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the city of domes-第26节

小说: the city of domes 字数: 每页4000字

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Garden Group by Anna Coleman Ladd。

Dying Lion; by Paul Wayland Bartlett。

Garden Figure; Nymph; by Edmond T。 Quinn。

Fragment of 〃Fountain of Time;〃 by Lorado Taft。 Representing the troubled generations。

Roadway to Right Before Entering Circle

Bird Fountain; by Caroline Risque。

The First Mother; by Victor S。 Holm。

Circle at North End of Peristyle

Mother of the Dead; by C。 S。 Pietro。 (Lagoon side of circle。)

Chief Justice Marshall; by Herbert Adams。 (In walk。)

Destiny; by C。 P。 Dietsch。

Sundial; by Edward Berge。

Head of Lincoln; by A。 A。 Weinman。

Fountain Groups; by Anna Coleman Ladd。 Sun…God and Python; Water Sprites; and Triton Babies。 (To right。)

Sundial; by Gail Sherman Corbett。

Daughter of Pan; by R。 Hinton Perry。

Boy Pan with Frog; by Clement J。 Barnhorn;

Bondage; by Carl Augustus Heber。 (Only feminist note in the grounds。)

Saki; Sundial; by Harriet W。 Frishmuth。 (In walk。)

Great Danes; by Anna Vaughan Hyatt。

Young Diana; by Janet Scudder。

Flower Urns; base of building along colonnade; Greek figures with garlands。 Ulric H。 Ellerhusen。

Wall of building facing colonnade; seventeen feet high。 Acacia blooming there; suggesting over…growth; relieves severe lines of architecture。 Broken by small doors; at corners decorated with spears。 Doors suggest Greek design。

Corinthian columns and pilasters; harmony of color; smoked ivory and ochre; with shades of green in foliage。

Urns; on the wall on either side of the doorways and in the rotunda; designed by William G。 Merchant。 Suggested by urns in the Vatican; Rome。

North Peristyle (curved part colonnade north of rotunda)。

Maiden of the Roman Campagna; by Albin Polasek。 (To left。) Fountain: Duck baby; by Edith Barretto Parsons。

A Fawn's Toilet; by Attilio Piccirilli。

Apollo; by Haig Patigian。 (To right。)

The Scalp; by Edward Berge。 (To left。)

Primitive Man; by Olga Popoff Muller。

Youth; by Victor D。 Salvatore。 (To right。)

Soldier of Marathon; by Paul Noquet。 (To left。)

Fountain: Fighting Boys; by Janet Scudder。

Garden Figure; by Edith Woodman Burroughs。 (To right。)

L'Amour; by Evelyn Beatrice Longman。 (To right。)

Returning from the Hunt; by John J。 Boyle。 (To left。)

Boy with Fish; by Bela L。 Pratt。 (To right。)

The Centaur; by Olga Popoff Muller。

The Sower; by Albin Polasek。

Beyond; by Chester Beach。 (By main doorway。)

Aspiration; by Leo Lentelli。 (Over main doorway。)

Pioneer Mother Monument; by Charles Grafly。 (Before main doorway。)

Portrait of a Boy; by Albin Polasek。 (Outside west archway。)

The Awakening; by Lindsey Morris Sterling。 (Outside west archway。)

〃Sculpture;〃 relief on walls of west archway。 Bela L。 Pratt。

Rotunda; Entrance Through North Archway

William Cullen Bryant; by Herbert Adams。 (At northwest archway。)

Lafayette; by Paul Weyland Bartlett。 (Center of rotunda。)

The Young Franklin; by Robert Tait。

Princeton Student Memorial; by Daniel Chester French。

〃Architecture;〃 relief by Richard H。 Recchia。

Commodore John Barry; by John J。 Boyle。

〃Architecture;〃 relief by Richard H。 Recchia。

Lincoln; by Daniel Chester French。

Thomas Jefferson; by Karl Bitter。 (Outside southwest arch way。)

Murals in dome of rotunda; Robert Reid。 Two series of paintings; four in each; 〃Birth and Influence of Art;〃 alternating with 〃The Four Golds of California。〃

〃Birth of Oriental Art;〃 panel on west wall; toward main doorway。 Man on dragon attacking eagle; heavenly bird of inspiration。 China; man in bright robe。 Japan; woman with parasol。

〃Gold;〃 panel to right; woman with wand; sits on horn of plenty pouring gold。

〃Ideals of Art;〃 panel to right。 Greek ideal; nude。 Religion Madonna and child。 Heroism; Joan of Arc。 Material youthful beauty; woman at left。 Nature without inspiration or ideal; peacock。 Figures with wreath and palm; rewards of art。

〃Poppies;〃 panel to right; second gold of California。

〃Birth of European Art;〃 panel to right。 Altar with divine fire; guardian with torch。 Mortal in chariot grasps torch of inspiration。 Woman in lower corner with crystal globe; predicting future of art。

〃Oranges;〃 panel to right; third gold of California。

〃Inspiration of Art;〃 panel to right。 Angels of inspiration above。 Figures of Sculpture; Architecture; Painting; Music; and Poetry。

