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the country doctor-第17节

小说: the country doctor 字数: 每页4000字

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t do I want with superfluities of wealth? You do not know; moreover; how little I care for anything in this world。〃

They wished each other a friendly good…night with a warm shake of the hand; and went to bed。 But before the commandant slept; he came to more than one conclusion as to the man who hour by hour grew greater in his eyes。



The first thing next morning Genestas went to the stable; drawn thither by the affection that every man feels for the horse that he rides。 Nicolle's method of rubbing down the animal was quite satisfactory。

〃Up already; Commandant Bluteau?〃 cried Benassis; as he came upon his guest。 〃You hear the drum beat in the morning wherever you go; even in the country! You are a regular soldier!〃

〃Are you all right?〃 replied Genestas; holding out his hand with a friendly gesture。

〃I am never really all right;〃 answered Benassis; half merrily; half sadly。

〃Did you sleep well; sir?〃 inquired Jacquotte。

〃Faith; yes; my beauty; the bed as you made it was fit for a queen。〃

Jacquotte's face beamed as she followed her master and his guest; and when she had seen them seat themselves at table; she remarked to Nicolle:

〃He is not a bad sort; after all; that officer gentleman。〃

〃I am sure he is not; he has given me two francs already。〃

〃We will begin to…day by calling at two places where there have been deaths;〃 Benassis said to his visitor as they left the dining…room。 〃Although doctors seldom deign to confront their supposed victims; I will take you round to the two houses; where you will be able to make some interesting observations of human nature; and the scenes to which you will be a witness will show you that in the expression of their feelings our folk among the hills differ greatly from the dwellers in the lowlands。 Up among the mountain peaks in our canton they cling to customs that bear the impress of an older time; and that vaguely recall scenes in the Bible。 Nature has traced out a line over our mountain ranges; the whole appearance of the country is different on either side of it。 You will find strength of character up above; flexibility and quickness below; they have larger ways of regarding things among the hills; while the bent of the lowlands is always towards the material interests of existence。 I have never seen a difference so strongly marked; unless it has been in the Val d'Ajou; where the northern side is peopled by a tribe of idiots; and the southern by an intelligent race。 There is nothing but a stream in the valley bottom to separate these two populations; which are utterly dissimilar in every respect; as different in face and stature as in manners; customs; and occupation。 A fact of this kind should compel those who govern a country to make very extensive studies of local differences before passing laws that are to affect the great mass of the people。 But the horses are ready; let us start!〃

In a short time the two horsemen reached a house in a part of the township that was overlooked by the mountains of the Grande Chartreuse。 Before the door of the dwelling; which was fairly clean and tidy; they saw a coffin set upon two chairs; and covered with a black pall。 Four tall candles stood about it; and on a stool near by there was a shallow brass dish full of holy water; in which a branch of green box…wood was steeping。 Every passer…by went into the yard; knelt by the side of the dead; said a Pater noster; and sprinkled a few drops of holy water on the bier。 Above the black cloth that covered the coffin rose the green sprays of a jessamine that grew beside the doorway; and a twisted vine shoot; already in leaf; overran the lintel。 Even the saddest ceremonies demand that things shall appear to the best advantage; and in obedience to this vaguely…felt requirement a young girl had been sweeping the front of the house。 The dead man's eldest son; a young peasant about twenty…two years of age; stood motionless; leaning against the door…post。 The tears in his eyes came and went without falling; or perhaps he furtively brushed them away。 Benassis and Genestas saw all the details of this scene as they stood beyond the low wall; they fastened their horses to one of the row of poplar trees that grew along it; and entered the yard just as the widow came out of the byre。 A woman carrying a jug of milk was with her; and spoke。

〃Try to bear up bravely; my poor Pelletier;〃 she said。

〃Ah! my dear; after twenty…five years of life together; it is very hard to lose your man;〃 and her eyes brimmed over with tears。 〃Will you pay the two sous?〃 she added; after a moment; as she held out her hand to her neighbor。

〃There; now! I had forgotten about it;〃 said the other woman; giving her the coin。 〃Come; neighbor; don't take on so。 Ah! there is M。 Benassis!〃

〃Well; poor mother; how are you going on? A little better?〃 asked the doctor。

〃DAME!〃 she said; as the tears fell fast; 〃we must go on; all the same; that is certain。 I tell myself that my man is out of pain now。 He suffered so terribly! But come inside; sir。 Jacques; set some chairs for these gentlemen。 Come; stir yourself a bit。 Lord bless you! if you were to stop there for a century; it would not bring your poor father back again。 And now; you will have to do the work of two。〃

〃No; no good woman; leave your son alone; we will not sit down。 You have a boy there who will take care of you; and who is quite fit to take his father's place。〃

〃Go and change your clothes; Jacques;〃 cried the widow; 〃you will be wanted directly。〃

〃Well; good…bye; mother;〃 said Benassis。

〃Your servant; gentlemen。〃

〃Here; you see; death is looked upon as an event for which every one is prepared;〃 said the doctor; 〃it brings no interruption to the course of family life; and they will not even wear mourning of any kind。 No one cares to be at the expense of it; they are all either too poor or too parsimonious in the villages hereabouts; so that mourning is unknown in country districts。 Yet the custom of wearing mourning is something better than a law or a usage; it is an institution somewhat akin to all moral obligations。 But in spite of our endeavors neither M。 Janvier nor I have succeeded in making our peasants understand the great importance of public demonstrations of feeling for the maintenance of social order。 These good folk; who have only just begun to think and act for themselves; are slow as yet to grasp the changed conditions which should attach them to these theories。 They have only reached those ideas which conduce to economy and to physical welfare; in the future; if some one else carries on this work of mine; they will come to understand the principles that serve to uphold and preserve public order and justice。 As a matter of fact; it is not sufficient to be an honest man; you must appear to be honest in the eyes of others。 Society does not live by moral ideas alone; its existence depends upon actions in harmony with those ideas。

〃In most country communes; out of a hundred families deprived by death of their head; there are only a few individuals capable of feeling more keenly than the others; who will remember the deaths for very long; in a year's time the rest will have forgotten all about it。 Is not this forgetfulness a sore evil? A religion is the very heart of a nation; it expresses their feelings and their thoughts; and exalts them by giving them an object; but unless outward and visible honor is paid to a God; religion cannot exist; and; as a consequence; human ordinances lose all their force。 If the conscience belongs to God and to Him only; the body is amenable to social law。 Is it not therefore; a first step towards atheism to efface every sign of pious sorrow in this way; to neglect to impress on children who are not yet old enough to reflect; and on all other people who stand in need of example; the necessity of obedience to human law; by openly manifested resignation to the will of Providence; who chastens and consoles; who bestows and takes away worldly wealth? I confess that; after passing through a period of sneering incredulity; I have come during my life here to recognize the value of the rites of religion and of religious observances in the family; and to discern the importance of household customs and domestic festivals。 The family will always be the basis of human society。 Law and authority are first felt there; there; at any rate; the habit of obedience should be learned。 Viewed in the light of all their consequences; the spirit of the family and paternal authority are two elements but little developed as yet in our new legislative system。 Yet in the family; the commune; the department; lies the whole of our country。 The laws ought therefore to be based on these three great divisions。

〃In my opinion; marriages; the birth of infants; and the deaths of heads of households cannot be surrounded with too much circumstance。 The secret of the strength of Catholicism; and of the deep root that it has taken in the ordinary life of man; lies precisely in thisthat it steps in to invest every important event in his existence with a pomp that is so naively touching; and so grand; whenever the priest rises to the height of his mission and brings his office into harmony with t

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