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ake a job of the proposed Establishment; or of any of the details of its execution; or of its management; as long as the Author of these Proposals remains charged with its direction。

With respect to the particular objects and extent of the proposed Establishment; these may be seen by the account which is given of them at the head of these Proposals; and as to their utility; there can be no doubts。  They certainly must tend very powerfully to promote the comfort; happiness; and prosperity of society; and will do honour to the nation; as well as to those individuals who may contribute to carry them into execution。

With the regard to the possibility of carrying into effect the proposed scheme;the facility with which this may be done; will be evident when the method of doing it; which will now be pointed out; is duly considered。

As soon as a sum shall be subscribed sufficient for the purposes intended; the Author of these Proposals will; by letters; request a meeting of the TWENTY…FIVE persons who shall stand highest on the list of subscribers; for the purpose of examining the subscription…lists; and of appointing; by ballot; a committee; composed of five persons; skilled in the details of building; and in accounts; to collect the subscriptions; and to superintend the execution of the plan。This committee; which will be chosen from among the subscribers at large; will be authorised and directed; to examine all the works that will be necessary in forming the Establishment; and see that they are properly performed; and at reasonable prices;to examine and approve of all contracts for work; or for materials;to examine and check all accounts of expenditures of every kind; in the execution of the plan;and to give orders for all payments。

The general arrangement of the Establishment; and of all its details; will be left to the Author of these Proposals; who will be responsible for their success。He engages; however; in the prosecution of this business; to adhere faithfully to the plan here proposed; and never to depart from it on any pretence whatever。

With regard to the choice of a spot for erecting this Establishment; a place will be chosen within the limits of the town; and in a convenient and central a situation as possible; where ground enough for the purpose is to be had at a reasonable price'5'。 The agreement for the purchase; or hire of this ground; and of the buildings; if there be any on it; will; like all other bargains and contracts; be submitted to the committee for their approbation and ratification。

The order in which it is proposed to carry into execution the different parts of the scheme is as follows:First; to establish a public kitchen for furnishing Food to such poor persons as shall be recommended by the subscribers for such assistance。

This Food will be of four different sorts; namely; No。 I。 A nourishing soup composed of barleypeasepotatoes; and bread; seasoned with salt; pepper; and fine herbs。The portion of this soup; one pint and a quarter; weighing about twenty ounces; will cost ONE PENNY。

No。 II。 A rich pease…soup; well seasoned;with fried bread; the portion (twenty ounces) at TWO PENCE。

No。 III。 A rich and nourishing soup; or barley; pease; and potatoes; properly seasoned;with fried bread; and two ounces of boiled bacon; cut fine and put into it。The portion (20 ounces) at FOUR PENCE。

No。 IV。 A good soup; with boiled meat and potatoes or cabbages; or other vegetables; with 1/4 lb。  of good rye bread; the portion at SIX PENCE。

Adjoining to the kitchen; four spacious eating…rooms will be fitted up; in each of which one only of the four different kinds of Food prepared in the kitchen will be served。

Near the eating…rooms; other rooms will be neatly fitted up; and kept constantly clean; and well warmed; and well lighted in the evening; in which the Poor who frequent the Establishment will be permitted to remain during the day; and till a certain hour at night。They will be allowed and even ENCOURAGED to bring their work with them to these rooms; and by degrees they will be furnished with utensils; and raw materials for working for their own emolument; by the Establishment。  Praises and rewards will be bestowed on those who most distinguish themselves by their industry; and by their peaceable and orderly behaviour。

In the fitting up of the kitchen; care will be taken to introduce every useful invention and improvement; by which fuel may be saved; and the various processes of cookery facilitated; and rendered less expensive; and the whole mechanical arrangement will be made as complete and perfect as possible; in order that it may serve as a model for imitation; and care will be likewise be taken in fitting up the dining…halls; and other rooms belonging to the Establishment; to introduce the most approved fire…places;stoves;flews; and other mechanical contrivances for heating rooms and passages;as also in lighting up the house to make use of a variety of the best; most economical; and most beautiful lamps; and in short; to collect together such an assemblage of useful and elegant inventions; in every part of the Establishment; as to render it not only an object of public curiosity; but also of the most essential and extensive utility。

And although it will not be possible to make the Establishment sufficiently extensive to accommodate all the Poor of so large a city; yet it may easily be made large enough to afford a comfortable asylum to a great number of distressed objects; and the interesting and affecting scene it will afford to spectators; can hardly fail to attract the curiosity of the Public; and there is great reason to hope that the success of the experiment; and the evident tendency of the measures adopted to promote the comfort; happiness; and prosperity of society; will induce many to exert themselves in forming similar Establishments in other places。It is even probable that the success which will attend this first essay; (for successful it must; and will be; as care will be taken to limit its extent to the means furnished for carrying it into execution;) will encourage others; who do not put down their names upon the lists of the subscribers at first; to follow with subscription for the purpose of augmenting the Establishment; and rendering it more extensively useful。

Should this be the case; it is possible that in a short time subordinate public kitchens; with rooms adjoining them for the accommodation of the industrious Poor; may be established in all the parishes;and when this is done; only one short step more will be necessary in order to complete in the management of the Poor。  Poor rates may then be entirely abolished; and VOLUNTARY SUBSCRIPTIONS; which certainly need never amount to one half what the Poor rates now are; may be substituted in the room of them; and one general establishment may be formed for the relief and support of the Poor in this capital。

It will however be remembered that it is by no means the intention of the Author of these Proposals that those who contribute to the object immediately in view; the forming A MODEL for an Establishment for feeding and giving employment to the Poor; should be troubled with any future solicitations on that score; very far from it; measures will be so taken; by limiting the extent of the undertaking to the amount of the sums subscribed; and by arranging matters so that the Establishment。  once formed; shall be able to support itself; that no farther assistance from the subscribers will be necessary。If any of them should; of their accord; follow up their subscription by other donations; these additional sums will be thankfully received; and faithfully applied; to the general or particular purposes for which they may be designed; but the subscribers may depend upon never being troubled with any future SOLICITATIONS on any pretence whatever; on account of the present undertaking。

A secondary object in forming this Establishment; and which will be attended to as soon as the measures for feeding the Poor; and giving them employment; are carried into execution; is the forming of a grand repository of all kinds of USEFUL MECHANICAL INVENTIONS; and particularly of such as relate to the furnishing of houses; and are calculated to promote domestic comfort and economy。

Such a repository will not only be highly interesting; considered as an object of public curiosity; but it will be really useful; and will doubtless contribute very powerfully to the introduction of many essential improvements。

To render this part of the Establishment still more complete; rooms will be set apart for receiving; and exposing to public view; all such new and useful inventions as shall; from time to time; be made; in this; or in any other country; and sent to the institution; and a written account; containing the name of the inventor;the place where the article may be bought;and the price of it; will be attached to each article; for the information of those who may be desirous of knowing any of these particulars。

If the amount of the subscriptions should be sufficient to defray the additional expence which such an arrangement would require; models will be prepared; upon a reduced scale; for showing the improvements which may be made in 

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