaven was made with 40 quarts; or 72 lbs。 6 loths; of water。 At 11 o'clock this mass was prepared for kneading; by the addition of 40 quarts; or 72 lbs。 6 loths; more of water。

At 15 minutes after 10 o'clock at night; the kneading of the dough was commenced; 2 1/2 lbs。 of salt being first mixed with the mass。  The dough having been suffered to rise till a quarter before 2 o'clock; it was kneaded a second time; and then made; in half an hour's time; into 191 loaves; each of them weighing 2 lbs。 16 loths。  These loaves having been suffered to rise half an hour; they were put into the oven 10 minutes before 3 o'clock; and in an hour after taken out again; when 25 loaves being immediately weighed; were found to weight 55 lbs。 15 loths。  Each loaf; therefore; when baked; weighed 2 lbs。 5 1/2 loths; and as it weighed 2 lbs。 16 loths when it was put into the oven; it lost 10 1/2 loths in being baked。

The whole quantity of water used in this experiment; in making the leaven and the dough; was 216 lbs。 18 loths。The quantity of meal used was about 310 lbs。

First Heating of the Oven

This was begun 35 minutes after four o'clock; with 220 1/2 lbs。 of pine…wood; which was in full flame 15 minutes after five o'clock。At 8 minutes after 8 o'clock; 51 lbs。 more of wood were added;12 minutes after 11 o'clock; 32 lbs。 more were put into the oven;51 lbs。 at one o'clock; and 12 lbs。 more at 30 minutes after 2 o'clock; so that 366 lbs。 16 loths of wood were used for the first heating。


At 20 minutes after 11 o'clock; the proper quantity of leaven was mixed with the meal; and 44 quarts; or 79 lbs。 25 loths; of water added to it。 At 10 minutes after 3 o'clock; the meal was prepared for kneading; by adding to it 52 quarts; or 93 lbs。 27 loths; of water。

At 30 minutes after 5 o'clock; the kneading of the dough was begun; 2 1/2 lbs。 of salt having been previously added。 At 15 minutes after 6 o'clock; the dough was kneaded a second time; and formed into 186 loaves; which were put into the oven at 15 minutes after 7 o'clock; and taken out again 9 minutes after 8 o'clock; when 25 loaves being immediately weighed; were found to weigh 55 lbs。 4 loths。Water used in making the second dough; 173 lbs。 8 loths。

Second Heating of the Oven

This was begun 20 minutes after 4 o'clock in the morning; with 54 1/2 lbs。 of wood; 20 lbs。 were added 10 minutes after 5 o'clock; and 60 lbs。 more 6 minutes after 6 o'clock; so that the second heating of the oven required 134 lbs。 16 loths of wood。


At 20 minutes after 3 o'clock; the proper quantity of leaven was mixed with the meal; and 48 quarts; or 86 lbs。 20 loths; of water were put to it。

At 6 minutes after 8 o'clock; this mass was prepared for kneading; by adding to it 48 quarts; or 86 lbs。 20 loths; of water。At 30 minutes after 9 o'clock; this dough was mixed with 2 1/2 lbs。 of salt; and at 30 minutes after 10 o'clock; it was made into 189 loaves; which; after having been suffered to rise for half an hour were put into the oven 10 minutes after 11 o'clock; and taken out again at 12 o'clock。

Fifty loaves of bread; which were weighed immediately upon their being taken out of the oven; were found to weigh 110 lbs。 30 loths; which gives 2 lbs。 5 1/2 loths for the weight of each loaf。  The water used in making this batch of bread was 173 lbs。 8 loths。

Third Heating of the Oven。

This was begun 30 minutes after 8 o'clock; with 50 lbs。  of wood; and 50 lbs。 more being added 30 minutes after 9 o'clock; the whole quantity used was 100 lbs。


At a quarter before 8 o'clock; the proper quantity of leaven was mixed with the meal; and 48 quarts; or 86 lbs。  20 loths; of water being added; at 30 minutes past 11 o'clock; this mass was prepared for kneading; by adding to it 52 quarts; or 93 lbs。 27 loths; of water。

Four minutes after 1 o'clock; 2 1/2 lbs。 of salt were added。 The dough being kneaded at 15 minutes after two o'clock; 188 loaves of bread were made; which were put into the oven 5 minutes before 3 o'clock; and taken out again at the end of one hour; when 25 of them were weighed; and found to weigh; one with the other; 2 lbs。 5 1/2 loths。

