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or to this house?〃
 The castellan's face showed a flash of anger as he snapped; 〃She made a fair bargain。 And the woman came to us in the first place。〃 Curiosity overcame my preoccupation with greater matters; and I lifted an eyebrow for details。 〃A few days ago; we sought to augment our staff; even considering applications from country folk。 Since the proper training takes much time; we required such prospective servants to be less than ten years of age; and of course; unsoiled by the world。 One of them was that woman's daughter。 She was here but a day before she stole something and managed to escape from the mansion into the city。 I have no idea why the woman chooses to lament her spawn here。 It isn't as if she cannot breed more。 After I take you to Sir Greycloak I'll have her driven away。〃
 I wondered at Gatra's knowledge of every detail of this enormous household; down to the honesty of the lowliest scullery…maid…to…be; but said nothing。 As he turned to lead me onward; I noticed that he had a ribbon sewn to his tunic's lapel。 It was red; gold; and black。 Gatra led me through the mansion's winding corridors toward the central courtyard。 I wrinkled my nose; smelling something untoward。
 Gatra saw me。 〃This has been a night full of the unusual;〃 he said so smoothly I knew he lied。 〃Not an hour ago we had a kitchen fire; when some lamb fat being reduced for a marinade blazed up; and it took a bucket brigade; and even a spell of Sir Greycloak's before the fire was out。。。 and I fear its reek still permeates the mansion。〃
 The stench grew less noticeable as we came into the courtyard。 In the center of the courtyard was the tower Janos had chosen for his private apartments and study。
 〃If you would go on up; milord;〃 Gatra said。 〃Sir Greycloak said you should not be escorted into his presence; since he is just finishing his night's work; and any presence beyond yours might destroy his concentration。 He will be in the uppermost chamber。〃 I thanked him and went up the stairs that climbed along the inside of the tower wall。 As I opened the door that led into the observatory; I heard a deep bass humming; a sound yet not a sound that resonated through my body and the stones around me。
 〃e in; but do not speak;〃 Janos said。 〃My guest is skittish。〃
 I had not noticed it before; but the upper room's roof was hinged and was now open to the clear night and the stars。 There was a single taper burning on the large desk to one side of the room。 Janos sat behind the desk; his face silhouetted like an un…hooded hawk in its mews。 There was something else in the room。 It was a swirling; hard…to…look…at cloud of utter darkness; with myriad red pinflashes scattering through it。 Janos did not further greet or even look at me; all that existed for him was that eddying cloud。 I was afraid; without knowing why。 I found myself moving backward; my lips curling in a silent; feral snarl。
 〃You are in no danger;〃 Janos said; again without looking。 〃My friend is pinioned within the pentagram; and has already been given what he sought。〃 Now I noticed the design Janos had described; deeply etched into the stone floor。 The figure had strange curlicues hi and around it that might have been a foreign tongue or signs beyond any language I knew。 In the center of the pentagram guttered three small candles; and between them was a large brass bowl filled with a dark liquid。 As I watched; the liquid swirled; then lifted toward the cloud…exactly like a waterspout I had once seen off the docks of Orissa。 The cloud was absorbing… 〃drinking〃…that carmine…appearing fluid。 The bone…touching hum grew louder。 In seconds; the bowl was empty。 The cloud grew and the flashes within became brighter as it spun more rapidly。 Janos stood and held his hands in front of him…first palms down; then facing the cloud; then turned up。 The cloud blurred upward; like a dim red shooting star seen in reverse; and vanished。 The humming was gone。
 Janos motioned around the room; and other tapers flared into life with not a match or sparker required。 Another motion; and the roof hatches silently closed above us。 Now the chamber; if the pentagram on the floor was ignored; looked no more ominous than the paper…; book…; and scroll…littered study of a savant。
 〃Friend Amalric;〃 Janos said。 'This night I have reached deep into the unknown。 That being es from beyond; and now I have given him what。。。 he most desires; and he will e again at my beckoning。〃
 〃What manner of creature is he?〃
