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incident。 There had been patrols on the land looking for us。 All of them were posed of very material; very real soldiery。 They were petent; Janos assessed。 But using his woodcraft skills; we were able to slip past them easily。 Plus; Janos supposed; they were seeking a much larger party…we would be taken as the party's outriders or scouts。 We refrained from using the talisman for a back plot; instead using my carefully drawn map that Janos had muttered at as a waste of time。
Then; safely in the Rift; I felt my world totter; seeing the wreckage that bastard Evocator had wrought。 No one said anything while I raged。 Janos stalked off; black faced; toward the lake。
I found control and asked what had happened。 Just two days after Janos and I had left; Sergeant Maeen had fallen ill。 Cassini must have seen that as his chance。 That night; strange smokes and colors had e from his hut。
The next dawn he had announced; somberly; that evil had struck Janos and myself。 We had fallen into the hands of an enemy。 He was not even sure we still lived。
I cursed Cassini with all the foul oaths I could think of。 Then I said; 〃Deoce; what did you do? I am sorry he brought you false grief。〃
Deoce shook her head。 〃I did not grieve; Amalric。 I knew you were alive and unharmed。〃
〃Believe me 。。。 when 。。。 if you ever pass beyond 。。。 I will know。 I will know。〃
I did not ask further。 〃So after Cassini announced his lies?〃
Deoce had tried to argue; had asked Morning Fog to cast bones to confirm her own feelings。 Morning Fog had found no indication we had e to harm。 But neither had he found signs of our well…being。 So; Cassini said; the party must immediately retreat… back to the Pepper Coast 。。。 and then Orissa。
At this point I thought Sergeant Maeen; who was nearly recovered from his bout with the sickness; would burst into tears。 〃I trained them;〃 he said brokenly。 〃I thought I knew those bastards。 I thought 。。。 I thought they would stand firm。〃
They did not; especially when Cassini announced that his spell indicated that we had left signs 。。。 signs that would leave a trail back to the Rift for our enemies。 No matter that the Rift leaders had said this could not happen。 Panic set in…within a day they had gathered supplies; packed the animals; gone up the stairs and out of the Rift; heading west。
〃I cursed them;〃 Deoce said。 〃But I am not an Evocator。 I asked Dawnhope to curse; too; but she said her people could not。 That would kill the big spell; and they would be as naked as we were; out in that waste。〃
〃P'raps th' bastards'll die in the desert;〃 Maeen growled。 〃Or be eaten by th' pit creatures。〃
〃No。〃 It was Janos。 He had e back and appeared to be quite under control。 〃No; that will not happen。 I have my own prediction。 Anyone fleeing the Far Kingdoms has little to fear; beyond the normal treacheries of this land。 Somehow I feel Cassini will make it all the way to Orissa。〃
〃Then we shall deal with him there;〃 I said grimly。
〃If we are able。 But that is not of great concern;〃 Janos said; and I saw his eyes shining like they did when he first told me of his grand dream。 I knew his meaning。 We had failed; true。 But this was only the first time。 There would be another; and another; and yet another if needed。 I extended my hand; and Janos clasped it。
We would return; by the gods…and the Far Kingdoms would be ours。
The Second Voyage
Heroes and Liars
WE SPED INTO Orissa's main harbor two months later; a stiff; late morning breeze at our backs。 Despite the hour; there was no one around to admire L'ur's skillful handling of the Kittiwake Two as he came about in a feisty wind and brought us to dock。 I scanned the riverfront for familiar faces; but there was only a derelict or two to return my gaze; and an old fisherman repairing a net。
〃I see you have only slightly exaggerated the grandeur of Orissa; Amalric my love;〃 Deoce said dryly。 〃The teeming harbor; the broad avenues; the hustle bustle of the marketplace。〃 She glanced about the empty riverfront again; then turned to Janos。 〃Tell me; Janos; is it always this crowded; or did I only arrive on a particularly busy day?〃 Janos shook his head; as puzzled as I。
〃I don't understand;〃 I said。 〃Normally we'd barely be able to hear one another over the babble。〃
Deoce laughed。 'There he goes again; trying to turn the head of the pretty barbarian girl。〃 She deepened her voice to mock a man's。 〃Yes; my dear; I am a great man in my own country。 A rich man。 With a fine villa and many servants。 Now; if you'll only tarry in my tent a moment or two longer 。。。〃 She pinched me for the frown I wore on my brow。 〃There; there。 Even if you are poor; I'll love you just the same。〃