The water used in making this batch of bread was 180 lbs。 15 loths。

Fourth Heating of the Oven。

This was begun 15 minutes after 12 o'clock; with 40 lbs。 of wood; and 50 lbs。  more being added at 30 minutes after 1 o'clock; the total quantity used was 90 lbs。


At 1/4 before 12 o'clock; the proper quantity of leaven was mixed with the meal; and 52 quarts; or 93 lbs。 27 loths; of water put into it。This mass was prepared for kneading at 15 minutes after 4 o'clock; by the addition of 48 quarts; or 86 lbs。 20 loths; of water。  The kneading of the dough was begun at 5 o'clock; and at 30 minutes after 5 it was made into loaves; 2 1/2 lbs。 of salt having been previously added。 186 loaves being made out of this dough; they were put into the oven at 10 minutes before 7 o'clock; and taken out again at the end of one hour; when 25 loaves were weighed; and found to weigh 55 lbs。 18 loths。The quantity of water used in making the dough for this batch of bread was 180 lbs。 15 loths。

Fifth Heating of the Oven

The oven was begun to be heated the fifth time at 15 minutes after four o'clock; with 40 lbs。 of wood; and 40 lbs。 more were added at 6 o'clock; so that in this heating no more than 80 lbs。 of wood were consumed。


The meal was mixed with leaven at 30 minutes after 3 o'clock; for which purpose 32 quarts; or 57 lbs。 24 loths; of water were used at 15 minutes after 7 o'clock。  This mass was prepared for kneading; by the addition of 44 quarts; or 79 lbs。 13 loths; of water; and a proportion of salt; at 19 minutes after 9 o'clock the dough was kneaded the first; and at 1/4 before 10 the second time; and in the course of half an hour 160 loaves were made out of it; which were put into the oven at 10 minutes before 11 o'clock; and taken out again at 8 minutes before 12 o'clock at midnight。

The water used in making the dough for this batch of bread was 137 lbs。 5 loths。

Sixth Heating of the Oven。

At 1/4 after 8 o'clock; the sixth and last fire was made with 40 lbs。 of wood; to which; at 15 minutes before 10 o'clock at night; 34 1/2 lbs。 more were added; so that in the last heating 74 1/2 lbs。 of wood only were consumed。


The ingredients employed in making the bread in these six experiments were as follows: viz。

                          lbs。   loths。     Of rye meal;    1736    0     Of water;     1061    5     Of salt;        15    0                          …                   In all; 2812  5 in weight。

Of this mass 1102 loaves of bread were formed; each of which; before it was baked; weighed 2 1/2 lbs。; consequently; these 1102 loaves; before they were put into the oven; weighed 2755 lbs。: but the ingredients used in making them weighed 2812 lbs。 5 loths。  Hence it appears; that the loss of weight in these six experiments; in preparing the leaven;from evaporation; before the bread was put into the oven;from waste; etc。amounted to no less than 57 lbs。 5 loths。

In subsequent experiments; where less water was used; this loss appeared to be less by more than one half。

In these experiments 1061 lbs。 5 loths of water were used to 1736 lbs。 of meal; which gives 61 lbs。 4 3/4 loths of water to 100 lbs。 of meal。  But subsequent experiments showed 56 lbs。 of water to be quite sufficient for 100 lbs。 of the meal。

These 1102 loaves; when baked; weighed at a medium 2 lbs。 5 1/2 loths each; consequently; taken  together; they weighed 2393 lbs。 13 loths: and as they weighed 2755 lbs。 when they were put into the oven; they must have lost 361 lbs。 19 loths in being baked; which gives 10 1/2 loths; equal to 21/160 or nearly 1/8 of its original weight before it was baked; for the diminution of the weight of each loaf。

According to the standing regulations of the baking business carried on in the bakehouse of the Military Workhouse at Munich; for each 100 lbs。 of rye meal which the baker receives from the store…keeper; he is obliged to deliver 139 lbs。 of  well…baked bread; namely; 64 loaves; each weighing 2 lbs。 5 1/2 loths。 And as in the before…mentioned six experiments; 1736 lbs。 of meal were used; it is evident

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