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the country doctor-第24节

小说: the country doctor 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Let us go on;〃 said the officer。

They rode on in this way for several hours; and after going from one side of the canton to the other; they returned towards evening to the precincts of the town。

〃I must just go over there;〃 the doctor said to Genestas; as he pointed out a place where a cluster of elm…trees grew。 〃Those trees may possibly be two hundred years old;〃 he went on; 〃and that is where the woman lives; on whose account the lad came to fetch me last night at dinner; with a message that she had turned quite white。〃

〃Was it anything serious?〃

〃No;〃 said Benassis; 〃an effect of pregnancy。 It is the last month with her; a time at which some women suffer from spasms。 But by way of precaution; I must go in any case to make sure that there are no further alarming symptoms; I shall see her through her confinement myself。 And; moreover; I should like to show you one of our new industries; there is a brick…field here。 It is a good road; shall we gallop?〃

〃Will your animal keep up with mine?〃 asked Genestas。 〃Heigh! Neptune!〃 he called to his horse; and in a moment the officer had been carried far ahead; and was lost to sight in a cloud of dust; but in spite of the paces of his horse he still heard the doctor beside him。 At a word from Benassis his own horse left the commandant so far behind that the latter only came up with him at the gate of the brick… field; where the doctor was quietly fastening the bridle to the gate… post。

〃The devil take it!〃 cried Genestas; after a look at the horse; that was neither sweated nor blown。 〃What kind of animal have you there?〃

〃Ah!〃 said the doctor; 〃you took him for a screw! The history of this fine fellow would take up too much time just now; let it suffice to say that Roustan is a thoroughbred barb from the Atlas mountains; and a Barbary horse is as good as an Arab。 This one of mine will gallop up the mountain roads without turning a hair; and will never miss his footing in a canter along the brink of a precipice。 He was a present to me; and I think that I deserved it; for in this way a father sought to repay me for his daughter's life。 She is one of the wealthiest heiresses in Europe; and she was at the brink of death when I found her on the road to Savoy。 If I were to tell you how I cured that young lady; you would take me for a quack。 Aha! that is the sound of the bells on the horses and the rumbling of a wagon; it is coming along this way; let us see; perhaps that is Vigneau himself; and if so; take a good look at him!〃

In another moment the officer saw a team of four huge horses; like those which are owned by prosperous farmers in Brie。 The harness; the little bells; and the knots of braid in their manes; were clean and smart。 The great wagon itself was painted bright blue; and perched aloft in it sat a stalwart; sunburned youth; who shouldered his whip like a gun and whistled a tune。

〃No;〃 said Benassis; 〃that is only the wagoner。 But see how the master's prosperity in business is reflected by all his belongings; even by the carter's wagon! Is it not a sign of a capacity for business not very often met with in remote country places?〃

〃Yes; yes; it all looks very smart indeed;〃 the officer answered。

〃Well; Vigneau has two more wagons and teams like that one; and he has a small pony besides for business purposes; for he does trade over a wide area。 And only four years ago he had nothing in the world! Stay; that is a mistakehe had some debts。 But let us go in。〃

〃Is Mme。 Vigneau in the house?〃 Benassis asked of the young wagoner。

〃She is out in the garden; sir; I saw her just now by the hedge down yonder; I will go and tell her that you are here。〃

Genestas followed Benassis across a wide open space with a hedge about it。 In one corner various heaps of clay had been piled up; destined for tiles and pantiles; and a stack of brushwood and logs (fuel for the kiln no doubt) lay in another part of the enclosure。 Farther away some workmen were pounding chalk stones and tempering the clay in a space enclosed by hurdles。 The tiles; both round and square; were made under the great elms opposite the gateway; in a vast green arbor bounded by the roofs of the drying…shed; and near this last the yawning mouth of the kiln was visible。 Some long…handled shovels lay about the worn cider path。 A second row of buildings had been erected parallel with these。 There was a sufficiently wretched dwelling which housed the family; and some outbuildingssheds and stables and a barn。 The cleanliness that predominated throughout; and the thorough repair in which everything was kept; spoke well for the vigilance of the master's eyes。 Some poultry and pigs wandered at large over the field。

