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se upon coming into possession of the emoluments of their offices; were frequently so embarrassed in their circumstances as to be obliged to mortgage their salaries for many months to come; to raise money to satisfy their clamorous creditors; and from this circumstance; and from the general prevalence of luxury and dissipation among all ranks of society; the anticipation of salaries had become so prevalent; and the conditions upon which money was advanced upon such security was so exorbitant; that this alarming evil called for the most serious attention of the government。

The interest commonly paid for money; advanced upon receipts for salaries; was 5 PER CENT。 PER MONTH; or three creutzers; for the florin; and there were instances of even much larger interest being given。

The severest laws had been made to prevent these abuses; but means were constantly found to evade them; and; instead of putting an end to the evil; they frequently served rather to increase it。

It occurred to me; that as any tradesman may be ruined by another who can afford to undersell him; so it might be possible to ruin the usurers; by setting up the business in opposition to them; and furnishing money to borrowers upon more reasonable terms。 In order to make this experiment; a caise of advance (Vorschuss Cassa); containing 30;000 florins; was established at the military pay…office; where any person in the actual receipt of a salary or pension under government; in any department of the state; civil or military; might receive in advance; upon his personal application; his salary or pension for one or for two months upon a deduction of interest at the rate of 5 PER CENT。 PER ANNUM; or one twelfth part of the interest commonly extorted by the Jews and other usurers upon those occasions。

The great number of persons who have availed themselves of the advantages held out to them by this establishment; and who still continue to avail themselves of them; shows how effectually the establishment has been to remedy the evil it was designed to eradicate。

The number of persons who apply to this chest for assistance each month; is at a medium from 300 to 400; and the sums actually in advance; amount in general to above 20;000 florins。

As no money is advanced from this chest but upon government securities that is to say; upon receipts for salaries; and pensions; there is no risque attending the operation; and as the interest arising  from the money advanced; is more than sufficient to defray the expence of carrying on the business; there is no loss whatever attending it。

  An Account of a SCHEME for employing the SOLDIERY in BAVARIA   in repairing the Highways and Public Roads。

I had formed a plan; which; if it had been executed; would have rendered the military posts or patroles of cavalry established in all parts of the Elector's dominions much more interesting; and more useful'2'。 I wished to have employed the soldiery exclusively in the repairs of all the highways in the  country; and to have united this undertaking with the establishment of permanent military stations; on all the high roads; for the preservation of order and public tranquillity。

It is a great hardship upon the inhabitants in any country to be obliged to leave their own domestic affairs; and turn out with their cattle and servants; when called upon; to work upon the public roads; but this was peculiarly grievous in Bavaria; where labourers are so scarce that the farmers are  frequently obliged to leave a great part of their grounds uncultivated for want of hands。

My plan was to measure all the public roads from the capital cities in the Elector's dominions to the frontiers; and all cross country roads; placing mile…stones regularly numbered upon each road; at regular distances of one hour; or half a German mile from each other;to divide each road into as many stations as it contained mile…stones; each station extending from one mile…stone to another; and to erect in the middle of each station; by the road…side; a small house; with stabling for three or four horses; and with a small garden adjoining to it;to place in each of these houses; a small detachment of cavalry of three or four men; a soldier on furlough; employed to take care of the road and keep it in repair within the limits of the station;an invalid soldier to take care of the house; and to receive orders and messages in the  absence of the others;to take care of the garden; to provide provisions; and cook for the family。

If any of the soldiers should happen to be married; his wife might have been allowed to lodge in the house; upon condition of her assisting the invalid soldier in this service; or a pensioned soldier's widow might have been employed for the same purpose。

To preserve order and discipline in these establishments; it was proposed to employ active and  intelligent non…commissioned officers as overseers of the highways; and to place these under the orders of superior officers appointed to preside over more extensive districts。

It was proposed likewise to plant rows of useful trees by the road…side from one station to another throughout the whole country; and it was calculated that after a certain number of years the produce of those trees would have been nearly sufficient to  defray all the expences of repairing the roads。

Such an arrangement; with the striking appearance of order and regularity that would accompany it; could not have failed to interest every person of feeling who saw it; and I am persuaded that such a scheme might be carried into execution with great advantage in most countries where standing armies are kept up in time of peace。  The reasons why this plan was not executed in Bavaria at the time it was proposed are too long; and too foreign to my present purpose to be here related。  Perhaps a time may come when they will cease to exist。


  ADDRESS and PETITION to all the Inhabitants and Citizens of   MUNICH; in the Name of the real Poor and Distressed。

(Translated from the German)。

Too long have the public honour and safety; morality and religion; called aloud for the extirpation of an evil; which; though habit has rendered it familiar to us; always appears in all its horrid and disgusting shapes; and whose dangerous effects show themselves every where; and are  increasing every day。

Too long already have the virtuous citizens of this metropolis seen with concern the growing numbers of the Beggars; their impudence; and their open and shameless debaucheries; yet idleness and mendicity (those pests of society) have been so feebly counteracted; that; instead of being checked and suppressed; they have triumphed over those weak attempts to restrain them and acquiring fresh vigour and activity from success; have spread their baleful influence far and wide。

What well…affected citizen can be indifferent to the shame that devolves upon himself and upon his country; when whole swarms of dissolute rabble; covered with filthy rags; parade the streets; and by tales of real or of fictitious distressby clamorous importunity; insolence; and rudeness; extort involuntary contributions from every traveller?  When no retreat is to be found; no retirement where  poverty; misery; and impudent hypocrisy; in all their disgusting and hideous forms; do not continually intrude; when no one is permitted to enjoy a peaceful moment; free from their importunity; either in the churches or in public places; at the tombs of the dead; or at the places of amusement? What avail the marks of affluence and prosperity which appear in the dress and equipage of individuals; in the elegance of their dwellings; and in the magnificence and splendid ornaments of our churches; while the voice of woe is heard in every corner; proceeding from the lips of hoary age worn out with labour; from strong and healthy men capable of labour; from young infants and their shameless and abandoned parents?  What  reputable citizen would not blush; if among the inmates of his house should be found a miserable wretch; who by tales of real or fictitious distress should attempt to extort charitable donations from his friends and visitors?  What opinion would he expect would be formed of his understandingof his heartof his circumstances? What then must the foreigner and traveller think; who; after having seen no vestige of Beggary in the neighbouring countries; should; upon his arrival at Munich; find himself suddenly surrounded by a swarm of groaning winching wretches; besieging and following his carriage?

THE PUBLIC HONOUR calls aloud to have a stop put to this disgraceful evil。

THE PUBLIC SAFETY also demands it。  The dreadful consequences are obvious; which must ensue when great numbers of healthy individuals; and whole families; live in idleness; without any settled abode; concluding every day with schemes for defrauding the public of their subsistence for the next: where the children belonging to this numerous society are made use of to impose on the credulity of the benevolent; and where they are regularly trained; from their earliest infancy; in all those infamous practices; which are carried on systematically; and to such an alarming extent among us。

Great numbers of these children grow up to di

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