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 contents; after being entered in a register kept for that purpose; were delivered over to the care of the store…keeper。

The bread collected was commonly such as not having been sold in time; had become too old; hard; and stale for the market; but which; being cut fine; a handful of it put into a basin of good pease…soup; was a great addition to it。

The amount of these charitable donations in kind; may be seen in the transactions of the original returns; which are annexed in the Appendix; No。 III。

The collections of soup were not long continued; it being found to be in general of much too inferior a quality to be mixed with the soup made in the kitchen of the poor…house; but the collections of bread; and of meat; continue to this time; and are still very productive。

But the greatest resource in feeding the poor; is one which I am but just beginning to avail myself of;the use of potatoes'10'。 Of this subject; however; I shall treat more largely hereafter。

The above…mentioned precautions used in making collections in kind; may perhaps appear trifling; and superfluous; they were nevertheless very  necessary。  It was also found necessary to change all the poor's…boxes in the churches; to prevent their being robbed; for though in those which were first put up; the openings were not only small; but ended in a curved tube; so that it appeared almost impossible to get any of the money out of the box by the same opening by which it was put into it; yet means were found; by introducing into the opening thin pieces of elastic wood; covered with bird…lime; to rob the boxes。  This was prevented in the new boxes; by causing the money to descend through a sort of bag; with a hold in the bottom of it; or rather a flexible tube; made of chain…work; with iron wire; suspended in the middle of the box。


 Apology for the want of method in treating the subject under    consideration。  Of the various means used for encouraging industry among the poor。  Of the internal arrangement and government of the house of industry。  Why called the military work…house。  Of the manner in which the business is carried on there。  Of the various means used for preventing frauds in carrying on the    business in the different manufactures。  Of the flourishing state of those manufactures。

Though all the different parts of a well arranged establishment go on together; and harmonize; like the parts of a piece of music in full score; yet; in describing  such an establishment; it is impossible to write like the musician; in score; and to make all the parts of the narrative advance together。 Various movements; which exist together; and which have the most intimate connection and dependence upon each other; must nevertheless be described separately; and the greatest care and attention; and frequently no small share of address; are necessary in the management of such descriptions; to render the details intelligible; and to give the whole its full effect of order;dependence; connection;and harmony。  And in no case can these difficulties be greater; than in descriptions like those in which I am now engaged; where the number of the objects; and of the details; is so great; that it is difficult to determine which should be attended to first; and how far it may safely be pursued; without danger of the others being too far removed from their proper places;or excluded; or forgotten。

The various measures adopted; and precautions taken; in arresting the beggars;in collecting and distributing alms;in establishing order and police among them;in feeding and clothing the poor; and in establishing various manufactures for giving them employment; are all subjects which deserve; and require; the most particular explanation; yet those are not only operations which were begun at the same time; and carried on together; but they are so dependent upon each other; that it is almost impossible to have a complete idea of the one; without being acquainted with the others; or of treating of the one; without mentioning the others at the same time。This; therefore; must be my excuse; if I am taxed with want of method; or of perspicuity in the descriptions; and this being premised; I shall proceed to give an account of the various objects and operations which yet remain to be described。

I have already observed how necessary it was to encourage; by every possible means; a spirit of industry and emulation among those; who; from leading a life of indolence and debauchery; were to be made useful members of society; and I have mentioned some of the measures which were adopted for that purpose。  It remains for me to pursue this interesting subject; and to treat it; in all its details; with that care and attention which its importance so justly demands。

Though a very generous price was paid for labour; in the different manufactures in which the poor were employed; yet; that alone was not enough to interest them sufficiently in the occupations in which they were engaged。  To excite their activity; and inspire them with a true spirit of persevering industry; it was necessary to fire them with emulation;to awaken in them a dormant passion; whose influence they had never felt;the love of honest fame; and ardent desire to excel;the love of glory;or by what other more humble or pompous name this passion; the most noble; and most beneficent that warms the human heart; can be distinguished。

To excite emulation;praise;distinctions;rewards are necessary; and these were all employed。 Those who distinguished themselves by their application;by their industry;by their address;were publicly praised and encouraged;brought forward; and placed in the most conspicuous situations;pointed out to strangers who visited the establishment; and particularly named and proposed as models for others to copy。  A particular dress; a sort of uniform for the establishment; which; though very economical; as may be seen by the details which will be given of it in another place; was nevertheless elegant; was provided; and this dress; as it was given out gratis; and only bestowed upon those who particularly distinguished themselves; was soon looked upon as an honourable mark of approved merit; and served very powerfully to excite emulation among the competitors; I doubt whether vanity; in any instance; ever surveyed itself with more self…gratification; than did some of these poor people when they first put on their new dress。

How necessary is it to be acquainted with the secret springs of action in the human heart; to direct even the lowest and most unfeeling class of mankind!The machine is intrinsically the same in all situations;the great secret is; FIRST TO PUT IT IN TUNE; before an attempt is made to play upon it。  The jarring sounds of former vibrations must first be stilled; otherwise no harmony can be produced; but when the instrument is in order; the notes CANNOT FAIL to answer to the touch of a skilful master。

Though every thing was done that could be devised to impress the minds of all those; old and young; who frequented this establishment; with such sentiments as were necessary in order to their becoming good and useful members of society; (and in these attempts I was certainly successful; much  beyond my most sanguine expectations;) yet my hopes were chiefly placed on the rising generation。

The children; therefore; of the poor; were objects of my peculiar care and attention。  To induce their parents to send them to the establishment; even before they were old enough to do any kind of work; when they attended at the regular hours; they not only received their dinner gratis; but each of them was paid THREE CREUTZERS a day for doing nothing; but merely being present where others worked。

I have already mentioned that these children; who were too young to work; were placed upon seats built round the halls where other children worked。  This was done in order to inspire them with a desire to do that; which other children; apparently more favoured; more caressed;and more praised than themselves; were permitted to do; and of which they were obliged to be idle spectators; and this had the desired effect。

As nothing is so tedious to a child as being obliged to sit still in the same place for a considerable time; and as the work which the other more favoured children were engaged in; was light and easy; and appeared rather amusing than otherwise; being the spinning of hemp and flax; with small light wheels; turned with the foot; these children; who were obliged to be spectators of this busy and entertaining scene; became so uneasy in their situations; and so jealous of those who were permitted to be more active; that they frequently solicited with the greatest importunity to be permitted to work; and often cried most heartily if this favour was not instantly granted them。

How sweet these tears were to me; can easily be imagined!

The joy they showed upon being permitted to descend from their benches; and mix with the working children below; was equal to the solicitude with which  they had demanded that favour。

They were at first merely furnished with a wheel; which they turned for several days with the foot; without being permitted to attempt any thing further。 As soon as they were beco

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