〃Believe me; Deoce;〃 Janos said; enjoying her joke; 〃our friend is not poor。 Take my word for it。〃
〃Oh; I will; Janos。 I will;〃 Deoce said。 〃But in future; please spare me descriptions of…she flung out her hand to take in the empty riverfront… 〃teeming harbors。〃
I leaped from the ship and strode over to the old fisherman。 〃Where is everyone; grandfather?〃 I asked。
He peered up with rheumy eyes; his gnarled fingers tying knots in the net as he considered me; my costume; and my two panions。 〃You're in bad luck if you're set on unloadin' today;〃 he said; nodding at the Kittiwake Two。 〃Fact; you'da been in bad luck yesterday; and the day afore yesterday; and the day afore that as well。〃 He shook his head at our imagined misfortune; loving every moment of it。 〃And mark my words; tomorrow it'll be just the same。 Maybe after that; things'll be back t' normal。 Although there's lots of folks bound to be in line ahead of ya。 Lots of 'em。〃
〃We'll be fine; grandfather;〃 I said; 〃although I thank you for your concern。 I only want to know what has happened? Where did everyone go?〃
〃You look Orissan;〃 the old man said; 〃so I guess you musta been away a long time if you don't know。〃 He eyed Deoce; letting his beady gaze linger a moment。 〃She ain't Orissan;〃 he said。 His gaze jerked away just as Deoce's temper began to boil; and came to the coin I held out。 He whisked it away and resumed his knot tying。 〃Thankee for that;〃 he said。 〃I got a powerful thirst that needs tendin'。 Now; for your question; young lord。 'N my answer。 There's big doin's。 Been big doin's; four; maybe five days; now。 Most folks've got sick heads from all the celebratin'。 Only reason I ain't got a sick head; is I run outa coin。 Drank my purse flat empty; I did。〃
〃And what are these big doings in celebration of; my friend?〃 Janos asked。
〃You boys musta been gone for a spell;〃 the old man said。 〃Didn'tcha know we went and found the Far Kingdoms?〃
I exchanged glances with Janos and Deoce。 〃That is amazing news;〃 I said。
The old man wheezed laughter。 〃Not by half; it ain't;〃 he said。 〃Why; us Orissans're on top all the way now; for sure。 And the Lycanthians'll be swallowin' our wake。 'Course; we didn't actually set foot in 'em; but it's close as dammit; I tell you。 Close as dammit。〃
〃And who is the hero who came so close?〃 I asked; barely keeping an edge out of my tone。
〃A young Evocator;〃 the old man said; 〃Fella wasn't worth much before; I hear tell。 But he sure is worth somethin' in folks' eyes now。 His name's Cassini。 Maybe you heard of him?〃
〃Yes。 I have;〃 was my only reply。
〃Well; Cassini is probably the biggest hero Orissa's ever had;〃 the old man continued。 〃He got back a few months ago。 The powers that be kept a lid on it for a while; till they'd heard the whole story。 But it weren't no use。 Whole city was buzzin' with it。 I mean; we all thought the Far Kingdoms was just a suckling's story; right? But now we know it's true。 Pretty soon we're gonna go back; and we'll be shakin' hands with the folks in the Far Kingdoms。 Then there won't be nothin' to stop us。 Yessir; there's glory days ahead for Orissa。 And I'm just glad I lived long enough to see it。 From here on out; we're all gonna be rollin' in gold and pleasures。〃
The old man grinned; displaying blue gums。 〃Anyway; they decided to make a big announcement。 Which they done。 And the Evocators and Magistrates declared a whole week of feastin'。 Which we're almost at the end of right now。 This aft'noon; in fact; every citizen who ain't too drunk's supposed to get together at the Great Amphitheater。 Cassini's gonna get some big honors。 Plus; he's probably gonna get to lead the next expedition。 Which they're settin' up right now。 And they're gonna go at it right; this time。 No little stuff; with just a coupla soldiers。 But a big force。 And I tell ya; nothin'll stand in our way。 Yessir; it's a proud time to be an Orissan。〃
Sudden urgency hammered at my temples。 〃We had better hurry to my father's house;〃 I said to Janos and Deoce。 They did not question me; but as we started away the old man called; 〃Who might you be; young lord? Give me a name to toast when I cash your kind gift at the tavern。〃
I whirled back; the game playing done。 〃I am Amalric Emilie Antero。 At your service。〃
The old man looked at me; gaping。 Then he hooted。 〃Amalric Antero。 That's a good un。 But I wouldn't try it on anybody else; young lord。 Because the Far Kingdoms was his Finding。 'Cept; old Amalric never made it back。 He and the rest are dead