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sably necessary to secure success to the undertaking; and fix the Establishment upon a firm and durable foundation。

For the same reasons; all monies collected in the parishes should not be received and disposed of by their particular committees; but ought to be paid into the public treasury of the Institution; and carried to the general account of receipts;and; in like manner; the sums necessary for the support of the Poor in each parish should be furnished from the general treasury; on the orders of the supreme committee。

With regard to the applications of individuals in distress for assistance; all such applications ought to be made through the commissary of the district to the parochial committee;and where the necessity is not urgent; and particularly where permanent assistance is required; the demand should be referred by the parochial committee to the supreme committee; for their decision。 In cases of urgent necessity; the parochial committees; and even the commissaries of districts; should be authorized to administer relief; ex officio; and without delay; for which purpose they should be furnished with certain sums in advance; to be afterwards accounted for by them。

That the supreme committee may be exactly informed of the real state of those in distress who apply for relief; every petition; forwarded by a parochial committee; or by a commissary of a district; where there are no parochial committees; should be accompanied with an exact and detailed account of the circumstances of the petitioner; signed by the commissary of the district to which he belongs; together with the amount of the weekly sum; or other relief; which such commissary may deem necessary for the support of the petitioner。

To save the commissaries of districts the trouble of writing the descriptions of the Poor who apply for assistance; printed forms; similar to that which may been seen in the Appendix; No。 V。 may be furnished to them;and other printed forms; of a like nature; may be introduced with great advantage in many other cafes in the management of the Poor。

With regard to the manner in which the supreme and parochial committees should be formed; however they may be composed; it will be indispensably requisite; for the preservation of order and harmony in all the different parts of the Establishment; that one member at least of each parochial committee be present; and have a seat; and voice; as a member of the supreme committee。 And; that all the members of each parochial committee may be equally well informed with regard to the general affairs of the Establishment; it may perhaps be proper that those members attended the meetings of the supreme committee in rotation。

For similar reasons it may be proper to invite the commissaries of districts to be present in rotation at the meetings of the committees of their respective parishes; where there are parochial committees established; or otherwise; at the  meetings of the supreme committee'4'。

It is; however; only in very large cities that I would recommend the forming parochial committees。 In all towns where the inhabitants do not amount to more than 100;000 souls; I am clearly of opinion that it would be best merely to divide the town into districts; without regard to the limits of parishes; and to direct all the affairs of the institution by one simple committee。  This mode was adopted at Munich; and found to be easy in practice; and successful; and it is not without some degree of diffidence; I own; that I have ventured to propose a deviation from a plan; which has not yet been justified by experience。

But however a town may be divided into districts; it will be absolutely necessary that ALL the houses be regularly numbered; and an accurate list made out of all the persons who inhabit them。 The propriety of this measure is too apparent to require any particular explanation。  It is one of the very first steps that ought to be taken in carrying into execution any plan for forming an Establishment for the Poor; it being as necessary to know the names and places of abode of those; who; by voluntary subscription; or otherwise; assist in relieving the Poor; as to be acquainted with the dwellings of the objects themselves; and this measure is as indispensable necessary when an institution for the Poor is formed in a small country…town or village; as when it is formed in the largest capital。

In many cases; it is probable; the established laws of the country in which an institution for the Poor may be formed; and certain usages; the influence of which may perhaps be still more powerful than the laws; may render modifications necessary; which it is utterly impossible for me to foresee; still the great fundamental principles upon which every sensible plan for such an Establishment must be founded; appear to me to be certain and immutable; and when rightly understood; there can be no great difficulty in accommodating the plan to all those particular circumstances under which it may be carried into execution; without making any essential alteration。


 General Direction of the Affairs of an Institution for    the Poor attended with no great Trouble。  Of the best Method of carrying on the current Business;    and the great Use of printed Forms; or Blanks。  Of the necessary qualifications of those who are placed at the    Head of an Establishment for the Relief of the Poor。  Great Importance of this Subject。  Cruelty and Impolicy of putting the Poor into the Hands of    Persons they cannot respect and love。  The Persons pointed out who are more immediately called upon to    come forward with Schemes for the Relief of the Poor; and to    give their active Assistance in carrying them into Effect。

Whatever the number of districts into which a city is divided; may be; or the number of committees employed in the management of a public Establishment for the relief of the Poor; it is indispensably necessary that all individuals who are employed in the undertaking be persons of known integrity;for courage is not more necessary in the character of a general; than unshaken integrity in the character of a governor of a public charity。 I insist the more upon this point as the whole scheme is founded upon the voluntary assistance of individuals; and therefore to ensure its success the most unlimited confidence of the public must be reposed in those who are to carry it into execution; besides; I may add; that the manner in which the funds of the various public Establishments for the relief of the Poor already instituted have been commonly been administered in most countries; does not tend to render superfluous the precautions I propose for securing the confidence of the public。

The preceding observations respecting the  importance of employing none but persons of known integrity at the head of an institution for the relief of the Poor; relates chiefly to the necessity of encouraging people in affluent circumstances; and the public at large; to unite in the support of such an Establishment。There is also another reason; perhaps equally important; which renders it expedient to employ persons of the most respectable character in the details of an institution of public charity;the good effects such a choice must have upon the minds and morals of the Poor。

Persons who are reduced to indigent circumstances; and become objects of public charity; come under the direction of those who are appointed to take care of them with minds weakened by adversity; and soured by disappointment; and finding themselves separated from the rest of mankind; and cut off from all hope of seeing better days; they naturally grow peevish; and discontented; suspicious of those set over them; and of one another; and the kindest treatment; and most careful attention to every circumstance that can render their situation supportable; are therefore required; to prevent their being very unhappy。 And nothing surely can contribute more powerfully to soothe the minds of persons in such unfortunate and hopeless circumstances; than to find themselves under the care and protection of persons of gentle manners;humane dispositions;and known probity and integrity; such as even THEY;with all their  suspicions about them; may venture to love and respect;

Whoever has taken the pains to investigate the nature of the human mind; and examine attentively those circumstances upon which human happiness depends; must know how necessary it is to happiness; that the mind should have some object upon which to place its more tender affectionssomething to love;to cherish; to esteem;to respect;and to venerate; and these resources are never so necessary as in the hour of adversity and discouragement; where no ray of hope is left to cheer the prospect; and stimulate to fresh exertion。

The lot of the Poor; particularly of those who; from easy circumstances and a reputable station in society; are reduced by misfortunes; or oppression; to become a burthen on the Public; is truly deplorable; after all that can be done for them: and were we seriously to consider their situation; I am sure we should think that we could never do too much to alleviate their sufferings; and soothe the anguish of wounds which can never be healed。

For the common mis

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