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小说: bruce 字数: 每页4000字

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was standing on her hind legs; her front paws alternately

supporting her fragile weight on the wire of the fence and waving

welcomingly toward the boy。 Unknowingly; she was bidding for a

master。 And her wistful friendliness struck a note of response in

the little fellow's heart。 For he; too; was lonesome; much of the

time; as is the fate of a sickly only child in an overbusy home。

And he had the true craving of the lonely for dog comradeship。

He thrust his none…too…clean hand through the wire mesh and

patted the puppy's silky head。 Lass wiggled ecstatically under

the unfamiliar caress。 All at once; in the boy's eyes; she became

quite the most wonderful animal and the very most desirable pet

on earth;

〃He's great!〃 sighed the youngster in admiration; adding na?vely:

〃Is he Champion Rothsay Chiefthe one whose picture was in The

Bulletin last Sunday?〃

The kennel…man laughed noisily。 Then he checked his mirth; for

professional reasons; as he remembered the nature of the boy's

quest and foresaw a bare possibility of getting rid of the

unwelcome Lass。

〃Nope;〃 he said。 〃This isn't Chief。 If it was; I guess your Uncle

Dick's check would have to have four figures in it before you

could make a deal。 But this is one of Chief's daughters。 This is

Rothsay Lass。 A grand little girl; ain't she? Say;〃in a

confidential whisper;〃since you've took a fancy for her; maybe

I could coax the old man into lettin' you have her at an easy

price。 He was plannin' to sell her for a hundred or so。 But he

goes pretty much by what I say。 He might let her go forHow much

of a check did you say your uncle sent you?〃

〃Twelve dollars;〃 answered the boy;〃one for each year。 Because

I'm named for him。 It's my birthday; you know。 Butbut a dollar

of it went for the chain and the collar。 How much do you suppose

the gentleman would want for Rothsay Lass?〃

The kennel…man considered for a moment。 Then he went back to the

house; leaving the lad alone at the gate of the run。 Eleven

dollars; for a high…pedigreed collie pup; was a joke price。 But

no one else wanted Lass; and her feed was costing more every day。

According to Rothsay standards; the list of brood…females was

already complete。 Even as a gift; the kennels would be making

money by getting rid of the prick…eared 〃second。〃 Wherefore he

went to consult with the foreman。

Left alone with Lass; the boy opened the gate and went into the

run。 A little to his surprise Lass neither shrank from him nor

attacked him。 She danced about his legs in delight; varying this

by jumping up and trying to lick his excited face。 Then she

thrust her cold nose into the cup of his hand as a plea to be


When the kennel…man came back; the boy was sitting on the dusty

ground of the run; and Lass was curled up rapturously in his lap;

learning how to shake hands at his order。

〃You can have her; the boss says;〃 vouchsafed the kennel…man。

〃Where's the eleven dollars?〃

By this graceless speech Dick Hazen received the key to the

Seventh Paradise; and a life…membership in the world…wide Order

of Dog…Lovers。

The homeward walk; for Lass and her new master; was no walk at

all; but a form of spiritual levitation。 The half…mile pilgrimage

consumed a full hour of time。 Not that Lass hung back or rebelled

at her first taste of collar and chain! These petty annoyances

went unfelt in the wild joy of a real walk; and in the infinitely

deeper happiness of knowing her friendship…famine was appeased at


The walk was long for various reasonspartly because; in her

frisking gyrations; Lass was forever tangling the new chain

around Dick's thin ankles; partly because he stopped; every block

or so; to pat her or to give her further lessons in the art of

shaking hands。 Also there were admiring boy…acquaintances along

the way; to whom the wonderful pet must be exhibited。

At last Dick turned in at the gate of a cheap bungalow on a cheap

streeta bungalow with a discouraged geranium plot in its

pocket…handkerchief front yard; and with a double line of drying

clothes in the no larger space behind the house。

As Dick and his chum rounded the house; a woman emerged from

between the two lines of flapping sheets; whose hanging she had

been superintending。 She stopped at sight of her son and the dog。

〃Oh!〃 she commented with no enthusiasm at all。 〃Well; you did it;

hey? I was hoping you'd have better sense; and spend your check

on a nice new suit or something。 He's kind of pretty; though;〃

she went on; the puppy's friendliness and beauty wringing the

word of grudging praise from her。 〃What kind of a dog is he? And

you're sure he isn't savage; aren't you?〃

〃Collie;〃 answered Dick proudly。 〃Pedigreed collie! You bet she

isn't savage; either。 Why; she's an angel。 She minds me already。

Seeshake hands; Lass!〃 〃Lass!〃 ejaculated Mrs。 Hazen。 〃'SHE!'

