agnes grey(穐鯉鶴某,鯉拙)-及9准
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great dissatisfaction of Mrs。 Bloomfield察who察I well knew察would impute
all the blame of the matter to me。 Another of my trials was the dressing
in the morning此 at one time she would not be washed察 at another she
would not be dressed察unless she might wear some particular frock察that I
knew her mother would not like her to have察at another she would scream
and run away if I attempted to touch her hair。 So that察frequently察when察
after much trouble and toil察 I had察 at length察 succeeded in bringing her
down察the breakfast was nearly half over察and black looks from 'mamma'
and testy observations from 'papa' spoken at me察if not to me察were sure to
be my meed此 for few things irritated the latter so much as want of
punctuality at meal times。 Then察among the minor annoyances察was my
inability to satisfy Mrs。 Bloomfield with her daughter's dress察 and the
child's hair 'was never fit to be seen。' Sometimes察as a powerful reproach
to me察 she would perform the office of tire woman herself察 and then
complain bitterly of the trouble it gave her。
When little Fanny came into the schoolroom察 I hoped she would be
mild and inoffensive察at least察but a few days察if not a few hours察sufficed
to destroy the illusion此 I found her a mischievous察 intractable little
creature察 given up to falsehood and deception察 young as she was察 and
alarmingly fond of exercising her two favourite weapons of offence and
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defence此 that of spitting in the faces of those who incurred her
displeasure察and bellowing like a bull when her unreasonable desires were
not gratified。 As she察generally察was pretty quiet in her parents' presence察
and they were impressed with the notion of her being a remarkably gentle
child察her falsehoods were readily believed察and her loud uproars led them
to suspect harsh and injudicious treatment on my part察and when察at length察
her bad disposition became manifest even to their prejudiced eyes察I felt
that the whole was attributed to me。
'What a naughty girl Fanny is getting' Mrs。 Bloomfield would say to
her spouse。 'Don't you observe察 my dear察 how she is altered since she
entered the schoolroom拭 She will soon be as bad as the other two察and察I
am sorry to say察they have quite deteriorated of late。'
'You may say that' was the answer。 'I've been thinking that same
myself。 I thought when we got them a governess they'd improve察 but察
instead of that察 they get worse and worse此 I don't know how it is with
their learning察but their habits察I know察make no sort of improvement察they
get rougher察and dirtier察and more unseemly every day。'
I knew this was all pointed at me察 and these察 and all similar
innuendoes察affected me far more deeply than any open accusations would
have done察for against the latter I should have been roused to speak in my
own defence此 now I judged it my wisest plan to subdue every resentful
impulse察 suppress every sensitive shrinking察 and go on perseveringly察
doing my best察 for察 irksome as my situation was察 I earnestly wished to
retain it。 I thought察if I could struggle on with unremitting firmness and
integrity察 the children would in time become more humanized此 every
month would contribute to make them some little wiser察and察consequently察
more manageable察for a child of nine or ten as frantic and ungovernable as
these at six and seven would be a maniac。
I flattered myself I was benefiting my parents and sister by my
continuance here察for small as the salary was察I still was earning something察
and with strict economy I could easily manage to have something to spare
for them察if they would favour me by taking it。 Then it was by my own
will that I had got the place此 I had brought all this tribulation on myself察
and I was determined to bear it察nay察more than that察I did not even regret
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the step I had taken。 I longed to show my friends that察even now察I was
competent to undertake the charge察and able to acquit myself honourably
to the end察and if ever I felt it degrading to submit so quietly察or intolerable
to toil so constantly察I would turn towards my home察and say within myself
They may crush察 but they shall not subdue me 'Tis of thee that I
think察not of them。
About Christmas I was allowed to visit home察 but my holiday was
only of a fortnight's duration此 'For' said Mrs。 Bloomfield察'I thought察as
you had seen your friends so lately察you would not care for a longer stay。'
I left her to think so still此 but she little knew how long察how wearisome
those fourteen weeks of absence had been to me察 how intensely I had
longed for my holidays察 how greatly I was disappointed at their
curtailment。 Yet she was not to blame in this。 I had never told her my
feelings察and she could not be expected to divine them察I had not been with
her a full term察and she was justified in not allowing me a full vacation。
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I SPARE my readers the account of my delight on coming home察my
happiness while there ´ enjoying a brief space of rest and liberty in that
dear察familiar place察among the loving and the loved ´ and my sorrow on
being obliged to bid them察once more察a long adieu。
I returned察 however察 with unabated vigour to my work ´ a more
arduous task than anyone can imagine察who has not felt something like the
misery of being charged with the care and direction of a set of
mischievous察turbulent rebels察whom his utmost exertions cannot bind to
their duty察while察at the same time察he is responsible for their conduct to a
higher power察who exacts from him what cannot be achieved without the
aid of the superior's more potent authority察which察either from indolence察
or the fear of becoming unpopular with the said rebellious gang察the latter
refuses to give。 I can conceive few situations more harassing than that
wherein察however you may long for success察however you may labour to
fulfil your duty察your efforts are baffled and set at nought by those beneath
you察and unjustly censured and misjudged by those above。
I have not enumerated half the vexatious propensities of my pupils察or
half the troubles resulting from my heavy responsibilities察 for fear of
trespassing too much upon the reader's patience察 as察 perhaps察 I have
already done察 but my design in writing the few last pages was not to
amuse察but to benefit those whom it might concern察he that has no interest
in such matters will doubtless have skipped them over with a cursory
glance察and察perhaps察a malediction against the prolixity of the writer察but
if a parent has察 therefrom察 gathered any useful hint察 or an unfortunate
governess received thereby the slightest benefit察 I am well rewarded for
my pains。
To avoid trouble and confusion察I have taken my pupils one by one察
and discussed their various qualities察but this can give no adequate idea of
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being worried by the whole three together察when察as was often the case察all
were determined to 'be naughty察and to tease Miss Grey察and put her in a
Sometimes察on such occasions察the thought has suddenly occurred to
me ´ 'If they could see me now' meaning察of course察my friends at home察
and the idea of how they would pity me has made me pity myself ´ so
greatly that I have had the utmost difficulty to restrain my tears此 but I
have restrained them察 till my little tormentors were gone to dessert察 or
cleared off to bed my only prospects of deliverance察and then察in all the
bliss of solitude察