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 is certainly neither so nourishing nor so wholesome。

Brown Soup might; however; on certain occasions; be found to be useful。  As it is so soon cooked; and as the ingredients for making it are so easily prepared; preserved; and transported from place to place; it might be useful to travellers; and to soldiers on a march。  And though it can hardly be supposed to be of itself very nourishing; yet it is possible it may render the bread eaten with it not only more nutritive; but also more wholesome; and it certainly renders it more savoury and palatable。It is the common breakfast of the peasants in Bavaria; and it is infinitely preferable; in all respects; to that most pernicious wash; TEA; with which the lower classes of the inhabitants of this island drench their stomachs; and ruin their constitutions。

When tea is mixed with a sufficient quantity of sugar and good cream;when it is taken with a large quantity of bread and butter; or with toast and boiled eggs;and above all;WHEN IT IS NOT DRANK TOO HOT; it is certainly less unwholesome; but a simple infusion of this drug; drank boiling hot; as the Poor usually take it; is certainly a poison which; though it is sometimes slow in its operation; never fails to produce very fatal effects; even in the strongest constitution; where the free use of it is continued for a considerable length of time。

         Of Rye Bread

The prejudice in this island against bread made of Rye; is the more extraordinary; as in many parts of the country no other kind of bread is used; and as the general use of it in many parts of Europe; for ages; has proved it to be perfectly wholesome。 In those countries where it is in common use; many persons prefer it to bread made of the best wheat flour; and though wheaten bread is commonly preferred to it; yet I am persuaded that the general dislike of it; where it is not much in use; is more owing to its being BADLY PREPARED; or not well baked; than to any thing else。

As an account of some experiments upon baking Rye Bread; which were made under my immediate care and inspection in the bake…house of the House of Industry at Munich; may perhaps be of use to those who wish to known how good Rye Bread may be prepared; as also to such as are desirous of ascertaining; by similar experiments; what; in any given case; the profits of a baker really are; I shall publish an account in detail of these experiments; in the Appendix to this volume。

I cannot conclude this Essay; without once more recommending; in the most earnest manner; to the attention of the Public; and more especially to the attention of all those who are engaged in public affairs;the subject which has here been attempted to be investigated。  It is certainly of very great importance; in whatever light it is considered; and it is particularly so at the present moment: for however statesmen may differ in opinion with respect to the danger or expediency of making any alterations in the constitution; or established forms of government; in times of popular commotion; no doubts can be entertained with respect to the policy of diminishing; as much as possible; at all times; and more especially in times like the present;the misery of the lower classes of the people。


Footnotes for Essay III。

'1' November 1795。

'2' The preparation of water is; in many cases; an object of more importance than is generally imagined; particularly when it is made use of as a vehicle for conveying agreeable tastes。 In making punch; for instance; if the water used be previously boiled two or three hours with a handful of rice; the punch made from it will be incomparably better; than is to say; more full and luscious upon the palate; than when the water is not prepared。

'3' I cannot dismiss this subject; the feeding of cattle; without just mentioning another practice common among our best farmers in Bavaria; which; I think; deserves to be known。  They chop the green clover with which they feed their cattle; and mix with it a considerable quantity of chopped straw。  They pretend that this rich succulent grass is of so clammy a nature; that unless it be mixed with chopped straw; hay; or some other dry fodder; cattle which are fed with it do not ruminate sufficiently。  The usual proportion of the clover to the straw; is as two to one。

'4' A viertl is the twelfth part of a schafl; and the Bavarian schafl is equal to 6 31/300 Winchester bushels。

'5' The quantity of fuel here mentioned; though it certainly is almost incredibly small; was nevertheless determined from the results of actual experiments。  A particular account of these experiments will be given in my Essay on the Management of Heat and the Economy of Fuel。

