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the city of domes-第28节

小说: the city of domes 字数: 每页4000字

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inspiration; about to fly。 〃Electricity;〃 foot on earth; carrying symbol。

Eagles repeated on bar; the entablature; across front of domes; symbol of inspiration。

Coloring in vestibule of Machinery Palace: Finely harmonized; brown and brick…colored walls; orange and blue ceilings; green lattice work。

〃Genius of Creation;〃 group before court leading to Court of Ages; Daniel Chester French。 Spirit above; a woman; creating life from shapeless mass of earth below。 Man at left; courageous and enterprising; woman at right; timid; hesitating。 Serpent; symbol of wisdom; coiled about mass。

Court of Mines; Leading to Court of Ages

Coloring; pink walls; pink streamers; by Guerin。 Green shell lamp posts; by McKim; Mead & White; architects。 Called 〃Pink Alley〃 by workmen during construction。

Palaces on sides of court: to the north; Mines; to the south; Varied Industries。

Lamp standards against walls; dark bronze; smoked ivory globes; by Faville。

Flat Ionic columns; called pilasters; against walls; by Faville。

Figure in niches; 〃The Miner;〃 by Albert Weinert。

Court of the Ages

Court of Ages; Louis Christian Mullgardt; of San Francisco; architect。 Most original of the courts。 Faint influence of Spanish Gothic; Romanesque; French; Moorish。 Richness and profusion。 Suggests evolution of man。

Palaces around court: northeast; Mines; northwest; Transportation; southwest; Manufactures; southeast; Varied Industries;

Decorations on columns of archways around court; kelp; crabs; lobsters; and other sea animals。 Vertical lines in columns suggest falling water。

Fairy lamps; two in each archway; delicately designed。

〃Primitive Man and Woman;〃 by Albert Weinert; repeated alternately above corridors around court。 Man; a hunter; feeding pelican。 Woman; the child…bearer。

Tower at north entrance; suggestive of French cathedral architecture; massive; but gives appearance of lightness。 One of the great successes of the Exposition。

〃The Rise of Civilization;〃 groups of sculpture on tower; by Chester Beach。 Central idea; evolution; Stone Age; Mediaeval Age; and Present Age。 〃Primitive Man;〃 lowest group; just above great reptiles in foreground。 Man is holding child and protecting mate。 〃Mediaeval Age〃 directly above; Crusader in center; Priest and Warrior on sides。 The candlesticks on sides of crusader; used in mediaeval churches; the light of understanding。 On sides of altar; 〃Modern Man and Woman;〃 struggling for freedom from the physical to the spiritual。 〃Spirit of Intelligence〃 enthroned above; on one side; child with book; on the other side; child with wheel of industry。

Chanticleer; repeated on highest pinnacles of court; at level with altar。 Signifying dawn of Christianity。

〃Thought;〃 figure on east and west sides of tower。 Candlesticks at sides。

Design on upper part of tower; suggested by the lily; emblem of purity。

Star clusters; at south end of court and in north court; by Ryan; modeled from snow crystal; and deepening the ecclesiastical character of the court by suggesting the golden monstrance; shaped like the rays of the sun; used in the Catholic church and; in the small glass…covered circle at the center; holding the sacred host。

〃Water Sprites;〃 by Leo Lentelli。 Girl archers on top of columns at four corners of central court; launching arrow at sprites on base of columns。 Originally designed as fountains。

Serpent cauldrons; around pool; designed by Mullgardt。

〃Fountain of the Earth;〃 by Robert Aitken; in center of court。 Two Parts to fountain; large central one with globe representing earth; surrounded by panels showing life on earth; and on same pedestal to south; groups representing life before and after death。 〃Setting Sun;〃 group at extreme south of pool; by Aitken。 Man holding golden ball; Helios; serpent; heat of sun。

Figures on west side of southern group; 〃The Dawn of Life。〃 Hand of Destiny giving life; pointing toward earth; Sleep of Woman before Birth; the Awakening; Joy of Life; Kiss of Life; Birth。 Gap to central group represents time between peopling and history。

Panels around earth; South Panel; Vanity in center with handglass; man and woman with children; representing Fecundity; starting on earthly journey。

West Panel: 〃Natural Selection;〃 women turn to fittest male; one rejected suitor angry; other despairing。

North Panel: 〃Physical Courage〃 or 〃Awakening of War Spirit。〃 Two men fight for possession of woman on left。 Woman on right attempts to draw one aside。

