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e; models will be prepared; upon a reduced scale; for showing the improvements which may be made in the construction of the coppers; or boilers; used by brewers; and distillers; as also of their fire…places; with a view both to the economy of the fuel; and to convenience。

Complete kitchens will likewise be constructed; of the full size; with all their utensils; as models for private families。 And that these kitchens may not be useless; eating rooms may be fitted up adjoining to them; and cooks engaged to furnish to gentlemen; subscribers; or others; to whom subscribers may delegate that right; good dinners; at the prime cost of the victuals; and the expense of cooking; which together certainly would not exceed ONE SHILLING A HEAD。

The public kitchen from whence the Poor will be fed will be so constructed as to serve as a model for hospitals; and for other great Establishments of similar nature。

The expense of feeding the Poor will be provided for by selling the portions of Food delivered from the public kitchen at such a price; that those expenses shall be just covered; and no more: so that the Establishment; when once completed; will be made to support itself。

Tickets for Food (which may be considered as drafts upon the public kitchen; payable at sight) will be furnished to all persons who apply for them; in as far as it shall be possible to supply the demands; but care will be taken to provide; first; for the Poor who frequent  regularly the working rooms belonging to the Establishment; and secondly; to pay attention to the recommendations of subscribers; by furnishing Food immediately; or with the least possible delay; to those who come with subscribers' tickets。

As soon as the Establishment shall be completed; every subscriber will be furnished gratis with tickets for Food; to the amount of ten per cent。  of his subscription; the value of the tickets being reckoned at what the portions of Food really cost; which will be delivered to those who produce the tickets at the public kitchen。At the end of six months; tickets to the amount of ten per cent。 more; and so on; at the end of every six succeeding months; tickets to the amount of ten per cent。 of the sum subscribed will be delivered to each subscriber till he shall actually have received in tickets for Food; or drafts upon the public kitchen; to the full amount of ONE HALF of his original subscription。And as the price at which this Food will be charged; will be at the most moderate computation; at least FIFTY PER CENT。  cheaper than it would cost any where else; the subscribers will in fact receive in these tickets the full value of the sums they will have subscribed; so that in the end; the whole advance will be repaid; and a most interesting; and most useful public institution will be  completely established WITHOUT ANY EXPENSE TO ANYBODYAnd the Author of these Proposals will think himself most amply repaid for any  trouble he may have in the execution of this scheme; by the heartfelt satisfaction he will enjoy in the reflection of having been instrumental in doing essential service to mankind。

It is hardly necessary to add; that although the subscribers will receive in return for their subscriptions the full value of them; in tickets; or orders upon the public kitchen; for Food; yet the property of the Whole Establishment; with all its appurtenances; will nevertheless  remain vested solely and entirely in the subscribers; and their lawful heirs; and that they will have power to dispose of it in any way they may think proper; as also to give orders and directions for its future management。                    (Signed)                                   〃A。 B。〃 London; 1st January 1796。

These Proposals; which should be printed; and distributed gratis; in great abundance; should be accompanied with subscription…lists which should be printed on fine writing…paper; and to save trouble to the subscribers; might be of a peculiar form。Upon the top of a half…sheet of folio writing…paper might be printed; the following Head of Title; and the remainder of that side of the half…sheet; below this Head; might be formed into different columns; thus:


For carrying into execution the scheme for forming an Establishment for feeding the Poor from a Public KITCHEN; and giving them useful employment; etc。 proposed by A。 B。 and particularly described in the printed paper; dated London; 1st January 1796; which accompanies this Subscription List。

N。B。 No part of the money subscribed will be called for; unless it be found that the amount of the subscriptions will be quite sufficient to carry the scheme proposed into complete execution without troubling the subscribers a second time for further assistance。

… Subscribers Names。  I  Place of Abode。  I  Sums subscribed。 …                     I                   I    pound。  s。   d。                     I                   I                     I                   I                     I                   I                     I                   I                     I                   I                     I                   I

that this list is authentic; and that the persons mentioned in it have agreed to subscribe the sums placed against their names; is attested by '          '。 The person who is so good as to take charge of this list; is requested to authenticate it by signing the above certificate; and then to seal it up and send it according to the printed address on the back of it。

The address upon the back of the subscription lists; (which may be that of the author of the Proposal; or of any other person he may appoint to receive these lists;) should be printed in such a manner that; when the list is folded up in the form of a letter; the address may be in its proper place。 This will save trouble to those who take charge of these lists; and too much pains cannot be taken to give as little trouble as possible to persons who are solicited to contribute IN MONEY  towards carrying into execution schemes of public utility。

As a public Establishment like that here proposed would be highly interesting; even were it to be considered in no other light than merely as an object of curiosity; there is no doubt but it would be much frequented; and it is possible that this concourse of people might be so great as to render it necessary to make some regulations in regard to admittance: but; whatever measures might be adopted with respect to others; SUBSCRIBERS ought certainly to have free admittance at all times to every part of the Establishment;They should even have a right individually to examine all the details of its administration; and to require from those employed as overseers; or managers; any information or explanation they might want。They ought likewise to be at liberty to take drawings; or to have them taken by others; (at their expense;) for themselves or for their friends; of the kitchen; stoves; grates; furniture; etc。 and in general of every part of the machinery belonging to the Establishment。

In forming the Establishment; and providing the various machinery; care should be taken to employ the most ingenious and most respectable tradesmen; and if the name of the maker; and the place of his abode were to be engraved or written on each article; this; no doubt; would tend to excite emulation among the artizans; and induce them to furnish goods of the best quality; and at as low a price as possible。It is even possible; that in a great and opulent city like London; and where public spirit and zeal for improvement pervade all ranks of society; many respectable tradesmen in easy circumstances might be found; who would have real pleasure in furnishing gratis such of the articles wanted as are in their line of business: and the advantages which might; with proper management; be derived from this source; would most probably be very considerable。

With regard to the management of the Poor who might be collected together for the purpose of being fed and furnished with employment; in a Public Establishment like that here recommended; I cannot do better than refer my reader to the account already published (in my First Essay) of the manner in which the Poor at Munich were treated in the house of industry established in that city; and the means that were used to render them comfortable; HAPPY; and industrious。

As soon as the scheme here recommended is carried into execution; and measures are effectually taken for feeding the Poor at a cheap rate; and giving them useful employment; no farther difficulties will then remain; at least none certainly that are insurmountable; to prevent the introduction of a general plan for providing for all the Poor; founded upon the principles explained and recommended in the preceding Chapters of this Essay。


 Of the Means which may be used by Individuals in affluent    Circumstances for the Relief of the Poor in their Neighbourhood。

As nothing tends more powerfully to encourage idleness and immorality among the Poor; and consequently to perpetuate all the evils to society which arise from the prevalence of poverty and mendicity; than injudicious distributions of alms; individuals must be very cautious in bestowing their private c

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