〃Vigneau's predecessor;〃 said Benassis; 〃was a good…for…nothing; a lazy rascal who cared about nothing by drink。 He had been a workman himself; he could keep a fire in his kiln and could put a price on his work; and that was about all he knew; he had no energy; and no idea of business。 If no one came to buy his wares of him; they simply stayed on hand and were spoiled; and so he lost the value of them。 So he died of want at last。 He had ill…treated his wife till she was almost idiotic; and she lived in a state of abject wretchedness。 It was so painful to see this laziness and incurable stupidity; and I so much disliked the sight of the tile…works; that I never came this way if I could help it。 Luckily; both the man and his wife were old people。 One fine day the tile…maker had a paralytic stroke; and I had him removed to the hospital at Grenoble at once。 The owner of the tile…works agreed to take it over without disputing about its condition; and I looked round for new tenants who would take their part in improving the industries of the canton。

〃Mme。 Gravier's waiting…maid had married a poor workman; who was earning so little with the potter who employed him that he could not support his household。 He listened to my advice; and actually had sufficient courage to take a lease of our tile…works; when he had not so much as a penny。 He came and took up his abode here; taught his wife; her aged mother; and his own mother how to make tiles; and made workmen of them。 How they managed; I do not know; upon my honor! Vigneau probably borrowed fuel to heat his kiln; he certainly worked by day; and fetched in his materials in basket…loads by night; in short; no one knew what boundless energy he brought to bear upon his enterprise; and the two old mothers; clad in rags; worked like negroes。 In this way Vigneau contrived to fire several batches; and lived for the first year on bread that was hardly won by the toil of his household。

〃Still; he made a living。 His courage; patience; and sterling worth interested many people in him; and he began to be known。 He was indefatigable。 He would hurry over to Grenoble in the morning; and sell his bricks and tiles there; then he would return home about the middle of the day; and go back again to the town at night。 He seemed to be in several places at once。 Towards the end of the first year he took two little lads to help him。 Seeing how things were; I lent him some money; and since then from year to year the fortunes of the family have steadily improved。 After the second year was over the two old mothers no longer moulded bricks nor pounded stones; they looked after the little gardens; made the soup; mended the clothes; they did spinning in the evenings; and gathered firewood in the daytime; while the young wife; who can read and write; kept the accounts。 Vigneau had a small horse; and rode on his business errands about the neighborhood; next he thoroughly studied the art of brick and tile making; discovering how to make excellent square white paving…tiles; and sold them for less than the usual prices。 In the third year he had a cart and a pair of horses; and at the same time his wife's appearance became almost elegant。 Everything about his household improved with the improvement in his business; and everywhere there was the same neatness; method; and thrift that had been the making of his little fortune。

〃At last he had work enough for six men; to whom he pays good wages; he employs a wagoner; and everything about him wears an air of prosperity。 Little by little; in short; by dint of taking pains and extending his business; his income has increased。 He bought the tile… works last year; and next year he will rebuild his house。 To…day all the worthy folk there are well clothed and in good health。 His wife; who used to be so thin and pale when the burden of her husband's cares and anxieties used to press so hardly upon her; has recovered her good looks; and has grown quite young and pretty again。 The two old mothers are thoroughly happy; and take the deepest interest in every detail of the housekeeping or of the business。 Work has brought money; and the money that brought freedom from care brought health and plenty and happiness。 The story of this household is a living history in miniature of the Commune since I have known it; and of all young industrial states。 The tile factory that used to look so empty; melancholy; ill…kept; and useless; is now in full work; astir with life; and well stocked with everything required。 There is a good stock of wood here; and all the 

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