East Panel: 〃Lesson of Life。〃 Old woman gives counsel to young man and woman。 Old man restrains an angry; jealous youth。

Right of south panel; 〃Lust。〃

East side of southern group: Greed; looking back on earth。 Faith offering Immortality; symbolized by scarab; to Woman。 Figures of man and woman sinking back into oblivion; 〃Sorrow〃 and 〃Sleep。〃 Hand of Destiny drawing mortality to itself。

Hermae; pillars with head of Hermes; god of boundaries; separating panels around earth。

Reptilian and fishy forms above panels of central mass of fountain。

Corridors; walls red; blue vault above; arches of smoked ivory; lines of blue on wall。 Illumination by half…globes in cups on inner side of columns。

Murals; by Frank Brangwyn; of London; representing Elements。 Best placed of all murals。 At corners of court in corridors。

Northeast corner; 〃Fire。〃 〃Primitive Fire;〃 figures around fire nursing it; or feeding it。 〃Industrial Fire;〃 use of fire in service of man。

Southeast corner; 〃Water〃: Fishermen dragging in net; carriers with baskets on backs; 〃The Net。〃 Women and men filling jars at a spring; flamingoes in water; luxuriant growth; clouds; 〃The Fountain。〃

Southwest corner; 〃Air〃: Men shooting arrows through trees; birds in flight; 〃The Hunters。〃 Huge mill; children flying kites; clouds; grain blown by wind; 〃The Windmill。〃

Northwest corner; 〃Earth〃: Men high in trees and on ground; 〃The Fruit Pickers。〃 Figures crushing juice out with feet; group in front with wine; 〃The Dancing of the Grapes。〃

Planting in Court: Tall Italian cypress before arches; orange trees; balled acacia; denseness of growth along colonnades; heavy and rank; suggesting tropical flora。

Large cauldrons; at side of steps leading down to sunken gardens; designed by Mullgardt。

North Entrance to Court of Ages

〃Daughter of Neptune〃 or 〃Aquatic Life;〃 large female figure in north Court of Ages; by Sherry E。 Fry。

Planting: eucalyptus; acacia; laurel。

Features that Ought to be in Noted by Night


Three kinds of light used; white arc lamps; extensively behind banners and shields to flood facades of outer walls and Court of Four Seasons; warmer light of Mazda lamps in clear and colored globes; and searchlights concealed on tops of buildings trained on towers and on high groups of sculpture。

Lighting scheme and scope completed long before buildings were up; made possible by advance in illuminating engineering; developed under name of science of lighting and art of illumination。

Chief of Department of Illumination; Walter D'Arcy Ryan; of the General Electric Company; Schenectady; New York; field assistant; A。 F。 Dickerson。

Ornamental details of lighting standards and fixtures; designed by J。 W。 Gosling; designs made at Illuminating Engineering Laboratories; Schenectady。

Keynote of lighting scheme … life and gaiety; without garishness。

Lighting kept subordinate to architecture; walks shaded to throw emphasis on brilliantly lighted facades and to bring out architecture; landscape and flowers。 Same lighting principle used throughout; but effect in different courts radically different。

Area of surface illuminated; 8;000;000 square feet; 2;000;000 of wall surface; and 6;000;000 of ground surface。

Number of searchlights used: 373 arc searchlights; in diameter from 13 to 36 inches; 450 small searchlights; called the 〃Mosquito Fleet〃; 250 incandescent projectors for flag lighting。

Fillmore Street Entrance

South facade of entrance; outline illumination; with bare electric lights following outlines of architecture; used elsewhere only in Zone。

Inside Fillmore Street entrance; Zone to right; brilliant lighting; outline illumination; more or less refined; exaggerated effects prohibited。

Zone; element of festivity in arches crossing street at short intervals; ribbons of turkey red suspended from each lamp give warmth and action。

Contrast of Zone lights with illumination in other parts of Exposition。

To left; Service Building; administration offices; coloring; Pinks and blue; ceiling of porch; intense blue; deepest used on grounds。

Corner of Avenue of Palms and Avenue of Progress: lights banners; towers; facades of buildings; walks; flood lights; spots of light and color。

Fairy…like effect of Avenue of Palms: towers look luminous; in early evening Italian Towers red hot; throbbing; glow stronger than Tower of Jewels; later; Tower of Jewels most brilliant spot on avenue。

Tower illumination; floods of light from searchlights; white light creates shadows; in turn illuminated by concealed colored light on various stages; on Tower of Jewels and Italian Towers。

Single light standards along Avenue of Palms; light yellow; dull p

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