'6' One Bavarian schafl (equal to 6 31/100 Winchester bushels) of barley; weighing at a medium 250 Bavarian pounds; upon being pearled; or rolled (as it is called in Germany); is reduced to half a schafl; which weighs 171 Bavarian pounds。  The 79lb。 which it loses in the operation is the perquisite of the miller; and is all he receives for his trouble。

'7' Since the First Edition of this Essay was published the experiment with barley…meal has been tried; and the meal has been found to answer quite as well as pearl barley; if not better; for making these soups。  Among others; Thomas Bernard; Esq。 Treasurer of the Founding Hospital; a gentleman of most respectable character; and well known for his philanthropy and active zeal in relieving the distresses of the Poor; has given it a very complete and fair trial; and he found; what is very remarkable; though not difficult to be accounted forthat the barley…meal; WITH ALL THE BRAN IN IT; answered better; that is to say; made the soup richer; and thicker; than when the fine flour of barley; without the bran; was used。

'8' By some experiments lately made it has been found that the soup will be much improved if a small fire is made under the boiler; just sufficient to make its contents boil up once; when the barley and water are put into it; and then closing up immediately the ash…hole register; and the damper in the chimney; and throwing a thick blanket; or a warm covering over the cover of the boiler; the whole be kept hot till the next morning。 This heat so long continued; acts very powerfully on the barley; and causes it to thicken the water in a very surprising manner。 Perhaps the oat…meal used for making water gruel might be improved in its effects by the same means。  The experiment is certainly worth trying。

'9' This invention of double bottoms might be used with great success by distillers; to prevent their liquor; when it is thick; from burning to the bottoms of their stills。  But there is another hint; which I have long wished to give distillers; from which; I am persuaded; they might derive very essential advantages。It is to recommend to them to make up warm clothing of thick blanketing for covering up their still…heads; and defending them from the cold air of the atmosphere; and for covering in the same manner all that part of the copper or boiler which rises above the brick…work in which it is fixed。 The great quantity of heat is constantly given off to the cold air of the atmosphere in contact with it by this naked copper; not only occasions a very great loss of heat; and of fuel; but tends likewise very much to EMBARRASS and to PROLONG the process of distillation; for all the heat communicated by the naked still…head to the atmosphere is taken from the spirituous vapour which rises from the liquor in the still; and as this vapour cannot fail to be condensed into spirits whenever and WHEREVER it loses ANY PART of its heat; as the spirits generated in the still…head in consequence of this communication of heat to the atmosphere do not find their way into the worm; but trickle down and mix again with the liquor in the still;the bad effects of leaving the still…head exposed naked to the cold air is quite evident。  The remedy for this evil is as cheap and as effectual; as it is simple and obvious。

'10' The Bavarian pound (equal to 1。238; or near one pound and a quarter Avoirdupois;) is divided into 32 loths。

'11' For each 100 lb。 Bavarian weight; (equal to 123。84 lb。 Avoirdupois;) of rye…meal; which the baker receives from the magazine; he is obliged to deliver sixty…four loaves of bread; each loaf weighing 2 lb。 5 1/2 loths; equal to 2 lb。 10 oz。 Avoirdupois;and as each loaf is divided into six portions; this gives seven ounces Avoirdupois for each portion。  Hence it appears that 100 lb。 of rye…meal give 149 lb。 of bread; for sixty…four loaves; at 2 lb。 5 1/2 loths each; weigh 149 lb。 When this bread is reckoned at two creutzers a Bavarian pound; (which is about what it costs at a medium;) one portion costs just 10/16 of a creutzer; or 120/528 of a penny sterling; which is something less than one farthing。

'12' This allowance is evidently much too large; but I was willing to show what the expence of feed the Poor would be at THE HIGHEST CALCULATION。 I have estimated the 7 ounces of rye…bread; mentioned above; at what it ought to cost when rye is 7s。 6d。 the bushel; its present price in London。

'13' Farther inquiries which have since been made; have proved that these suspicions were not without foundation。


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