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the city of domes-第29节

小说: the city of domes 字数: 每页4000字

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 of Jewels and Italian Towers。

Single light standards along Avenue of Palms; light yellow; dull points of light; contrast with white pearly light on tops of booths。

Avenue of Progress

Along Avenue of Progress: fine flag display; no direct sources of light; banners; beautiful scenes made by planting against walls and quality of green on lawn; daylight effect from luminous arcs which produce whitest artificial light in use。

Gas lights on tops of booths; emergency lights if electricity fails。

Banners and heraldic shields; designed by Ryan; banners; of early explorers and pioneers; heraldic shields related to history of California; Mexico; Central America; and Pacific Ocean。

Purpose of banners: to form beautiful lines of color; to screen eyes from direct light source; to reflect light toward buildings; and to suggest history of court。

Banners suspended; swung by wind; form moving spots of color。

Roman gateway; Palace of Varied Industries: faint light through small arches above doorway; delicate green lattice or grill work in door。

Light in doorways: appearance of life within; produced by reflectors inside palaces throwing light through glass of doors; new idea; contrast with dark windows of other expositions。

Arches of Machinery Palace: warm red glow in domes above; strong yellow through doors below。

Inner Court of Mines Leading From Palace of Machinery to Court of Ages

Illumination strongest on upper sections of wall; it becomes more subdued as it approaches flowers and lawns; and reaches lowest point on center of avenue; plan used on all avenues。

Green lattice work; filling entire main doorway; in harmony with lawns。

Single globe lamps placed against walls; only court with lights in this position。

Shell lamps; flooding walls with light; advanced method of wall illumination。

View of central fountain in Court of Ages: glow of red lights; faint shimmer in pools; steam rising to suggest the earth cooling after being thrown off by the sun。

Court of the Ages

Court of the Ages: mystery in blending of illumination from searchlights above; lack of direct illumination on court itself; steam cauldrons; with illumination; incandescent lights; gas torches in small serpent cauldrons; lanterns in arches of the arcade that burn around cloister。

Fountain of Earth in center of pool; carrying mind down the ages to correspond with architect's conception of court。

Steam rising from base of fountain; figures silhouetted in warm red glow; lighter tone of red at upper portion of ball; shimmering reflection of panels; with red background in pool at sides of fountain。

Serpent cauldrons; around edge of pool; to heighten weird effect; by the flickering of the gas lamps。

Large cauldrons at east and west entrances; effect of simmering molten liquid。

Steam used in court; obtained from twenty horse…power boiler under tower。

Main tower; only tower without direct light thrown on exterior; religious feeling; increased by candlesticks; two on each side; steam to suggest smoke drifting upward。

Reflection of tower in pool; to be seen from south。

Cathedral appearance of windows at sides of court; by illumination in warm orange tone from within。

Sunburst standards modelled in imitation of snow crystal; and resembling monstrance used in Catholic church; two at south of court; only large light sources in court; contrast with other illumination。

Two fairy lanterns in each arch around court。

Brangwyn murals lighted without glare by indirect diffusion from four corners。

Play of lights along colonnade; lighting on murals adds to apparent distance。

North Entrance to Court of the Ages

Similar treatment of lights; brighter than in central court; four star clusters; sixteen serpent cauldrons; effect heightened。

Tower; more beautiful from Marina side; note of refinement illumination in altar; shadow in two colors; created by red light illuminated by pale amber lights。

Star clusters convey to mind religious feeling in keeping with design; cathedral effect。

View of Italian Towers at sides of Court of Flowers; from north court; red glow and green columns of towers on either side of Mullgardt tower; vivid contrast。

To Court of the Universe; through Florentine Court。

Florentine Court

Florentine Court; only illumination; single lamp standards; contrast with intense light in Court of Universe; beyond。

Fine shadow effects against walls; vertical shadows of columns in arches contrasted with shadows of trees and shrubbery。

Court of the Universe

Arch of Rising Sun; light through latticed windows in arch to give faint spots of luminous color。

