agnes grey(穐鯉鶴某,鯉拙)-及39准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
and the Rector could not agree the Rector's fault察of course察and he was
about to remove to another place。
´ Page 134´
No ´ besides my hope in God察 my only consolation was in thinking
that察though he know it not察I was more worthy of his love than Rosalie
Murray察 charming and engaging as she was察 for I could appreciate his
excellence察 which she could not此 I would devote my life to the
promotion of his happiness察 she would destroy his happiness for the
momentary gratification of her own vanity。 'Oh察if he could but know the
difference' I would earnestly exclaim。 'But no I would not have him
see my heart此 yet察if he could but know her hollowness察her worthless察
heartless frivolity察 he would then be safe察 and I should be ´ ALMOST
happy察though I might never see him more'
I fear察by this time察the reader is well nigh disgusted with the folly and
weakness I have so freely laid before him。 I never disclosed it then察and
would not have done so had my own sister or my mother been with me in
the house。 I was a close and resolute dissembler ´ in this one case at least。
My prayers察my tears察my wishes察fears察and lamentations察were witnessed
by myself and heaven alone。
When we are harassed by sorrows or anxieties察or long oppressed by
any powerful feelings which we must keep to ourselves察for which we can
obtain and seek no sympathy from any living creature察and which yet we
cannot察or will not wholly crush察we often naturally seek relief in poetry ´
and often find it察too ´ whether in the effusions of others察which seem to
harmonize with our existing case察or in our own attempts to give utterance
to those thoughts and feelings in strains less musical察perchance察but more
appropriate察and therefore more penetrating and sympathetic察and察for the
time察 more soothing察 or more powerful to rouse and to unburden the
oppressed and swollen heart。 Before this time察at Wellwood House and
here察when suffering from home´sick melancholy察I had sought relief twice
or thrice at this secret source of consolation察and now I flew to it again察
with greater avidity than ever察because I seemed to need it more。 I still
preserve those relics of past sufferings and experience察 like pillars of
witness set up in travelling through the vale of life察 to mark particular
occurrences。 The footsteps are obliterated now察the face of the country
may be changed察but the pillar is still there察to remind me how all things
were when it was reared。 Lest the reader should be curious to see any of
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these effusions察 I will favour him with one short specimen此 cold and
languid as the lines may seem察it was almost a passion of grief to which
they owed their being此
Oh察they have robbed me of the hope My spirit held so dear察They
will not let me hear that voice My soul delights to hear。
They will not let me see that face I so delight to see察And they have
taken all thy smiles察And all thy love from me。
Well察let them seize on all they can察 One treasure still is mine察 A
heart that loves to think on thee察And feels the worth of thine。
Yes察at least察they could not deprive me of that此 I could think of him
day and night察 and I could feel that he was worthy to be thought of。
Nobody knew him as I did察nobody could appreciate him as I did察nobody
could love him as I ´ could察 if I might此 but there was the evil。 What
business had I to think so much of one that never thought of me拭 Was it
not foolish拭was it not wrong拭Yet察if I found such deep delight in thinking
of him察and if I kept those thoughts to myself察and troubled no one else
with them察 where was the harm of it拭 I would ask myself。 And such
reasoning prevented me from making any sufficient effort to shake off my
But察 if those thoughts brought delight察 it was a painful察 troubled
pleasure察too near akin to anguish察and one that did me more injury than I
was aware of。 It was an indulgence that a person of more wisdom or
more experience would doubtless have denied herself。 And yet察 how
dreary to turn my eyes from the contemplation of that bright object and
force them to dwell on the dull察 grey察 desolate prospect around此 the
joyless察hopeless察solitary path that lay before me。 It was wrong to be so
joyless察so desponding察I should have made God my friend察and to do His
will the pleasure and the business of my life察 but faith was weak察 and
passion was too strong。
In this time of trouble I had two other causes of affliction。 The first
may seem a trifle察 but it cost me many a tear此Snap察 my little dumb察
rough´visaged察but bright´eyed察warm´hearted companion察the only thing I
had to love me察was taken away察and delivered over to the tender mercies
of the village rat´catcher察a man notorious for his brutal treatment of his
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canine slaves。 The other was serious enough察my letters from home gave
intimation that my father's health was worse。 No boding fears were
expressed察 but I was grown timid and despondent察 and could not help
fearing that some dreadful calamity awaited us there。 I seemed to see the
black clouds gathering round my native hills察 and to hear the angry
muttering of a storm that was about to burst察and desolate our hearth。
´ Page 137´
THE 1st of June arrived at last此 and Rosalie Murray was transmuted
into Lady Ashby。 Most splendidly beautiful she looked in her bridal
costume。 Upon her return from church察 after the ceremony察 she came
flying into the schoolroom察flushed with excitement察and laughing察half in
mirth察and half in reckless desperation察as it seemed to me。
'Now察Miss Grey察I'm Lady Ashby' she exclaimed。 'It's done察my fate
is sealed此 there's no drawing back now。 I'm come to receive your
congratulations and bid you good´by察 and then I'm off for Paris察 Rome察
Naples察Switzerland察London ´ oh察dear what a deal I shall see and hear
before I come back again。 But don't forget me此 I shan't forget you察
though I've been a naughty girl。 Come察why don't you congratulate me'
'I cannot congratulate you' I replied察'till I know whether this change is
really for the better此but I sincerely hope it is察 and I wish you true
happiness and the best of blessings。'
'Well察good´by察the carriage is waiting察and they're calling me。'
She gave me a hasty kiss察 and was hurrying away察 but察 suddenly
returning察embraced me with more affection than I thought her capable of
evincing察and departed with tears in her eyes。 Poor girl I really loved
her then察and forgave her from my heart all the injury she had done me ´
and others also此 she had not half known it察I was sure察and I prayed God
to pardon her too。
During the remainder of that day of festal sadness察 I was left to my
own devices。 Being too much unhinged for any steady occupation察 I
wandered about with a book in my hand for several hours察more thinking
than reading察 for I had many things to think about。 In the evening察 I
made use of my liberty to go and see my old friend Nancy once again察to
apologize for my long absence which must have seemed so neglectful and
unkind by telling her how busy I had been察and to talk察or read察or work
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for her察whichever might be most acceptable察and also察of course察to tell
her the news