 〃I do not know yet;〃 Janos said。 〃But I found suggestions as to his existence; the spells to attract him; and even a dark hint as to the bargain he requires in Vacaan's archives。 The information was on a scroll; and its crumbling wax seal held a symbol I knew to be terrible without understanding why。 The scroll looked as if it had been untouched since the time of this land's Old Ones。 No one…not even Prince Raveline…seems to know of this being; nor the learning he offers。 As I said days ago; there is knowledge beyond what anyone in this kingdom has learned。 Knowledge for he who dares。 Tonight I have begun walking that path。〃
 Janos came out of his exaltation and looked shamefaced。 〃I have been boasting; my friend。 And Gatra said your voice told him some catastrophe was pending。〃
 〃I fear so。〃
 〃Will wine lessen the calamity 。。。 or make it worse?〃 I managed a rueful smile。 Janos opened a cabinet; took out a decanter and glasses; and without ceremony dumped papers from a chair so I might sit down。 〃What has happened? When we last spoke; you said nothing of any pending quandary。〃
 I began at the beginning; and as soon as I had mentioned the invitation from Prince Raveline; Janos' face darkened。 He said nothing; so I continued。 Several times in the course of my narrative; he almost blurted something; but held his tongue until I was quite through。
 〃Is that all?〃 Janos asked。 I ran the events past my mind's eye again and nodded。 I had described what had happened as pletely and as impartially as I was capable。
 〃Damn that…〃 he began。
 I interrupted。 〃Janos! Remember what I just said? He knew you were not sleeping nor absorbed with your concubines。 Be wary of your tongue。〃
 〃We shall see about Prince Raveline and his spying;〃 Janos muttered; went to his desk; and found a flask。 He scattered powder from it around the room; quickly muttering a spell。 〃Now; if our Black Prince is listening; he will hear nothing but the repeat of a drunken conversation you and I had about whether there would be profit in opening a restaurant serving the food of Vacaan back in Orissa。〃
 〃Won't that be a signal clue to Prince Raveline; and make him suspicious?〃
 〃That man drew suspicion in with his first breath;〃 Janos said。 〃Nothing that we do can make him more wary。 Now; let me return for a moment to where I was。 Damn that man! When he first broached the subject of what he saw Orissa's future to be; I told him you could not be tossed a bribe as casually as if you were some greasy Evocator at a customs shed! Not even when the bribe is a kingdom!〃
 I felt my temper rise; but held it in。 〃You are saying you knew of Raveline's scheme some time ago; but did not say anything to me?〃
 Janos' expression flickered。 〃I did; my friend。 I suppose I should beg your pardon for not alerting you when I first was told。 But there was a reason。〃
 〃Which was?〃 I demanded; and I knew anger was in my voice。
 Janos studied his wineglass; then drained it。 〃I must choose my words carefully; Amalric。 Do you promise you will hear me until I'm finished before you speak?〃
 〃I 。。。 yes。 I'm listening。〃
 〃Let us assume the worst…which I am not prepared to do… and accept your somewhat hysterical assertion that Raveline intends to rule both Orissa and Lycanth with an iron fist。 Even if that's true; I have met harsher masters than Raveline; and can name some now in power in lands we both know。 I understand him a bit better than you; Amalric。 Raveline is a man who shall never be king here in Vacaan; and this has embittered him。 When he realized this; it was like a yet unforged bloom of iron being hurled into a quenching bath。 In a sense it shattered him rather than turning him to steel。 Raveline is a creature of enthusiasms; moving from one great project to another as his interests wax and wane。〃
 〃He has been interested in this for quite a number of years;〃 I said。
 〃I asked you to hear me out。 Please! So he is infatuated with our lands; and has been; as you say; for a period of time。 I believe this is simply because they have always been beyond his grasp; in the same sense a child desires a sweetmeat different from the one he sucks。 Once the umbrella of the Far Kingdoms has overspread Orissa and Lycanth; he will find another enthusiasm。 Perhaps it will be further exploration; perhaps it will be his harem。 But he will look away; I promise you。 By then we Orissans shall be as rich as anyone here。〃
 I waited; but Janos said nothing more。 I took a chance。 〃He wants us to serve him。 What are the penalties if we should displease him? I do not know if he has the power to duplicate that great wasteland he said came from the Old Ones; but he made it very clear to me he would happily dispense such a judgment on anyone; and I use his words; who

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