〃Wheat;〃 panel to right; fourth gold of California。

〃Priestess of Culture;〃 Herbert Adams; of New York; female figure surmounting columns within rotunda。

Coloring of dome; burnt orange; turquoise green; Sienna columns。

South Peristyle (curved colonnade)。

Youth; by Charles Carey Rumsey。 (To south of doorway。)

An Outcast; by Attilio Piccirilli。 (To right。)

Idyl; by Olga Popoff Muller。

Dancing Nymph; by Olin L。 Warner。

Boy and Frog; by Edward Berge。 (To left。)

Eurydice; by Furio Piccirilli。 (To right。)

Wild Flower; by Edward Berge。

Young Mother with Child; by Furio Piccirilli。 (To right。)

Wood Nymph; by Isidore Konti。

Young Pan; by Janet Scudder; (To left。)

Michael Angelo; by Robert Aitken。 (To right。)

Muse Finding the Head of Orpheus; by Edward Berge。 (To left。)

Flying Cupid; by Janet Scudder。

Piping Pan; by Louis St。 Gaudens。

Circle at South End of Peristyle

Bust of William Howard Taft; by Robert Aitken。 (To right。)

Henry Ward Beecher; by John Quincy Adams Ward。

Bust of Halsey C。 Ives; by Victor S。 Holm。 (To left。)

Seated Lincoln; by Augustus St。 Gaudens。

South of Lagoon

Kirkpatrick Monument; by Gail Sherman Corbett; Indian pointing out spring to Jesuit priest。 (To right on roadway running back of palace。)

American Bisons; by A。 P。 Proctor。 (Sides of roadway。)

Peace; by Sherry E。 Fry。 (To left。)

Diana; by Haig Patigian。

Fountain: Wind and Spray; by Anna Coleman Ladd。 (In lagoon; south end。)

The Scout; by Cyrus E。 Dallin。

Sea Lions; by Frederick G。 R。 Roth。

Court of Palms

Court of Palms; by Kelham; opposite Palace of Horticulture; between Palaces of Education and Liberal Arts。 Italian Renaissance。 Sunken garden。

Palaces at sides of court: to the west; Education; to the east; Liberal Arts。

〃The End of the Trail;〃 equestrian statue at entrance; by James Earl Fraser。 Exhausted Indian; suggests destiny of the American Indian race。

Italian Towers; Byzantine influence; by Kelham。 Both sides of entrance to court; identical。 Simpler than towers at Court of Flowers; to cast。

Coloring of towers; by Jules Guerin。 Walls frankly treated; not as stone; but as plaster; after Italian method。 Blue checkered border; pink and blue diaper design; turquoise columns on little towers above; in harmony with domes and columns of Tower of Jewels。

Design on top; repeated four times at corners; from choragic monument of Lysicrates; in Venice。

Sienna columns at entrances of towers。 Effective contrast。

Reclining women; purely decorative; in triangular spaces above entrances to towers; by Albert Weinert。

Figures on side of shield over all portals; very graceful。 Pink and turquoise。

〃The Fairy;〃 crowning Italian Towers; Carl Gruppe。

Female figures; the caryatides on wide frieze; above columns; by Calder and John Bateman; of New York。 Flushed pink; against pink and blue background of imitation marble and terra cotta。

Festoons of fruit in panels; blues and reds。

Coupled Ionic columns; smoked。 Effective against pink walls。

Vases; before entrances; by Weinert。 Bacchanalian revels; low relief。 Satyr handles。

Lighting standards on balustrade; designed by Ryan; modeled by Denneville。

〃Pool of Reflections;〃 no sculpture。

Italian cypresses; on sides of portals。

Balled acacias between columns on corridors。

Palms; in garden。

Corridors; pink walls; blue ceiling。

Lamp standards; smoked ivory globes。 Designed by Kelham; modeled by Denneville。

Lamps in corridors Roman; hanging。 Light pink; green; and cream; effective。 By Kelham。

Murals; in corridors; at east; north; and west portals。

〃Pursuit of Pleasure;〃 east arch; Charles W。 Holloway。 Light touch; bright reds and blues in keeping with court; difficult use of floating figure。

〃Victorious Spirit;〃 north arch; Arthur F。 Mathews。 Spirit of Enlightenment protecting Youth from Materialism; symbolized by rampant horse and the rider; Brute Force。 Arrangement good; coloring deep and beautiful。

〃Fruits and Flowers;〃 west arch; Childe Hassam。 Early Italian。

Symbolism; obvious。 Warmth of color。

Vista from south; graceful curve of court; view through north portal through Court of the Four Seasons; long colonnade; to purple bills and bay beyond。

Palace of Horticulture

Palace of Horticulture; Bakewell & Brown; architects; San Francisco。

Architecture dome and spires Byzantine; suggest mosque of Ahmed the First; in Constantinople。 Ornamentation Renaissance; popular with modern French architects。

Basket on top of dome; 33 feet in diameter。

Dome; 186 feet in height; 152 feet in diameter steel construction St。 Peter's; 137 feet; concrete。 Pantheon; 142 feet; concrete。

Ornamental shafts; suggestive of minarets; in French style。

Semi…circular colonnade forming entrances; French lattice…work。


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