Dick; you don't mean to tell me you've gone and bought yourself

aa FEMALE dog?〃

The woman spoke in the tone of horrified contempt that might well

have been hers had she found a rattlesnake and a brace of toads

in her son's pocket。 And she lowered her voice; as is the manner

of her kind when forced to speak of the unspeakable。 She moved

back from the puppy's politely out…thrust forepaw as from the

passing of a garbage cart。

〃A female dog!〃 she reiterated。 〃Well; of all the chuckle…heads!

A nasty FEMALE dog; with your birthday money!〃

〃She's not one bit nasty!〃 flamed Dick; burying the grubby

fingers of his right hand protectively in the fluffy mass of the

puppy's half…grown ruff。 〃She's the dandiest dog ever! She〃

〃Don't talk back to me!〃 snapped Mrs。 Hazen。 〃Here! Turn right

around and take her to the cheats who sold her to you。 Tell them

to keep her and give you the good money you paid for her。 Take

her out of my yard this minute! Quick!〃

A hot mist of tears sprang into the boy's eyes。 Lass; with the

queer intuition that tells a female collie when her master is

unhappy; whined softly and licked his clenched hand。

〃Iaw; PLEASE; Ma!〃 he begged chokingly。 〃PLEASE! It'sit's my

birthday; and everything。 Please let me keep her。 II love her

better than 'most anything there is。 Can't I please keep her?


〃You heard what I said;〃 returned his mother curtly。

The washerwoman; who one day a week lightened Mrs。 Hazen's

household labors; waddled into view from behind the billows of

wind…swirled clothes。 She was an excellent person; and was built

for endurance rather than for speed。 At sight of Lass she paused

in real interest。

〃My!〃 she exclaimed with flattering approval。 〃So you got your

dog; did you? You didn't waste no time。 And he's sure a handsome

little critter。 Whatcher goin' to call him?〃

〃It's not a him; Irene;〃 contradicted Mrs。 Hazen; with another

modest lowering of her strong voice。 〃It's a HER。 And I'm sending

Dick back with her; to where she came from。 I've got my opinion

of people who will take advantage of a child's ignorance; by

palming off a horrid female dog on him; too。 Take her away; Dick。

I won't have her here another minute。 You hear me?〃

〃Please; Ma!〃 stammered Dick; battling with his desire to cry。


〃Your ma's right; Dick;〃 chimed in the washerwoman; her first

interested glance at the puppy changing to one of refined and

lofty scorn。 〃Take her back。 You don't want any female dogs

around。 No nice folks do。〃

〃Why not?〃 demanded the boy in sudden hopeless anger as he

pressed lovingly the nose Lass thrust so comfortingly into his

hand。 〃WHY don't we want a female dog around? Folks have female

cats around them; and female women。 Why isn't a female dog〃

〃That will do; Dick!〃 broke in his shocked mother。 〃Take her


〃I won't;〃 said the boy; speaking very slowly; and with no

excitement at all。

A slap on the side of his head; from his mother's punitive palm;

made him stagger a little。 Her hand was upraised for a second

installment of rebellion…quellingwhen a slender little body

flashed through the air and landed heavily against her chest。 A

set of white puppy…teeth all but grazed her wrathful red face。

Lass; who never before had known the impulse to attack; had

jumped to the rescue of the beaten youngster whom she had adopted

as her god。 The woman screeched in terror。 Dick flung an arm

about the furry whirlwind that was seeking to avenge his

punishment; and pulled the dog back to his side。

Mrs。 Hazen's shriek; and the obbligato accompaniment of the

washerwoman; made an approaching man quicken his steps as he

strolled around the side of the house。 The newcomer was Dick's

father; superintendent of the local bottling works。 On his way

home to lunch; he walked in on a scene of hysteria。

〃Kill her; sir!〃 bawled the washerwoman; at sight of him。 〃Kill

her! She's a mad dog。 She just tried to kill Miz' Hazen!〃

〃She didn't do any

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