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the country doctor-第19节

小说: the country doctor 字数: 每页4000字

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d! must I bid you farewell for ever? Farewell to you; our stay and support! Farewell to you; my dear master! And we; your children;for to each of us you gave the same fatherly love;all we; your children; have lost our father!〃

The widow flung herself upon the dead body and clasped it in a tight embrace; as if her kisses and the tears with which she covered it could give it warmth again; during the pause; came the wail of the servants:


〃Yes;〃 the widow went on; 〃he is dead! Our beloved who gave us our bread; who sowed and reaped for us; who watched over our happiness; who guided us through life; who ruled so kindly among us。 NOW; I may speak in his praise; and say that he never caused me the slightest sorrow; he was good and strong and patient。 Even while we were torturing him for the sake of his health; so precious to us; 'Let it be; children; it is all no use;' the dear lamb said; just in the same tone of voice with which he had said; 'Everything is all right; friends;' only a few days before。 Ah! grand Dieu! a few days ago! A few days have been enough to take away the gladness from our house and to darken our lives; to close the eyes of the best; most upright; most revered of men。 No one could plow as he could。 Night or day; he would go about over the mountains; he feared nothing; and when he came back he had always a smile for his wife and children。 Ah! he was our beloved! It was dull here by the fireside when HE was away; and our food lost all its relish。 Oh! how will it be now; when our guardian angel will be laid away under the earth; and we shall never see him any more? Never any more; dear kinsfolk and friends; never any more; my children! Yes; my children have lost their kind father; our relations and friends have lost their good kinsman and their trusty friend; the household has lost its master; and I have lost everything!〃

She took the hand of the dead again; and knelt; so that she might press her face close to his as she kissed it。 The servants' cry; 〃THE MASTER IS DEAD!〃 was again repeated three times。

Just then the eldest son came to his mother to say; 〃The people from Saint…Laurent have just come; mother; we want some wine for them。〃

〃Take the keys;〃 she said in a low tone; and in a different voice from that in which she had just expressed her grief; 〃you are the master of the house; my son; see that they receive the welcome that your father would have given them; do not let them find any change。

〃Let me have one more long look;〃 she went on。 〃But alas! my good husband; you do not feel my presence now; I cannot bring back warmth to you! I only wish that I could comfort you still; could let you know that so long as I live you will dwell in the heart that you made glad; could tell you that I shall be happy in the memory of my happiness that the dear thought of you will live on in this room。 Yes; as long as God spares me; this room shall be filled with memories of you。 Hear my vow; dear husband! Your couch shall always remain as it is now。 I will sleep in it no more; since you are dead; henceforward; while I live; it shall be cold and empty。 With you; I have lost all that makes a woman: her master; husband; father; friend; companion; and helpmate: I have lost all!〃

〃THE MASTER IS DEAD!〃 the servants wailed。 Others raised the cry; and the lament became general。 The widow took a pair of scissors that hung at her waist; cut off her hair; and laid the locks in her husband's hand。 Deep silence fell on them all。

〃That act means that she will not marry again;〃 said Benassis; 〃this determination was expected by many of the relatives。〃

〃Take it; dear lord!〃 she said; her emotion brought a tremor to her voice that went to the hearts of all who heard her。 〃I have sworn to be faithful; I give this pledge to you to keep in the grave。 We shall thus be united for ever; and through love of your children I will live on among the family in whom you used to feel yourself young again。 Oh! that you could hear me; my husband! the pride and joy of my heart! Oh! that you could know that all my power to live; now you are dead; will yet come from you; for I shall live to carry out your sacred wishes and to honor your memory。〃

Benassis pressed Genestas' hand as an invitation to follow him; and they went out。 By this time the first room was full of people who had come from another mountain commune; all of them waited in meditative silence; as if the sorrow and grief that brooded over the house had already taken possession of them。 As Benassis and the commandant crossed the threshold; they overheard a few words that passed between one of the newcomers and the eldest son of the late owner。

〃Then when did he die?〃

〃Oh!〃 exclaimed the eldest son; a man of five…and…twenty years of age; 〃I did not see him die。 He asked for me; and I was not there!〃 His voice was broken with sobs; but he went on: 〃He said to me the night before; 'You must go over to the town; my boy; and pay our taxes; my funeral will put that out of your minds; and we shall be behindhand; a thing that has never happened before。' It seemed the best thing to do; so I went; and while I was gone; he died; and I never received his last embrace。 I have always been at his side; but he did not see me near him at the last in my place where I had always been。〃


〃Alas! he is dead; and I was not there to receive his last words and his latest sigh。 And what did the taxes matter? Would it not have been better to lose all our money than to leave home just then? Could all that we have make up to me for the loss of his last farewell。 No。 MON DIEU! If YOUR father falls ill; Jean; do not go away and leave him; or you will lay up a lifelong regret for yourself。〃

〃My friend;〃 said Genestas; 〃I have seen thousands of men die on the battlefield; death did not wait to let their children bid them farewell; take comfort; you are not the only one。〃

〃But a father who was such a good man!〃 he replied; bursting into fresh tears。

Benassis took Genestas in the direction of the farm buildings。

〃The funeral oration will only cease when the body has been laid in its coffin;〃 said the doctor; 〃and the weeping woman's language will grow more vivid and impassioned all the while。 But a woman only acquires the right to speak in such a strain before so imposing an audience by a blameless life。 If the widow could reproach herself with the smallest of shortcomings; she would not dare to utter a word; for if she did; she would pronounce her own condemnation; she would be at the same time her own accuser and judge。 Is there not something sublime in this custom which thus judges the living and the dead? They only begin to wear mourning after a week has elapsed; when it is publicly worn at a meeting of all the family。 Their near relations spend the week with the widow and children; to help them to set their affairs in order and to console them。 A family gathering at such a time produces a great effect on the minds of the mourners; the consideration for others which possesses men when they are brought into close contact acts as a restraint on violent grief。 On the last day; when the mourning garb has been assumed; a solemn banquet is given; and their relations take leave of them。 All this is taken very seriously。 Any one who was slack in fulfilling his duties after the death of the head of a family would have no one at his own funeral。〃

The doctor had reached the cowhouse as he spoke; he opened the door and made the commandant enter; that he might show it to him。

〃All our cowhouses have been rebuilt after this pattern; captain。 Look! Is it not magnificent?〃

Genestas could not help admiring the huge place。 The cows and oxen stood in two rows; with their tails towards the side walls; and their heads in the middle of the shed。 Access to the stalls was afforded by a fairly wide space between them and the wall; you could see their horned heads and shining eyes through the lattice work; so that it was easy for the master to run his eyes over the cattle。 The fodder was placed on some staging erected above the stalls; so that it fell into the racks below without waste of labor or material。 There was a wide… paved space down the centre; which was kept clean; and ventilated by a thorough draught of air。

〃In the winter time;〃 Benassis said; as he walked with Genestas down the middle of the cowhouse; 〃both men and women do their work here together in the evenings。 The tables are set out here; and in this way the people keep themselves warm without going to any expense。 The sheep are housed in the same way。 You would not believe how quickly the beasts fall into orderly ways。 I have often wondered to see them come in; each knows her proper place; and allows those who take precedence to pass in before her。 Look! there is just room enough in each stall to do the milking and to rub the cattle down; and the floor slopes a little to facilitate drainage。〃

〃One can judge of everything else from the sight of this cowhouse;〃 said Genestas; 〃without flattery; these are great results indeed!〃

〃We have had some trouble to bring them about;〃 Benassis answered; 〃but then; see what fine cattle they are!〃

〃They are splendid beasts certainly; you had g

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