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弌傍 seraphita 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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Spiritual worlds察one is the theory of finite creations察the other the

theory of the infinite。 Man察who alone in the world has a knowledge of

the Infinite察can alone know the straight line察he alone has the sense

of verticality placed in a special organ。 A fondness for the creations

of the curve would seem to be in certain men an indication of the

impurity of their nature still conjoined to the material substances

which engender us察and the love of great souls for the straight line

seems to show in them an intuition of heaven。 Between these two lines

there is a gulf fixed like that between the finite and the infinite

between matter and spirit察between man and the idea察between motion

and the object moved察between the creature and God。 Ask Love the

Divine to grant you his wings and you can cross that gulf。 Beyond it

begins the revelation of the Word。

;No part of those things which you call material is without its own

meaning察lines are the boundaries of solid parts and imply a force of

action which you suppress in your formulasthus rendering those

formulas false in relation to substances taken as a whole。 Hence the

constant destruction of the monuments of human labor察which you

supply察unknown to yourselves察with acting properties。 Nature has

substances察your science combines only their appearances。 At every

step Nature gives the lie to all your laws。 Can you find a single one

that is not disproved by a fact拭Your Static laws are at the mercy of

a thousand accidents察a fluid can overthrow a solid mountain and prove

that the heaviest substances may be lifted by one that is


;Your laws on Acoustics and Optics are defied by the sounds which you

hear within yourselves in sleep察and by the light of an electric sun

whose rays often overcome you。 You know no more how light makes itself

seen within you察than you know the simple and natural process which

changes it on the throats of tropic birds to rubies察sapphires

emeralds察and opals察or keeps it gray and brown on the breasts of the

same birds under the cloudy skies of Europe察or whitens it here in the

bosom of our polar Nature。 You know not how to decide whether color is

a faculty with which all substances are endowed察or an effect produced

by an effluence of light。 You admit the saltness of the sea without

being able to prove that the water is salt at its greatest depth。 You

recognize the existence of various substances which span what you

think to be the voidsubstances which are not tangible under any of

the forms assumed by Matter察although they put themselves in harmony

with Matter in spite of every obstacle。

;All this being so察you believe in the results of Chemistry察although

that science still knows no way of gauging the changes produced by the

flux and reflux of substances which come and go across your crystals

and your instruments on the impalpable filaments of heat or light

conducted and projected by the affinities of metal or vitrified flint。

You obtain none but dead substances察from which you have driven the

unknown force that holds in check the decomposition of all things here

below察and of which cohesion察attraction察vibration察and polarity are

but phenomena。 Life is the thought of substances察bodies are only the

means of fixing life and holding it to its way。 If bodies were beings

living of themselves they would be Cause itself察and could not die。

;When a man discovers the results of the general movement察which is

shared by all creations according to their faculty of absorption察you

proclaim him mighty in science察as though genius consisted in

explaining a thing that is Genius ought to cast its eyes beyond

effects。 Your men of science would laugh if you said to them此'There

exist such positive relations between two human beings察one of whom

may be here察and the other in Java察that they can at the same instant

feel the same sensation察and be conscious of so doing察they can

question each other and reply without mistake'察and yet there are

mineral substances which exhibit sympathies as far off from each other

as those of which I speak。 You believe in the power of the electricity

which you find in the magnet and you deny that which emanates from the

soul According to you察the moon察whose influence upon the tides you

think fixed察has none whatever upon the winds察nor upon navigation

nor upon men察she moves the sea察but she must not affect the sick

folk察she has undeniable relations with one half of humanity察and

nothing at all to do with the other half。 These are your vaunted


;Let us go a step further。 You believe in physics。 But your physics

begin察like the Catholic religion察with an ACT OF FAITH。 Do they not

pre´suppose some external force distinct from substance to which it

communicates motion拭You see its effects察but what is it拭where is it

what is the essence of its nature察its life拭has it any limitsand

yet察you deny God

;Thus察the majority of your scientific axioms察true to their relation

to man察are false in relation to the Great Whole。 Science is One察but

you have divided it。 To know the real meaning of the laws of phenomena

must we not know the correlations which exist between phenomena and

the law of the Whole拭There is察in all things察an appearance which

strikes your senses察under that appearance stirs a soul察a body is

there and a faculty is there。 Where do you teach the study of the

relations which bind things to each other拭Nowhere。 Consequently you

have nothing positive。 Your strongest certainties rest upon the

analysis of material forms whose essence you persistently ignore。

;There is a Higher Knowledge of which察too late察some men obtain a

glimpse察though they dare not avow it。 Such men comprehend the

necessity of considering substances not merely in their mathematical

properties but also in their entirety察in their occult relations and

affinities。 The greatest man among you divined察in his latter days

that all was reciprocally cause and effect察that the visible worlds

were co´ordinated among themselves and subject to worlds invisible。 He

groaned at the recollection of having tried to establish fixed

precepts。 Counting up his worlds察like grape´seeds scattered through

ether察he had explained their coherence by the laws of planetary and

molecular attraction。 You bowed before that man of sciencewell I

tell you that he died in despair。 By supposing that the centrifugal

and centripetal forces察which he had invented to explain to himself

the universe察were equal察he stopped the universe察yet he admitted

motion in an indeterminate sense察but supposing those forces unequal

then utter confusion of the planetary system ensued。 His laws

therefore were not absolute察some higher problem existed than the

principle on which his false glory rested。 The connection of the stars

with one another and the centripetal action of their internal motion

did not deter him from seeking the parent stalk on which his clusters

hung。 Alas察poor man the more he widened space the heavier his burden

grew。 He told you how there came to be equilibrium among the parts

but whither went the whole拭His mind contemplated the vast extent

illimitable to human eyes察filled with those groups of worlds a mere

fraction of which is all our telescopes can reach察but whose immensity

is revealed by the rapidity of light。 This sublime contemplation

enabled him to perceive myriads of worlds察planted in space like

flowers in a field察which are born like infants察grow like men察die as

the aged die察and live by assimilating from their atmosphere the

substances suitable for their nourishmenthaving a centre and a

principal of life察guaranteeing to each other their circuits察absorbed

and absorbing like plants察and forming a vast Whole endowed with life

and possessing a destiny。

;At that sight your man of science trembled He knew that life is

produced by the union of the thing and its principle察that death or

inertia or gravity is produced by a rupture between a thing and the

movement which appertains to it。 Then it was that he foresaw the

crumbling of the worlds and their destruction if God should withdraw

the Breath of His Word。 He searched the Apocalypse for the traces of

that Word。 You thought him mad。 Understand him better He was seeking

pardon for the work of his genius。

;Wilfrid察you have come here hoping to make me solve equations察or

rise upon a rain´cloud察or plunge into the fiord and reappear a swan。

If science or miracles were the end and object of humanity察Moses

would have bequeathed to you the law of fluxions察Jesus Christ would

have lightened the darkness of your sciences察his apostles would have

told you whence come those vast trains of gas and melted metals

attached to cores which revolve and solidify as they dart through

ether察or violently enter some system and combine with a star

jostling and displacing it by the shock察or dest

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