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an injudicious distributions of alms; individuals must be very cautious in bestowing their private charities; and in forming schemes for giving assistance to the distressed; otherwise they will most certainly do more harm than good。 The evil tendency of giving alms indiscriminately to beggars is universally acknowledged; but it is not; I believe; so generally known how much harm is done by what are called the PRIVATE CHARITIES of individuals。Far be it from me to wish to discourage private charities; I am only anxious that they should be better applied。

Without taking up time in analyzing the different motives by which persons of various character are induced to give alms to the Poor; or of showing the consequences of their injudicious or careless donations; which would be an unprofitable as well as a disagreeable investigation; I shall briefly point out what appear to me to be the most effectual means which individuals in affluent circumstances can employ for the assistance of the Poor in their neighbourhood。

The most certain and efficacious relief that can be given to the Poor is that which would be afforded them by forming a general Establishment for giving them useful employment; and furnishing them with the necessaries of life at a cheap rate; in short; forming a Public Establishment similar in all respects to that already recommended; and making it as extensive as circumstances will permit。

An experiment might first be made in a single village; or in a single parish; a small house; or two or three rooms only; might be fitted up for the reception of the Poor; and particularly of the children of the Poor; and to prevent the bad impressions which are sometimes made by names which have been become odious; instead of calling it a  Work…house; it might be called 〃A School of Industry;〃 or; perhaps; Asylum would be a better name for it。One of these rooms should be fitted up as a kitchen for cooking for the Poor; and a middle…aged women of respectable character; and above all of a gentle and humane disposition; should be placed at the head of this Establishment; and lodged in the house。As she should serve at the same time as chief cook; and as steward of the institution; it would be necessary that she should be able to write and keep accounts; and in cases where the business of superintending the various details of the Establishment would be too extensive to be performed by one person; one or more assistants may be given her。

In large Establishments it might; perhaps; be best to place a married couple; rather advanced in life; and without children; at the head of the institution; but; whoever are employed in that situation; care should be taken that they should be persons of irreproachable character; and such as the Poor can have no reason to suspect of partiality。

As nothing would tend more effectually to ruin an Establishment of this kind; and prevent the good intended to be produced by it; than the personal dislikes of the Poor to those put over them; and more especially such dislikes as are founded on their suspicions of their partiality; the greatest caution in the choice of these persons will always be necessary: and in general it will be best not to take them from among the Poor; or at least not from among those of the neighbourhood; nor such as have relations; acquaintances; or other connexions among them。

Another point to be attended to in the choice of a person to be placed at the head of such an Establishment; (and it is a point of more importance than can well be imagined by those who have not considered the matter with some attention) is the looks or EXTERNAL APPEARANCE of the person destined for this employment。

All those who have studied human nature; or have taken notice of what passes in themselves when they approach for the first time a person who has any thing very strongly marked in his countenance; will feel how very important it is that a person placed at the head of an asylum for the reception of the Poor and the unfortunate should have an open; pleasing countenance; such as inspires confidence and conciliates affection and esteem。

Those who are in distress; are apt to be fearful and apprehensive; and nothing would be so likely to intimidate and discourage them as the forbidding aspect of a stern and austere countenance in the person they were taught to look up to for assistance and protection。

The external appearance of those who are destined to command others is always a matter of real importance; but it is peculiarly so when those to be commanded and directed are objects of pity and commiseration。

Where there are several gentlemen who live in the neighbourhood of the same town or village where an Establishment; or Asylum; (as I would wish it might be called;) for the Poor is to be formed; they should all unite to form ONE ESTABLISHMENT; instead of each forming a separate one; and it will likewise be very useful in all cases to invite all ranks of people resident within the limits of the district in which an Establishment is formed; except those who are actually in need of assistance themselves; to contribute to carry into execution such a public undertaking; for though the sums the more indigent and necessitous of the inhabitants may be able to spare may be trifling; yet their being invited to take part in so laudable an undertaking will be flattering to them; and the sums they contribute; however small they may be; will give them a sort of property in the Establishment; and will effectually engage their good wishes at least; (which are of more importance in such cases than is generally imagined;) for its success。

How far the relief which the Poor would receive from the execution of a scheme like that here proposed ought to preclude them from a participation of other public charities; (in the distribution of the sums levied upon the inhabitants in Poor's taxes; for instance; where such exist;) must be determined in each particular case according to the existing circumstances。 It will; however; always be indispensably necessary where the same poor person receives charitable assistance from two or more separate institutions; or from two or more private individuals; at the same time; for each to know exactly the amount of what the others give; otherwise too much or too little may be given; and both tend to discourage INDUSTRY; the only source of effectual relief to the distresses and the misery of the Poor。And hence may again be seen the great importance of what I have so often insisted on; the rendering of measures for the relief of the Poor as general as possible。

To illustrate in the clearest manner; and in as few words as possible; the plan I would recommend for forming an Establishment for the Poor on a small scalesuch as any individual even of moderate property; might easily execute; I will suppose that a gentleman; resident in the country upon his own estate; has come to a resolution to form such an Establishment in a village near his house; and will endeavour briefly to point out the various steps he would probably find it necessary to take in the execution of this benevolent and most useful undertaking。

He would begin by calling together at his house the clergyman of the parish; overseers of the Poor; and other parish officers; to acquaint them with his intentions; and ask their assistance and friendly co…operation in the prosecution of the plan; the details of which he would communicate to them as far as he should think it prudent and necessary at the first outset to entrust them indiscriminately with that information。The characters of the persons; and the private interest they might have to promote or oppose the measures intended to be pursued; would decide upon the degree of confidence which ought to be given them。

At this meeting; measures should be taken for forming the most complete and most accurate lists of all the Poor resident within the limits proposed to be given to the Establishment; with a detailed account of every circumstance; relative to their situation; and their wants。Much time and trouble will be saved in making out these lists; by using printed forms or blanks similar to those made use of at Munich; and these printed forms will likewise contribute very essentially to preserve order and to facilitate business; in the management of a private as well as of a public charity;as also to prevent the effects of misrepresentation and partiality on the part of those who must necessarily be employed in these details。

Convenient forms or models for these blanks will be given in the Appendix to this volume。

At this meeting; measures may be taken for numbering all the houses in the village or district; and for setting on foot private subscriptions among the inhabitants for carrying the proposed scheme into execution。

Those who are invited to subscribed should be made acquainted; by a printed address accompanying the subscription lists; with the nature; extent; and tendency of the measures adopted; and should be assured that; as soon as the undertaking shall be completed; the Poor will not only be relieved; and their situation made more comfortable; but  mendicity will be effectually prevented; and at the same time the Poor's rates; or the expense to the

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