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agnes grey(穐鯉鶴某,鯉拙)-及49准

弌傍 agnes grey(穐鯉鶴某,鯉拙) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

whose shoes he was not worthy to clean。                And then he must needs have 

me down in the country察to lead the life of a nun察lest I should dishonour 

him or bring him to ruin察as if he had not been ten times worse every way察

with his betting´book察and his gaming´ table察and his opera´girls察and his 

Lady  This   and   Mrs。   That   ´   yes察  and   his   bottles   of   wine察  and   glasses   of 

brandy´and´water too          Oh察I would give ten thousand worlds to be Mss 

Murray   again       It   is   TOO   bad   to   feel   life察  health察  and   beauty   wasting 

away察unfelt and unenjoyed察for such a brute as that' exclaimed she察fairly 

bursting into tears in the bitterness of her vexation。 

     Of    course察  I  pitied  her   exceedingly察    as  well   for   her  false   idea  of 

happiness and disregard   of duty察as   for the wretched   partner with   whom 

her fate was linked。        I said what I could to comfort her察and offered such 

counsels   as   I   thought   she   most   required此   advising   her察  first察  by   gentle 

reasoning察by kindness察example察and persuasion察to try to ameliorate her 

husband察and then察when she had done all she could察if she still found him 

incorrigible察to endeavour to abstract herself from him ´ to wrap herself up 

in her own integrity察and trouble herself as little about him as possible。 I 

exhorted her to seek consolation in doing her duty to God and man察to put 


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her   trust   in   Heaven察  and   solace   herself   with   the   care   and   nurture   of   her 

little daughter察assuring her she would be amply rewarded by witnessing 

its progress in strength and wisdom察and receiving its genuine affection。 

     'But   I   can't   devote   myself   entirely  to   a   child'   said   she察  'it   may  die   ´ 

which is not at all improbable。' 

     'But察  with   care察  many   a   delicate   infant   has   become   a   strong   man   or 


     'But it may grow so intolerably like its father that I shall hate it。' 

     'That is not likely察it is a little girl察and strongly resembles its mother。' 

     'No matter察I should like it better if it were a boy ´ only that its father 

will   leave   it   no   inheritance   that   he   can   possibly   squander   away。      What 

pleasure can I have in seeing a girl grow up to eclipse me察and enjoy those 

pleasures that I am for ever debarred from拭                But supposing I could be so 

generous   as   to   take   delight   in   this察  still   it   is   ONLY  a   child察  and   I   can't 

centre     all  my    hopes    in  a  child此   that   is  only    one   degree    better   than 

devoting oneself to a dog。            And as for all the wisdom and goodness you 

have   been   trying   to   instil   into   me   ´   that   is   all   very   right   and   proper察  I 

daresay察and if I were some twenty years older察I might fructify by it此                     but 

people must enjoy themselves when they are young察and if others won't let 

them ´ why察they must hate them for it' 

     'The best way to enjoy yourself is to do what is right and hate nobody。 

The end of Religion is not to teach us how to die察but how to live察and the 

earlier   you   become   wise   and   good察  the   more   of   happiness   you   secure。 

And   now察  Lady   Ashby察  I   have   one   more   piece   of   advice   to   offer   you察

which is察that you will not make an enemy of your mother´in´law。                          Don't 

get   into   the   way   of   holding   her   at   arms'   length察  and   regarding   her   with 

jealous distrust。       I never saw her察but I have heard good as well as evil 

respecting her察and I imagine that察though cold and haughty in her general 

demeanour察       and    even    exacting     in   her   requirements察      she   has    strong 

affections for those who can reach them察and察though so blindly attached 

to   her   son察  she   is   not   without   good   principles察  or   incapable   of   hearing 

reason。      If you would but conciliate her a little察and adopt a friendly察open 

manner ´ and even confide your grievances to her ´ real grievances察such 

as you have a right to complain of ´ it is my firm belief that she would察in 


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time察  become   your   faithful   friend察  and   a   comfort   and   support   to   you察

instead of the incubus you describe her。'            But I fear my advice had little 

effect upon the unfortunate young lady察and察finding I could render myself 

so little serviceable察my residence at Ashby Park became doubly painful。 

But still察I must stay out that day and the following one察as I had promised 

to do so此    though察resisting all entreaties and inducements to prolong my 

visit further察I insisted upon departing the next morning察affirming that my 

mother would be lonely without me察and that she impatiently expected my 

return。 Nevertheless察it was with a heavy heart that I bade adieu to poor 

Lady     Ashby察   and    left  her  in  her   princely    home。     It   was   no   slight 

additional     proof   of  her   unhappiness察    that   she  should    so  cling   to  the 

consolation   of   my   presence察  and   earnestly   desire   the   company   of   one 

whose general tastes and ideas were so little congenial to her own ´ whom 

she    had   completely      forgotten    in  her   hour   of  prosperity察   and   whose 

presence would be rather a nuisance than a pleasure察if she could but have 

half her heart's desire。 


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                                       AGNES GREY 


     OUR school was not situated in the heart of the town此               on entering A´ 

from the north´west there is a row of respectable´looking houses察on each 

side of the broad察white road察with narrow slips of garden´ground before 

them察Venetian blinds to the windows察and a flight of steps leading to each 

trim察brass´handled door。         In one of the largest of these habitations dwelt 

my   mother   and   I察  with   such   young   ladies   as   our   friends   and   the   public 

chose   to   commit   to   our   charge。   Consequently察  we   were   a   considerable 

distance   from   the   sea察  and   divided   from   it   by   a   labyrinth   of   streets   and 

houses。     But the sea was my delight察and I would often gladly pierce the 

town to obtain the pleasure of a walk beside it察whether with the pupils察or 

alone with my mother during the vacations。               It was delightful to me at all 

times and seasons察but especially in the wild commotion of a rough sea´ 

breeze察and in the brilliant freshness of a summer morning。 

     I awoke early on the third morning after my return from Ashby Park ´ 

the sun was shining through the blind察and I thought how pleasant it would 

be to pass through the quiet town and take a solitary ramble on the sands 

while half the world was in bed。          I was not long in forming the resolution察

nor slow to act upon it。         Of course I would not disturb my mother察so I 

stole    noiselessly    downstairs察   and   quietly    unfastened     the  door。   I   was 

dressed   and   out察  when   the   church   clock   struck   a   quarter   to   six。 There 

was a feeling of freshness and vigour in the very streets察and when I got 

free of the town察when my foot was on the sands and my face towards the 

broad察bright bay察no   language can   describe   the effect of the deep察 clear 

azure     of   the  sky    and   ocean察   the   bright    morning     sunshine     on   the 

semicircular   barrier   of   craggy  cliffs   surmounted   by  green   swelling   hills察

and   on   the   smooth察  wide   sands察  and   the   low   rocks   out   at   sea   ´   looking察

with their clothing of weeds and moss察like little grass´grown islands ´ and 

above all察on the brilliant察sparkling waves。             And then察the unspeakable 

purity ´ and freshness of the air         There was just enough heat to enhance 

the   value   of   the   breeze察  and   just   enough   wind   to   keep   the   whole   sea   in 


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                                        AGNES GREY 

motion察  to   make   the   waves   come   bounding   to   the   shore察  foaming   and 

sparkling察  as   if   wild   with   glee。   Nothing   else   was   stirring   ´   no   living 

creature was visible besides myself。             My footsteps were the first to press 

the firm察 unbroken sands察    nothing before   had   trampled them  since   last 

night's flowing tide had obliterated the deepest marks of yeste

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