Illumination of main and side arches; curvature preserved and details thrown into relief by lights of different strengths and colors; concealed red light on one side and pale lemon light on other side thrown on arch。 All main arches similarly accentuated。

Urns in side arches; effect heightened by lights thrown from sides; bring out lines; red on one side; on the other pale green。

Colonnade; illuminated by three translucent shell cups sunk into central groove of each column at rear; spear of light from each shell up the grooves or fluting; pleasant glow through shells from below。 Effect of melted gold; suggesting the tongues of fire mentioned in the Scriptures。

Sculptural groups on Arches of Rising and Setting Sun; flooded with light from searchlights; creating black shadows; in turn illuminated by purple lights on top of arch。 Figures thrown into relief。

Tower of Jewels; gradual illumination; early evening; faintly lighted; later; when searchlights are turned on; tower dominates southern wall; blaze of white light; jewels sparkle like diamonds; turquoise columns; faintly colored in bright light; statues; orange color。

Star figures around court above colonnades; jewelled; each has forty…two stones; illuminated by small searchlights on opposite side of court。 Early evening; pretty effect; little jets of light from figures shoot across the court in clearly defined rays。 Later; flood of lights from columns in court above the small rays。

Fountains of Rising and Setting Sun; columns; said to be strongest light sources ever created; aggregate 500;000 candlepower sufficient to illuminate 500;000 square feet of surface; fluting of columns glazed with special diffusion glass。 For elimination of shadows caused by structure; there is diffusive glass inside。 The glare from the light source is not excessive; brilliancy low; daring illumination of entire court。

Lights under water in pools of fountains; source and reflection concealed; yellow light diffused over surface。

Figures on pedestals of balustrades mark boundary of Sunken Garden; not for illumination; but for ornament merely。

Domes of corner pavilions; north of Tower of Jewels; fine contrasts in interior; delicate blue ceiling; orange at sides。

Bear fountains at sides of Palaces of Manufactures and Liberal Arts; north of Tower of Jewels; three on each wall in flat niches; coloring; pink wall; turquoise blue; green; lights concealed under water; when water is flowing; wavering light like heat waves; niches hardly noticeable when water is not flowing。

Tower of Jewels; interior of main arch; accentuated by lights at sides above columns; no illumination on murals。

In niches at either side; Fountains of Youth and El Dorado; flood…lighted from above; no colored lights; two single lamp standards in each court; reflection of fountain figures in pools。

On the Way to the Marina

Lighting of colonnades; vivid pinks and blues。 Illumination in colonnade from lamps concealed in cups in one of the inner flutes of each column。 Notice reflections of colonnade in pool。

Column of Progress; flood light on figures on top of column by searchlights。

On the Marina

North facade of buildings; tall dark…green planting against walls; black vertical shadows; shading of lawn; flood light standards; spots of dull orange light through translucent rigid shields。 Spots of light from single globes along avenue; on water front; white lights on booths; glow from lamps at entrance to Court of Four Seasons。

Spanish doorway of Palaces of Food Products; Agriculture; Transportation and Mines; among most successfully illuminated portals on grounds; light pink walls in two shades; light blue vaulted ceiling; green edges; three arches; light green lattice work; dark shadows in niches of 〃Conquistador〃 and 〃Pirate。〃

〃Adventurous Bowman;〃 profile view of group from entrance to Court of Four Seasons; outlined against blue…black sky; stars; in sky about it; mere points of light。 Group sometimes reproduced in the fog。

Venetian Court

Inner Court; between Court of the Universe and Court of Four Seasons。

Only illumination; single globe standards。 Contrast of bright illumination in Court of Universe with more subdued light in Court of Four Seasons。

Coloring; pink walls in harmony with walls of corridors in Courts at either end。

Planting; low shrubbery; with tall trees massed in corners。

Court of the Four Seasons

Court of Four Seasons; flood illumination on the bulls at sides; glowing half…dome at 

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