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ESSAYS; Political; Economical and Philosophical。  Volume 1。

by Benjamin Rumford



First Essay
An account of an Establishment for the Poor at Munich

Second Essay
On the Fundamental Principles on which General Establishments for
the Relief of the Poor may be formed in all Countries。

Third Essay
Of Food and Particularly of Feeding the Poor。

Fourth Essay
Of Chimney Fire…places with proposals for improving them to save
Fuel; to render dwelling…houses more Comfortable and Salubrious;
and effectually to prevent Chimnies from Smoking。

Fifth Essay
A Short Account of several public institutions lately formed in
Bavaria。 together with the Appendix to the First Volume。


To his most serene highness THE ELECTOR PALATINE reigning duke of bavaria。 etc。 etc。 etc。


In requesting permission to dedicate to you most Serene Electoral Highness these Essays; I had several important objects in view: I was desirous of showing to the world that I had not presumed to publish an account of public measures and institutions; planned and executed in your Electorial Highness's dominions;by your orders;and under your immediate authority and protection; without your leave and approbation。  I was also desirous of availing myself of the illustrious name of a Sovereign eminently distinguished by his munificence in promoting useful knowledge; and by his solicitude for the happiness and prosperity of his subjects; to recommend the important objects I have undertaken to investigate; to the attention of the Great;the Wise;and the Benevolent。 And lastly; I was anxious to have an opportunity of testifying; in a public manner; my gratitude to your most Serene Electoral Highness for all your kindness to me; and more especially for the distinguished honour you have done me by selecting and employing me as an instrument in your hands of doing good。

I have the honour to be; with the most profound respect; and with unalterable attachment;


Devoted Servant;



July; 1st; 1796。



together with

A Detail of various Public Measures; connected with that Institution; which have been adopted and carried into effect for putting an End to Mendicity; and introducing Order; and useful Industry; among the more Indigent of the Inhabitants of Bavaria。


CHAPTER。 I。  Of the prevalence of mendicity in Bavaria at the time when the    measures for putting an end to it were adopted。

CHAPTER。 II。  Various preparations made for putting an end to mendicity in bavaria。  Cantonment of the cavalry in the country towns and villages。  Formation of the committee placed at the head of the institution    for the poor at Munich。  The funds of that institution。

CHAPTER。 III。  Preparations made for giving employment to the poor。  Difficulties attending that undertaking。  The measures adopted completely successful。  The poor reclaimed to habits of useful industry。  Description of the house of industry at Munich。

CHAPTER。 IV。  An account of the taking up of the beggars at Munich。  The inhabitants are called upon for their assistance。  General subscription for the relief and support of the poor。  All other public and private collections for the poor abolished。

CHAPTER。 V。  The different kinds of employment given to the beggars upon their    being assembled in the house of industry。  Their great awkwardness at first。  Their docility; and their progress in useful industry。  The manner in which they were treated。  The manner in which they were fed。  The Precautions used to prevent Abuses in the Public Kitchen from    which they were fed。

CHAPTER。 VI。  Apology for the want of method in treating the subject under    consideration。  Of the various means used for encouraging industry among the poor。  Of the internal arrangement and government of the house of industry。  Why called the military work…house。  Of the manner in which the business is carried on there。  Of the various means used for preventing frauds in carrying on the    business in the different manufactures。  Of the flourishing state of those manufactures。

CHAPTER。 VII。  A further account of the poor who were brought together in the    house of industry:and of the interesting change which was    produced in their manners and dispositions。  Various proofs that the means used for making them industrious;    comfortable; and happy; were successful。

CHAPTER。 VIII。  Of the means used for the relief of those poor persons who were    not beggars。  Of the large sums of money distributed to the poor in alms。  Of the means used for rendering those who received alms industrious。  Of the general utility of the house of industry to the poor;    and the distressed of all denominations。  Of public kitchens for feeding the poor; united with establishments    for giving them employment; and of the great advantages which    would be derived from forming them in every parish。  Of the manner in which the poor of Munich are lodged。

CHAPTER。 IX。  Of the means used for extending the influence of the institution    for the poor at Munich; to other parts of Bavaria。  Of the progress which some of the improvements introduced at Munich    are making in other countries。


  Situation of the Author in the Service of His Most Serene   Highness the ELECTOR PALATINE; Reigning Duke of BAVARIA。   Reasons which induced him to undertake to form an Establishment   for the Relief of the Poor。

Among the vicissitudes of a life chequered by a great variety of incidents; and in which I have been called upon to act in many interesting scenes; I have had an opportunity of employing my attention upon a subject of great importance; a subject intimately and inseparably connected with the happiness and well…being of all civil societies; and which; from its nature; cannot fail to interest every benevolent mind;it is the providing for the wants of the Poor; and the securing their happiness and comfort by the introduction of order and industry among them。

The subject; though it is so highly interesting to mankind; has not yet been investigated with that success that could have been wished。  This fact is apparent; not only from the prevalence of indolence; misery; and beggary; in almost all the countries of Europe; but also from the great variety of opinion among those who have taken the matter into serious consideration; and have proposed methods for remedying those evils; so generally; and so justly complained of。

What I have to offer upon the this subject being not merely speculative opinion; but the genuine result of actual experiments; of experiments made upon a very large scale; and under circumstances which render them peculiarly interesting; I cannot help flattering myself that my readers will find both amusement; and useful information; from the perusal of the following sheets。

As it may perhaps appear extraordinary that a military man should undertake a work so foreign to his profession; as that of forming and executing a plan for providing for the Poor; I have thought it not improper to preface the narrative of my operations; by a short account of the motives which induced me to engage in this undertaking。 And in order to throw still more light upon the whole transaction; I shall begin with a few words of myself; of my situation in the country in which I reside; and of the different objects which were had in view in the various public measures in which I have been concerned。  This information is necessary in order to form a clear idea of the circumstances under which the operations in question were undertaken; and the different public measures which were adopted at the same time。

Having in the year 1784; with His Majesty's gracious permission; engaged myself in the service of His Most Serene Highness the Elector Palatine; Reigning Duke of Bavaria; I have since been employed by His Electoral Highness in various public services; and particularly in arranging his military affairs; and introducing a new system of order; discipline; and economy among his troops。

In the execution of this commission; ever mindful of that great and important truth; that no political arrangement can be really good; except in so far as it contributes to the general good of society; I have endeavoured in all my operations to unite the interest of the soldier with the interest of civil society; and to render the military force; even in time of peace; subservient to the PUBLIC GOOD。

To facilitate and promote these important objects; to establish a respectable standing military force; which should do the least possible harm to the population; morals; manufactures; and agriculture of the country; it was necessary to make soldiers citizens; and citizens soldiers。  To this end the situation of the soldier was made as easy; comfortable; and eligible as possible; his pay was increased; he was comfortably; and even elegantly clothed; and he was allowed every kind of liberty not inconsistent with good order and due subordination; his military exercises were simplified; his instruction rendered short and easy; and 

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