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s for food will be generally introduced among the common people。  I have already had the satisfaction to see little gardens here and there making their appearance; in different parts of the country; and I hope that very soon no farmer's house will be found without one。

To assist the soldiers in the cultivation of their gardens; they are furnished with garden utensils gratis; they are likewise furnished from time to time with a certain quantity of manure; and with an assortment of garden…feeds; but they do not rely solely upon these supplies; those who are industrious collect materials in their barracks; and in the streets; for making manure; and even sometimes purchase it; and they raise in their own gardens most of the garden…seeds they stand in need of。 To enable them to avail themselves of their gardens as early in the spring as possible; in supplying their tables with green vegetables; each company is furnished with a hot…bed for raising early plants。

To attach the soldiers more strongly to these their little possessions; by increasing their comfort and convenience in the cultivation and enjoyment of them; a number of little summer…houses; or rather huts; one to each company; have been erected for the purpose of shelter; where they can retire when it rains; or when they are fatigued。

All the officers of the regiments; from the highest to the lowest; are ordered to give the men every assistance in the cultivation of these their gardens; but they are forbidden; upon pain of the severest punishment; to appropriate to themselves any part of the produce of them; or even to receive any part of it in presents。


 Of the prevalence of mendicity in Bavaria at the time when the    measures for putting an end to it were adopted。

Among the various measures that occurred to me by which the military establishment of the country might be made subservient to the public good in time of peace; none appeared to be of so much importance as that of employing the army in clearing the country of beggers; thieves and other vagabonds; and in watching over the public tranquillity。

But in order to clear the country of beggers; (the number of whom in Bavaria had become quite intolerable;) it was necessary to adopt general and efficacious measures for maintaining and supporting the Poor。  Laws were not wanting to oblige each community in the country to provide for its own Poor; but these laws had been so long neglected; and beggary had become so general; that extraordinary measures; and the most indefatigable exertions; were necessary to put a stop to this evil。  The number of itinerant beggars; of both sexes; and all ages; as well foreigners as natives; who strolled about the country in all directions。  levying contributions from the industrious inhabitants; stealing and robbing; and leading a life of indolence; and the most shameless debauchery; was quite incredible; and so numerous were the swarms of beggars in all the great towns; and particularly in the capital; so great their impudence; and so persevering their importunity; that it was almost impossible to cross the streets without being attacked; and absolutely forced to satisfy their clamorous demands。 And these beggars were in general by no means such as from age or bodily infirmities were unable by their labour to earn their livelihood; but they were for the most part; stout; strong; healthy;  sturdy beggars; who; lost to every sense of shame; had embraced the profession from choice; not necessity; and who; not unfrequently; added insolence and threats to their importunity; and extorted that from fear; which they could not procure by their arts of dissimulation。

These beggars not only infested all the streets; public walks; and public places; but they even made a practice of going into private houses; where they never failed to steal whatever fell in their way; if they found the doors open; and nobody at home; and the churches were so full of them that it was quite a nuisance; and a public scandal during the performance of divine service。 People at their devotions were continually interrupted by them; and were frequently obliged to satisfy their demands in order to be permitted to finish their prayers in peace and quite。

In short; these detestable vermin swarmed every where; and not only their impudence and clamorous importunity were without any bounds; but they had recourse to the most diabolical arts; and most horrid crimes; in the prosecution of their infamous trade。 Young children were stolen from their parents by these wretches; and their eyes put out; or their tender limbs broken and distorted; in order; by exposing them thus maimed; to excite the pity and commiseration of the public; and every species of artifice was made use of to agitate the sensibility; and to extort the contributions of the humane and charitable。

Some of these monsters were so void of all feeling as to expose even their own children; naked; and almost starved; in the streets; in order that; by their cries and unaffected expressions of distress; they might move those who passed by to pity and relieve them; and in order to make them act their part more naturally; they were unmercifully beaten when they came home; by their inhuman parents; if they did not bring with them a certain sum; which they were ordered to collect。

I have frequently seen a poor child of five or six years of age; late at night; in the most inclement season; sitting down almost naked at the corner of a street; and crying most bitterly; if he were asked what was the matter with him; he would answer; 〃I am cold and hungry; and afraid to go home; my mother told me to bring home twelve creutzers; and I have only been able to beg five。  My mother will certainly beat me if I don't carry home twelve creutzers。〃  Who could refuse so small a sum to relieve so much unaffected distress?But what horrid arts are these; to work upon the feelings of the public; and levy involuntary contributions for the support of idleness and debauchery!

But the evils arising from the prevalence of mendicity did not stop here。  The public; worn out and vanquished by the numbers and persevering importunity of the beggars; and frequently disappointed in their hopes of being relieved from their depredations; by the failure of the numberless schemes that were formed and set on foot for that purpose; began at last to consider the case as quite desperate; and to submit patiently to an evil for which they saw no remedy。  The consequences of this submission are easy to be conceived; the beggars; encouraged by their success; were  attached still more strongly to their infamous profession; and others; allured by their indolent lives; encouraged by their successful frauds; and emboldened by their impunity; joined them。  The habit of submission on the part of the public; gave them a sort of right to pursue their depredations; their growing numbers and their success gave a kind of eclat to their profession; and the habit of begging became so general; that it ceased to be considered as infamous; and was by degrees in a manner interwoven with the internal regulations of society。  Herdsmen and shepherds; who attended their flocks by the road…side; were known to derive considerable advantage from the contributions which their situation enabled them to levy from passengers; and I have been assured; that the wages they received from their employers were often regulated accordingly。  The children in every country village; and those even of the best farmers; made a constant practice of begging from all strangers who passed; and one hardly ever met a person on foot upon the road; particularly a woman; who did not hold out her hand and ask for charity。

In the great towns; besides the children of the poorer sort; who almost all made a custom of begging; the professional beggars formed a distinct class; or cast; among the inhabitants; and in general a very numerous one。  There was even a kind of political connection between the members  of this formidable body; and certain general maxims were adopted; and regulations observed; in the warfare they carried on against the public。 Each beggar had his particular beat; or district; in the possession of which it was not thought lawful to disturb him; and certain rules were observed in disposing of the districts in case of vacancies by deaths or resignations; promotions or removals。 A battle; it is true; frequently decided the contest between the candidates; but when the possession was once obtained; whether by force of arms; or by any other means; the right was ever after considered as indisputable。  Alliances by marriage were by no means uncommon in this community; and; strange as it may appear; means were found to procure legal permission from the civil magistrates for the celebration of these nuptials! The children were of course trained up in the profession of their parents; and having the advantage of an early education; were commonly great proficients in their trade。

As there is no very essential difference between depriving a person of his property by stealth; and extorting it from him against his will; by dint of clamorous importunity; or under false pretence of feigned distress and misfortune; so the transit

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