梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
thickness。 If察for example察this statement察'Some angels are
solitary' affected me powerfully for a time察I was察on reflection
unable to reconcile this solitude with their marriages。 I have not
understood why the Virgin Mary should continue to wear blue satin
garments in heaven。 I have even dared to ask myself why those gigantic
demons察Enakim and Hephilim察came so frequently to fight the cherubim
on the apocalyptic plains of Armageddon察and I cannot explain to my
own mind how Satans can argue with Angels。 Monsieur le Baron
Seraphitus assured me that those details concerned only the angels who
live on earth in human form。 The visions of the prophet are often
blurred with grotesque figures。 One of his spiritual tales察or
'Memorable relations' as he called them察begins thus此'I see the
spirits assembling察they have hats upon their heads。' In another of
these Memorabilia he receives from heaven a bit of paper察on which he
saw察he says察the hieroglyphics of the primitive peoples察which were
composed of curved lines traced from the finger´rings that are worn in
heaven。 However察perhaps I am wrong察possibly the material absurdities
with which his works are strewn have spiritual significations。
Otherwise察how shall we account for the growing influence of his
religion拭His church numbers to´day more than seven hundred thousand
believersas many in the United States of America as in England
where there are seven thousand Swedenborgians in the city of
Manchester alone。 Many men of high rank in knowledge and in social
position in Germany察in Prussia察and in the Northern kingdoms have
publicly adopted the beliefs of Swedenborg察which察I may remark察are
more comforting than those of all other Christian communions。 I wish I
had the power to explain to you clearly in succinct language the
leading points of the doctrine on which Swedenborg founded his church
but I fear such a summary察made from recollection察would be
necessarily defective。 I shall察therefore察allow myself to speak only
of those 'Arcana' which concern the birth of Seraphita。;
Here Monsieur Becker paused察as though composing his mind to gather up
his ideas。 Presently he continued察as follows
;After establishing mathematically that man lives eternally in spheres
of either a lower or a higher grade察Swedenborg applies the term
'Spiritual Angels' to beings who in this world are prepared for
heaven察where they become angels。 According to him察God has not
created angels察none exist who have not been men upon the earth。 The
earth is the nursery´ground of heaven。 The Angels are therefore not
Angels as such 'Angelic Wisdom' 57察they are transformed through
their close conjunction with God察which conjunction God never refuses
because the essence of God is not negative察but essentially active。
The spiritual angels pass through three natures of love察because man
is only regenerated through successive stages 'True Religion'。
First察the LOVE OF SELF此the supreme expression of this love is human
genius察whose works are worshipped。 Next察LOVE OF LIFE此this love
produces prophetsgreat men whom the world accepts as guides and
proclaims to be divine。 Lastly察LOVE OF HEAVEN察and this creates the
Spiritual Angel。 These angels are察so to speak察the flowers of
humanity察which culminates in them and works for that culmination。
They must possess either the love of heaven or the wisdom of heaven
but always Love before Wisdom。
;Thus the transformation of the natural man is into Love。 To reach
this first degree察his previous existences must have passed through
Hope and Charity察which prepare him for Faith and Prayer。 The ideas
acquired by the exercise of these virtues are transmitted to each of
the human envelopes within which are hidden the metamorphoses of the
INNER BEING察for nothing is separate察each existence is necessary to
the other existences。 Hope cannot advance without Charity察nor Faith
without Prayer察they are the four fronts of a solid square。 'One
virtue missing' he said察'and the Spiritual Angel is like a broken
pearl。' Each of these existences is therefore a circle in which
revolves the celestial riches of the inner being。 The perfection of
the Spiritual Angels comes from this mysterious progression in which
nothing is lost of the high qualities that are successfully acquired
to attain each glorious incarnation察for at each transformation they
cast away unconsciously the flesh and its errors。 When the man lives
in Love he has shed all evil passions此Hope察Charity察Faith察and
Prayer have察in the words of Isaiah察purged the dross of his inner
being察which can never more be polluted by earthly affections。 Hence
the grand saying of Christ quoted by Saint Matthew察'Lay up for
yourselves treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust doth
corrupt' and those still grander words此'If ye were of this world the
world would love you察but I have chosen you out of the world察be ye
therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect。'
;The second transformation of man is to Wisdom。 Wisdom is the
understanding of celestial things to which the spirit is brought by
Love。 The Spirit of Love has acquired strength察the result of all
vanquished terrestrial passions察it loves God blindly。 But the Spirit
of Wisdom has risen to understanding and knows why it loves。 The wings
of the one are spread and bear the spirit to God察the wings of the
other are held down by the awe that comes of understanding此the spirit
knows God。 The one longs incessantly to see God and to fly to Him察the
other attains to Him and trembles。 The union effected between the
Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Wisdom carries the human being into a
Divine state during which time his soul is WOMAN and his body MAN察the
last human manifestation in which the Spirit conquers Form察or Form
still struggles against the Spiritfor Form察that is察the flesh察is
ignorant察rebels察and desires to continue gross。 This supreme trial
creates untold sufferings seen by Heaven alonethe agony of Christ
in the Garden of Olives。
;After death the first heaven opens to this dual and purified human
nature。 Therefore it is that man dies in despair while the Spirit dies
in ecstasy。 Thus察the NATURAL察the state of beings not yet
regenerated察the SPIRITUAL察the state of those who have become Angelic
Spirits察and the DIVINE察the state in which the Angel exists before he
breaks from his covering of flesh察are the three degrees of existence
through which man enters heaven。 One of Swedenborg's thoughts
expressed in his own words will explain to you with wonderful
clearness the difference between the NATURAL and the SPIRITUAL。 'To
the minds of men' he says察'the Natural passes into the Spiritual
they regard the world under its visible aspects察they perceive it only
as it can be realized by their senses。 But to the apprehension of
Angelic Spirits察the Spiritual passes into the Natural察they regard
the world in its inward essence and not in its form。' Thus human
sciences are but analyses of form。 The man of science as the world
goes is purely external like his knowledge察his inner being is only
used to preserve his aptitude for the perception of external truths。
The Angelic Spirit goes far beyond that察his knowledge is the thought
of which human science is but the utterance察he derives that knowledge
from the Logos察and learns the law of CORRESPONDENCES by which the
world is placed in unison with heaven。 The WORD OF GOD was wholly
written by pure Correspondences察and covers an esoteric or spiritual
meaning察which according to the science of Correspondences察cannot be
understood。 'There exist' says Swedenborg 'Celestial Doctrine' 26
'innumerable Arcana within the hidden meaning of the Correspondences。
Thus the men who scoff at the books of the Prophets where the Word is
enshrined are as densely ignorant as those other men who know nothing
of a science and yet ridicule its truths。 To know the Correspondences
which exist between the things visible and ponderable in the
terrestrial world and the things invisible and imponderable in the
spiritual world察is to hold heaven within our comprehension。 All the
objects of the manifold creations having emanated from God necessarily
enfold a hidden meaning察according察indeed察to the grand thought of
Isaiah察'The earth is a garment。'
;This mysterious link between Heaven and the smallest atoms of created
matter constitutes what Swedenborg calls a Celestial Arcanum察and his
treatise on the 'Celestial Arcana' in which he explains the
correspondences or significances of the Natural with察and to察the
Spiritual察giving察to use the words of Jacob Boehm察the sign and seal
of all things察occupies not less than sixteen volumes containing
thirty thousand propositions。 'This marvellous knowledge of
Correspondences which the goodness of God granted to Swedenborg' says
one of his disciples察'is the secret of the interest which d