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 assistance has been asked; not only does honour to the liberality of their sentiments; but calls for my personal acknowledgments; and particular thanks。

I shall conclude this Essay with an account of the progress which some of the improvements introduced at Munich are now making in other countries。  During my late journey in Italy for the recovery of my health; I visited Verona; and becoming acquainted with the principal directors of two large and noble hospitals; la Pieta; and la Misericorde; in that city; the former containing about 350; and the latter near 500 Poor; I had frequent occasions to converse with them upon the subject of those establishments; and to give them an account of the arrangements that had been made in Munich。  I likewise took the liberty of proposing some improvements; and particularly in regard to the arrangements for feeding these Poor; and in the management of the fires employed for cooking。  Fire…wood; the only fuel used in that country; is extremely scarce and dear; and made a very heavy article in the expences of those institutions。

Though this scarcity of fuel; which had prevailed for ages in that part of Italy; had rendered it necessary to pay attention to the economy of fuel; and had occasioned some improvements to be made in the management of heat; yet I found; upon examining the kitchens of these two hospitals; and comparing the quantities of fuel consumed with the quantities of victuals cooked; that SEVERN…EIGHTHS of the fire…wood they were then consuming might be saved'15'。  Having communicated the result of those enquiries to the directors of these two hospitals; and offered my service to alter the kitchens; and arrange them upon the principles of that in the house of industry at Munich; (which I described to them;) they accepted my offer; and the kitchens were rebuilt under my immediate  direction; and have both succeeded; even beyond my most sanguine expectations。  That of the hospital of la Pieta is the most complete kitchen I have ever built; and I would recommend it as a model; in preference to any I have ever seen。 I shall give a more particular description of it; with plans and estimates; in my Essay on the Management of Heat。

During the time I was employed in building the new kitchen in the hospital of la Pieta; I had an opportunity of making myself acquainted with all the details of the clothing of the Poor belonging to that establishment; and I found that very great savings might be made in that article of expence。  I made a proposal to the directors of that hospital; to furnish them with clothing for their Poor; ready made up; from the house of industry at Munich; and upon my return to Munich I sent them TWELVE complete suits of clothing of different sizes as a sample; and accompanied them with an estimate of the prices at which we could afford to deliver them at Verona。

The success of this little adventure has been very flattering; and has opened a very interesting channel for commerce; and for the encouragement of industry in Bavaria。  This sample of clothing being approved; and; with all the expences of carriage added; being found to be near TWENTY PER CENT。 cheaper than that formerly used; orders have been received from Italy by the house of industry at Munich; to a considerable amount; for clothing the Poor。  In the beginning of September last; a few days before I left Munich to come to England; I had the pleasure to assist in packing up and sending off; over the Alps; by the Tyrol; SIX HUNDRED articles of clothing of different kinds for the Poor of Verona; and hope soon to see the Poor of Bavaria growing rich; by manufacturing clothing for the Poor of Italy。


Footnotes to Essay I。

'1' This paper; as it could afterwards be made use of for making cartridges; in fact cost nothing。

'2' A creutzer is 11/33 of an English penny。

'3' Particular local reasons; which it is not necessary here to explain; have hitherto prevented the establishment of military gardens in these two garrison towns。

'4' The whole amount of this burden was not more than 30;000 florins; or about 2721L。 sterling a year。

'5' Mons。  Dallarmi。

'6' The annual amount of these various receipts may be seen in the accounts published in the Appendix。

'7' Almost all the great law…givers; and founders of religions; from the remotest antiquity; seem to have been aware of the influence of cleanliness upon the moral character of man; and have strongly inculcated it。  In many cases it has been interwoven with the most solemn rites of public and private worship; and is so still in many countries。  The idea that the soul is defiled and depraved by every thing UNCLEAN; or which defies the body; has certainly prevailed in all  ages; and has been particularly attended to by those great benefactors of mankind; who; by the introduction of PEACE and ORDER in society; have laboured successfully to promote the happiness of their fellow…creatures。 Order and disorderpeace and warhealth and sickness; cannot exist together; but COMFORT and CONTENTMENT; and the inseparable companions of HAPPINESS and VIRTUE; can only arise from order; peace; and health。

'8' Upon this occasion I must not forget to mention a curious circumstance; which contributed very much towards clearing the town effectually of beggars。  It being found that some of the most hardened of these vagabonds were attempting to return to their old practices; and that they found means to escape the patroles; by keeping a sharp look…out; and avoiding them; to hold them more effectually in check; the patroles sent out upon this service were ordered to go without arms。  In consequence of this arrangement; the beggars being no longer able to distinguish who were in search of them; and who were not; saw a patrole in every soldier they met with in the streets; (and of these there were great numbers; Munich being a garrison town;) and from thenceforward they were kept in awe。

'9' Upon a new division of the town; when the suburbs were included; the number of subdivisions (abtheilungs) were augmented to twenty three。

'10' This was written in the summer of the year 1795。

'11' As these children were not shut up and confined like prisoners in the house of industry; but all lodged in the town; with their parents or friends; they had many opportunities to recreate themselves; and take exercise in the open air; not only on holidays; of which there are a very large number indeed kept in Bavaria; but also on working…days; in coming and going to and from the house of industry。  Had not this been the case; a reasonable time would certainly have been allowed them for play and recreation。  The cadets belonging to the Military Academy at Munich are allowed no less than THREE HOURS a day for exercise and relaxation; viz ONE HOUR immediately after dinner; which is devoted to music; and TWO HOURS; later  in the afternoon; for walking in the country; or playing in the open fields near the town。

'12' Since the publication of the first edition of the Essay; the Author has received an account of the total destruction of the Military  Work…house at Manheim。  It was set on fire; and burnt to the ground; during the last siege of that city by the Austrian troops。

'13' Above 18;000 pounds sterling。

'14' The committee; at the head of the establishment; has been enabled to make this purchase; by legacies made to the institution。 These legacies have been numerous; and are increasing every day; which clearly shows; that the measures adopted with regard to the Poor have met with the approbation of the public。

'15' I found upon examining the famous kitchen of the great hospital at Florence; that the waste of fuel there is still greater。


of the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES on which GENERAL ESTABLISHMENTS for the RELIEF of the POOR may be formed in all Countries。

CHAPTER。 I。  General View of the Subject。  Deplorable State of those who are reduced to Poverty。  No Body of Laws can be so framed as to provide effectually for    their Wants。  Only adequate Relief that can be afforded them must be derived    from the voluntary Assistance of the Humane and Benevolent;  How that Assistance is to be secured。  Objections to the Expense of taking care of the Poor answered。  Of the Means of introducing a Scheme for the Relief of the Poor。

CHAPTER。 II。  Of the Extent of an Establishment for the Poor。  Of the Division of a Town or City into Districts。  Of the Manner of carrying on the Business of a public    Establishment for the Poor。  Of the Necessity of numbering all the Houses in a Town where an    Establishment for the Poor is formed。

CHAPTER。 III。  General Direction of the Affairs of an Institution for the Poor    attended with no great Trouble。  Of the best Method of carrying on the current Business; and of    the great Use of printed Forms; or Blanks。  Of the necessary Qualifications of those who are placed at the    Head of an Establishment for the Relief of the Poor。  Great Importance of this Subject。  Cruelty and Impolicy of putting the Poor into the Hands of    Persons they cannot respect and love。  The Persons pointed out who are more immediately called upon to    come forward with Schemes for the Relief of the Po

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