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 Highness; under the direction of the Presidents of the Council of War; the Supreme Regency; and the Ecclesiastical Council; will have the sole administration and direction of the affairs of the institution; and that the monthly collections of alms will be made by creditable persons properly authorised; and that no salary; or emoluments of any kind; will be levied on the funds of the institution; either for  salaries for the collectors; or any other persons  employed in the service of the institution; as will clearly appear by the printed quarterly accounts。  By such precautions; we trust; we shall obviate all possible suspicions; and inspire every unprejudiced person with a firm confidence in this useful institution。

Henceforward; then; the infamous practice of begging in the streets will no longer tolerated in Munich; and the public are from this moment exonerated from a burden which is not less troublesome to individuals than it is disgraceful to the country。 Who can doubt the co…operation of every individual for the accomplishment of so laudable an undertaking?  We trust that no one will encourage idleness; by an injudicious and pernicious profusion of alms given to Beggars; and by promoting the most unbridled licentiousness; make himself a participator in the dangerous consequences of mendicity; and share the guilt of all those crimes and offences which endanger the welfare of the state; injure the cause of religion; and insult the distress of the really indigent。

No longer will these vagabonds impose on good…nature and benevolence; by false pretences; by ill…founded complaints of the inefficacy of the provision for the Poor; or by any other artifices; nor can they escape the strict and constant vigilance with which they will in future be watched; when every person they meet will direct them to the House of Industry; instead of giving them money。

It is this regulation alone which can effectuate our purpose; a regulation enforced in the days of primitive Christianity; and sanctioned by Religion  itself; the charitable gifts of the wealthier Christians being in those days all deposited in a common  treasury; for the benefit of their poorer and distressed Brethren; and not squandered away in the encouragement of dissolute idleness。

We therefore entreat and beseech the public in general; in the name of suffering humanity; and of that Almighty Being who cannot but regard so laudable an enterprise with an eye of favour; to give every possible support to our design。  And we trust that the clergy of every denomination; but especially the public preachers; will exert their  splendid abilities to animate their congregations to  co…operate with us in this great and important undertaking。


SUBSCRIPTION LISTS distributed among the  Inhabitants of MUNICH; in the Month of JANUARY 1790; when the Establishment for the Relief of the Poor in that City was formed。

Translated from the Original German。

             VOLUNTARY  SUBSCRIPTIONS                       for            The Relief and Support of      The Industrious; Sick; and Helpless POOR;                       and       For the total Extirpation of VAGRANTS               and STREET…BEGGARS;              In the City of MUNICH。


These voluntary subscriptions will be collected monthly; namely; on the last Sunday morning of every month; under the direction of the Committee of Governors of the Institution for the Poor; consisting of the President of the Council of War;the President of the Council of the Regency;and the President of the Ecclesiastical Council'4'; and the amount of these collections will always be regularly noted down in books kept for that purpose; and at the end of every three months a particular detailed account of the application of these sums will be printed; and given gratis to the subscribers and to the public。

No part of these voluntary contributions will ever be taken; or appropriated to the payment of salaries; gratuities; or rewards to any of those persons who may be employed in carrying on the business of the institution; but the whole amount of the sums collected will be faithfully applied to the relief and support of the Poor; and to that charitable purpose alone; as the accounts of the expenditures of the institution; which will be published from time to time; will clearly show and demonstrate。All the persons necessary to be employed in the affairs of this establishment; will either be selected from among such as already are in the receipt of salaries; sufficient for their comfortable maintenance from other funds; or they will be such persons; in easy circumstances; as may offer themselves voluntarily for these services; from motives of humanity; and a disinterested wish to be instrumental in doing good。

As the preparations which have been made; and are making for the support of the Poor; leave no doubt; but that adequate relief will be afforded to them in future; they will no longer have any pretext for begging; and all persons are most earnestly requested to abstain henceforward from giving alms to Beggars。  Instead of giving money to such persons as they may find begging in the street; they are requested to direct them to the House of Industry; where they will; without fail; receive such assistance and support as they may stand in need of and deserve。

Those persons whose names are already inserted in other lists; as subscribers to this institution; are; nevertheless; requested to enter their names upon these family…sheets; for though their names may stand on several lists; their contributions will be called for upon one of them only; and that one will be the family…sheet。

Those persons of either sex; who have no families; but occupy houses or lodging of their own; are; notwithstanding their being without families;  requested to put down the amount of the monthly contributions they are willing to give to this institution upon a family…sheet; and to insert their names in the list as 〃head of the family。〃

Under the column destined for the names of 〃relations and friends; living in the house;〃 may be included strangers; lodgers; boarders; etc。

The column for 〃domestics〃 may; in like manner; serve; particularly in the houses of the nobility; and other distinguished persons; for stewards; tutors; governesses; etc。

Each head of a family will receive two of these family…sheets; namely; one with these Remarks; which he will keep for his information;the other; printed on a half…sheet of paper; and without remarks; which he will please to return to the public office of the institution。

In case of a change in the family; or if one or other of the members of it should think proper to increase or to lessen their contribution; this alteration is to be marked upon the half…sheet; which is kept by the head of the family; and this sheet so altered is to be sent to the public office of the institution; to the end that these alterations may be made in the general lists of the subscribers; or new printed forms being procured from the public office; and filled up; these new lists may be exchanged against the old ones。

For the accommodation of those who may at any time wish to contribute privately to the support of the institution any sums in addition to their ordinary monthly donations; the banker of the institution; Mr。 Dallarmi; will receive such sums destined for that purpose; as may be sent to him privately under any feigned name; motto; or device; and for the security of the donors; accounts of all the sums so received; with an account of the feigned name; motto; or device; under which each of them was sent to the banker; will be regularly published in the Munich Gazette。

The first collection will be made on the last Sunday of the present month; and the following  collections on the last Monday of every succeeding month; and each head of a family is respectfully requested to cause the contributions of his family; and of the inhabitants of his house; to be collected at the end of every month; by a domestic or a servant; and to keep the same in readiness against the time of the collection。

All persons of both sexes; and of every age and condition; (Paupers only excepted;) are earnestly requested to have their names inserted in these lists or family…sheets; and they may rest assured; that any sum; even the most trifling; will be received with thankfulness; and applied with care to the great object of the institutionthe relief and  encouragement of the Poor and the Distressed。

And finally; as it cannot fail to contribute very much to improve the human heart; if young persons at an early period of life are accustomed to acts of benevolence;it is recommended to parents; to cause all their children to put down their names as subscribers to this undertaking; and this; even though the donations they may be able to spare may be the most trifling; or even if the parents should be obliged to lessen their own contributions in order to enable their children to become subscribers。

The foregoing Remarks were printed on the two first pages of a sheet; 13 inches by 18 inches; of strong writing…paper。 The following Subscription List was printed on the third page of the same sheet;and also on 

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